Chapter 7

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Alpha Liam's P.O.V.

'Are you paying any attention to this ceremony or the fact that our mates are clearly pissed off at each other right now' I link Oli. 'Dude, how could I pay attention to the boring ass ceremony after all that, that was absolutely intense man' 'I know, when we bring them home I want to have a talk with our pack doctor to see if it's safe to separate them, I am dying to know which of them is mine.'  'You don't think I am thinking the same thing? But what if they don't want to come with us dude? Ava clearly seems willing, but Charlie seems to be totally against it, and we can't take one and not the other, clearly. But I think I have a really good idea who mine is.' That sparks my curiosity because I have no clue, their scents are too similar and mixed together. 'Who!?' 'Well clearly Ava is my mate, she's sweet and not stubborn like you and Charlie' 'Fuck you Oli' 'No thanks man, THAT is what my mate is for.' I flick him off, but only Ava seems to notice, and she chuckles. Charlie turns to look at her but when she does Ava sticks her nose up in the air, which only causes Charlie to roll her eyes. Oh Moon Goddess these girls better have the best fucking relationship ever if Dr. Emmit can separate them.

This damn ceremony never fucking ends. First the Alpha had to give a speech about his son becoming a man, then the Luna had to give a bullshit sob story about her little boy growing up, and Goddess almighty just get the damn thing over with already. After what seems like FOREVER, the little shit stain starts to shift. I'm expecting it to be over in seconds like my first shift. Nope, this little asshole took five whole minutes to shift. Is he seriously going to be the Alpha of this pack? He can't even shift quickly, how will he protect this pack if it's in danger? Whatever, not my problem. At least now I can finish this conversation with these girls and take them home. "Would you ladies like something to drink?" I ask  Charlie looks at me, but Ava is still watching the stage. Charlie nudges her sister, "Sorry, what was that?" Ava asks. I repeat my question, and Ava replies with a "sure", but Charlie doesn't say anything. I hold out my arm for Ava to take, and Oli does the same for Charlie, but the girls don't budge. "We'll stay here." Ava replies shyly. "Absolutely not." And like the savages we are, Oli and I begin dragging our mates toward the drink table.

When we get to the drink table I see the now former Alpha and Luna, and they see me. "Alpha Liam, so glad you could make it," the Luna says, before eyes our mates, "are they bothering you? I am so sorry about them. Off you go now." Did she really just speak that way to my mate? I swear when I get home I am gonna... "Actually," Oli chimes in, "These two lovely ladies are our mates." The former Luna then proceeds to laugh, oh this bitch is.... "Them? Oh that is so funny, you two almost got me." Oli and I both growled a warning, but I couldn't just stop at that, not only was I pissed, my wolf was LIVID. "I WILL NOT STAND HERE AND LET YOU TALK SO DISRESPECTFULLY OF OUR MATES! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" I realize that my outburst has now drawn a crowd, but I don't give a shit. This bitch will learn her place, or I will teach it to her one way or a.... "I have heard enough actually, girls, please show us where you stay. We are gathering your things and taking you home." Oli says. He doesn't waste any time either. He begins pulling us away from the ceremony, and what I now see is all the staring pack members. My problem isn't that they are staring at me, they are staring at the twins in a way that suggests they weren't treated to kindly growing up...

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