Chapter 49

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Oli's P.O.V.

I guide Charlie up to our room after we decided they have had enough lessons today and it was time for dinner. "Did you enjoy the water at least?" I ask Charlie once I closed our bedroom door. "Yea, the water was nice, I didn't mind the lessons either, I just don't think I am going to be big on swimming." she responded grabbing a shirt and shorts she packed. "Were you wanting to take a shower first?" I ask heading over to help her to the shower. "Yes please" I help her into the shower and get it set up for her. (yes she is still in her bathing suit) Once the water is the right temperature and she knows where the shampoo and stuff is I walk out and close the door, but I really wish I hadn't... "Fuck Liam!" Oh fuck me! I don't wanna hear that! I clamp my hands over my ears and grab my clothes in my mouth like an animal. I run across the hall to the third unused bathroom and turn the water on and hop in hoping to drown out that sound that I never want to hear. Thankfully I do and am able to get dressed and back across the hall right as Charlie is walking out of our bathroom. "Oh Goddess could they be any louder?" she says slowly stepping toward the bed. I laugh and help her the rest of the way, "I'm sure they could be, but lets not ask for it shall we?" That gets a chuckle out of her, then she realizes I'm dressed as well. "You showered?" "Yea, I wanted to try and drown them out so I went across the hall" "Clever, I asked Siri to play my music." We laughed together, and then headed downstairs to get a head start on dinner considering they might be a minute. "What do you want me to do to help?" Charlie asks. "As of right now? Sit there and look stunning, super easy" I say back as I place a kiss on her temple before walking around the island to get all the ingredients out. "I hate that I can't help you cook." she complains. "I'm not, you are my queen and you have no reason to lift those hands for anything of the sort. Besides I barely cook, that's what we have kitchen staff for." I chuckle as I begin combining water and yeast? I dunno what I'm doing I just read instructions. After about ten minutes I hear Liam and Ava coming down the stairs. "Oh thanks man, I was going to do that." Liam says coming over after putting Ava in the chair next to Charlie, who was already signing what Liam was saying. "Yea, well you sounded a little busy so" I tease my best friend who instantly gets red, and so does Ava when Charlie translates. "Damn human walls, thin as paper," Liam curses under his breath, "I am so sorry man, sorry to you too Charlie" "I turned to my trusty Siri the moment I heard your name." Charlie laughs out in response. Both of them are bright red again. "Well at least let us take over, you two made lunch, the least we can do is dinner" Ava says getting up from her chair. I set the bowl aside after placing the towel on top, "that's fine, but you have to wait an hour for the dough to rise anyway." "What are we supposed to do for an hour?" Liam complains "Did you guys bring any baked goods? We can make dessert while we wait" Ava recommends.  Liam walks over to the cabinets and pulls out a box of double chocolate brownies. "Perfect! Oli, Charlie, out out out." Ava says shooing us away from the kitchen. "Want to head outside or upstairs?" I ask Charlie? "Outside is fine."

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