Chapter 44

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Our plane is boarding, lets go" Oli says, linking his arm in mine. I follow him onto the plane and we take our seats. I've never been on a plane and I'm actually a bit nervous. 'You ready for this Charlie?' Ava asks me with excitement. 'Not really, but I guess so' 'What now?' 'Planes, flying, we've never actually been in a plane before.' 'Well obviously not silly, but it will be fun, and Liam said he booked a overnight flight so we could sleep if we were nervous.' I didn't say anything back, just turned towards Oli. "Nervous?" he asks "Is it that obvious?" I retort. He chuckles and I hear him rummage for something. He then places something in my hand, "melatonin gummy. It will help you sleep." I don't hesitate and pop that sucker in my mouth and chew. "It should kick in shortly after take off" Oli tells me as he takes my hand. Twenty minutes later the flight attendants are going over the safety precautions, and then its time for take off. Oli doesn't let go of my hand the entire time, and once we are in the air, he hands me a pillow and blanket. "Get some sleep Charlie."


Ava's P.O.V.

I knew Charlie would be worried about flying, she's not keen on trying new things, especially things she considers dangerous. Oli gave her a gummy before takeoff, and then a blanket and pillow once we were in the air. She's been asleep for about twenty minutes, but I can't even begin to think about sleep as I stare out the window at the world of light below. We are currently flying over the city that never sleeps, and by all of the different colored lights that make the ground look like a Christmas tree explosion, I believe it. 'What are you thinking about gorgeous?' Liam asks me. I don't even turn from the window when I respond, 'how could Charlie want to sleep through this? It's beautiful. It looks like a kaleidoscope of lights.' He chuckles at me through our link before saying, 'enjoy it now, once we cross over NYC there won't be much to see, and you should try to get some sleep too' 'okay' I watch out the window as what he said comes true. With New York City fading away behind us, the remaining lights are dull and boring. I pull the blind down on the window right as Liam hands me my own pillow and blanket. I recline back in my chair and fall asleep to Liam tracing circles on the back of my hand.


Charlie's P.O.V.


'Ava?' I call out to my sister through our link, but hear nothing in return. I try again, and again. Still nothing happens. Right as I begin to full out panic I feel the pain. My bones shift and I crumble to my knees. I cry out in pain, but I can't see or hear anybody. I can't focus on finding Ava, I need to focus on my shift, my first shift. I feel every bone crack, over, and over. Surely this isn't how this is supposed to happen. Surely it can't be this painful, we were made for this, we're wolves. Right as I am about to surrender and just give in to the pain I hear her, "CHARLIE! CHARLIE WHERE ARE YOU?" 'Ava! Ava I'm here!' I scream through the link, needing to know where my sister is. I can't go to her, I'm in so much pain my body is incapable of moving. "CHARLIE! CHARLIE! HELP ME CHARLIE!" Why won't she talk to me through our link? 'Ava I'm over here! I can't move. Ava what is going on?' Nothing, nothing comes through the link, I just hear her voice on a loop screaming my name as my bones continue to break and shift over and over. Why am I not a wolf yet? Surely this pain should be over already. I have one final card to play and I pray it works. "Oli?" I whisper out into the darkness, "Oli if you can hear me, I need help. Ava needs help. Oli please." Nothing. Not a sound. Just as I feel the tears begin to fall down my face, my whole body begins to shake. I feel like someone picked me up and is shaking me like the kids in the orphanage do with the dolls, but I lay flat on the ground. Then I hear a voice, "Wake up! Charlie wake up!"

I jolt up in my seat, completely disoriented. I can't breath. "Charlie, Charlie baby breath." It's him, it's my Oli. I reach for him, and once I feel him in my arms I don't let go. I hold on tight as I gasp for air, all while he rubs my back and repeating "you're okay" It takes me about five minutes to finally breath properly again, and when I do I pull away to wipe the tears I didn't realize were falling down my face. Oli gently caressed my cheek with his knuckle, "It was all just a bad dream, you're okay Charlie, nothing and nobody can hurt you, not as long as you are my mate, I promise." I nod my head, scared to speak for how my voice would sound. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head no, I don't want to relive that, and I definitely don't want to go back to sleep for fear of returning to the same hell. "Do you want to go back to sleep? We have about another hour before we land" Land? Oh fuck we're thousands of feet in the air, and I was supposed to sleep through the whole thing. Damn it. "No," I whisper, "but you can if you're tired" "I slept, I was only up a few minutes when you started having your bad dream" I nod, and he moves me to where I am sitting in his lap, head on his chest, and he traces circles on my back. He quietly hums one of my favorite songs, Carolyn, by Black Veil Brides, over and over until it's time to land.

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