Chapter 23

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Hey, I think they are waking up," said a soft voice from nearby, I can't tell who though, "Charlie? Hey, hey it's me, it's Oli" "Ava?" I try to call out to my sister, but my throat is so dry. "Here, I have some water." Oli says, before gently placing the cup in my hand and helping me guide it to my mouth. Once I have hydrated my throat, I go to call out for my sister, before remembering she won't hear me. Sadness takes over me, before I remember our link. Duh Charlie, you're a wolf. 'Ava? Ava are you there?' "Hey Charlie" she calls out from what I assume is the other side of the room. "Should we give you girls a minute?" Oli asks from next to me. Before I know what I am doing, my arm reaches out for him, but only grabbing air. He must sense what I am searching for, because next thing I know he has my hand and says, "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere unless you want me too." Relief washes over me. I must say, I fell for the mate thing a lot faster than I expected, especially since I didn't think I would live to see the day. "Charlie?" I hear my sister call out for me again. 'What's up Ava? Are you okay?' Her response doesn't come out loud. 'I'm great, just worried about you. I take it you're not mad at me for telling Oli to stay?' 'Was I upset in the moment? Yes. But now, I want to hug you and thank you for telling him. Ava I'm falling for him I think.' 'Of course you are silly, he's your mate.' she giggles out loud. "What are you two talking about?" I hear another voice say, possibly Liam? 'Someone just asked what we are talking about? What do we say?' "We're talking about sister stuff, nosey nellys." Ava replied out loud with a chuckle. There is no response, but moments later Ava laughs again, so Liam must have typed something funny. I go to sit up in my bed, and I feel Oli's steady hands helping me do so. "Thank you Oli." I say "Anything for you my queen" is his response, and I don't need my sight to tell me he is smirking. "If I could roll my eyes any harder." I reply back. Just then I feel his lips on my cheek, and heat floods my face as I try to hide my reaction behind my hands. "Hey," he says in a gentle voice, before lightly pulling my hands away from my face, "you don't ever have to be embarrassed around me, okay?" I nod, while smiling. 'I saw that blush. I'm so happy for you Charlie, you deserve to be happy.' comes my sister's voice in my head. 'Thank you Ava, and from the giggling I hear over there, you're happy too. I'm glad you got your fairy tale ending with your mate. I love you sis.' 'I love you too'


Ava's P.O.V.

[Hey, I wanted to ask you something.] That is the text currently on Liam's phone. "Sure, what is it sweetie?" I reply. [Since Oli isn't going tonight, Asia asked if she could go in his place. She really wants to learn sign language, and is excited to have you as a sister. My mom, AND Lexi, have offered to keep you company if you would like, until I get back. Is that okay with you?] It takes me a minute to read the whole thing, and as I do my heart swells. Asia has been amazing since we met that first day, and knowing that learning my language means that much to her just makes me so happy. Oh, and his mom and sweet little Lexi offering to stay with me. His mom, his entire family in fact, has been so kind to Charlie and I. I can only imagine how excited Lexi was to volunteer to stay with me, that sweet little girl reminds me of my favorite little one back at the orphanage, and I enjoy making her laugh. "Of course your mom and LEXI can stay with me if they want too." I say loudly, knowing they are in the waiting room outside. Liam's laugh and glance at the door tells me I was correct and Lexi heard me. Mission make a little girl happy: accomplished. lol. [Are you up for more visitors?] I would love to see everybody, but I am super tired from surgery, something I knew would happen, and why I was fine with Liam going to ASL. "I would love to, but, and I don't want to be rude, I'm still really tired, and I think it would be a lot right now. Tomorrow, definitely, but for now I think I will stick with you and my guests later" I feel ashamed saying these words out loud. Those people are my family and they only want to give their love and support, but I know my limits, and I just can't right now. Liam is ferociously typing his response on his phone. [That's okay. Hey, there is no reason to look upset, you just had serious surgery, and it's understandable that you are tired. Nobody will be upset. I promise] I smile, and reach out to hug him. His warmth is so comforting, and it relaxes me. He pulls away and begins typing again. [Rest, and get some more sleep. I will be here for a while, and if you don't wake up before I leave, I will leave you a note. Everything is fine princess.] When I finished reading his text, I looked up at him, and he leaned in to give me a kiss on my forehead, before I fell back asleep.  

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