Chapter 29

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"You both seem to be healing perfectly, and ahead of schedule I might add. All of the reset bones have completely healed, and I like how your stitches look." the doctor announces after looking over Ava and I. I'm hoping someone is writing this all down for her. It has been two week since our surgery and I am really hoping this man tells me I can finally take a bath at least. "Since your bones are done healing, bed rest is lifted, and you can take baths, but keep your hair dry, don't want those stitches getting wet just yet. If you keep healing this quickly you might be good to go next week." Next week? He originally told us we would need to rest for eight weeks, and now it might only be three? Oh Goddess please let it be three. "So are they good to go home now?" Liam asks. I've gotten better at distinguishing voices, I know Oli's best of all. "Yes, they are free to go. I will see them again next week." And with that we are dismissed.

Let me catch you up on what I have been doing for two weeks. Just because his mate had surgery doesn't mean Oli's work gets to be put on hold. He spent the first couple of days with me, talking, getting to know the deep stuff, like my favorite color is orange, and I hate Oreos. But work in a pack is never done and when he and Liam had to return to their duties as ruthless Alpha and Beta, Ava and I got to have girl time in our original room, or we can hangout with their families in the rec room. "So what do you think they are doing? I mean, we are going to have to learn how this pack runs eventually right?" Ava asked me one night while Liam and Oli were tied up with business in their offices. 'I'm assuming normal pack stuff, finances, Liam deciding what pack he wants to control next.' My sister rolled her eyes at me with that one, "You don't get to be the number one feared pack by playing nice" Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. 'I think they are also planning on throwing us a party' "Well of course they are, they have to announce us to the pack as their mates right?" Oh sweet sweet Ava, so silly, 'yes, obviously, but I think Oli mentioned something about a birthday party?' "Really!?!?!?!" she all but squeals, nearly blowing out my ear drums. "Really Charlie? Like a real birthday party? We've never had one of those!" 'yes, I know. You know what else has to happen?' "What?" she asks, so hopeful. 'Someone has a Luna ceremony to prepare for.' I say with a mocking tone. She gasps. "I DO! I DO I DO I DO! Oh Charlie, this is going to be so amazing! Wait! But you don't get a party for becoming Gamma." 'If I could roll my eyes any harder at you. Do I look like the kind of person who wants a party?' My sister and I had many conversations like this over the past week, and it's nice to get to still feel the same bond with her that I did before the surgery.

Now as for Oli and I. Like I mentioned earlier he spent the first couple of days with me. We played games like 20 questions, would you rather, and truth or dare. "Favorite season?" "Easy, summer" "Summer? I don't know if this mate thing can continue." I jokingly respond. "Oh yea? You think so?" the threat in his teasing tone set me on edge, what was he planning? "Even if I do this?" His breath blew in my ear with each word, causing me to shiver. His hands, slowly tracing my body, starting at my neck, then down my shoulders, my sides, and then... "Ah! HAHAHAHA! STOP, Oli, stop!" I beg through laughter as he refusing to cease his attack at my sides. "Say it." he says, still tickling my ribs. "I, haha, I, hahaha, I think, I think we, hahaha, can continue." "Continue what?" he asks, finally easing up on the tickling. "continue this mate thing. We can continue, this mate thing." I say, completely out of breath. "That's my girl." He then kisses the top of my head before asking "Favorite song". And our game of 100 questions continues...

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