A System? ... Pico.... | Chapter 2

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

-Time set, Middle school, Aldera Junior High-

Izuku felt his body begin to twitch. His limbs felt numb and his legs wouldn't stop falling asleep on him. Every time he tapped his leg on the ground, Bakugou shot him angered glares, so he'd just have to sit there until it went numb. He began to twitch violently.

At this point, some of the students seemed to notice him. His hands wouldn't stop shaking and he felt like he was going to throw up. He was exhausted as well, and he hasn't eaten in a few days. It was probably catching up to him...

Midoriya sighed to himself and placed a shaking hand on his arm... He felt sick..., to the point..., that even his vision was blurring. Some of the kids stopped paying attention to the teacher and focused on the bobbing head of Midoriya. Before Izuku even knew what was happening, his head fell to his desk and he stopped being able to feel anything. Everything..., was just..., dark...


Izuku woke up with a strange beeping sound next to his head. He still couldn't see anything..., everything was strange. He couldn't see, he couldn't feel, but for some reason, he could hear just fine..., he could hear a bunch of strange noises from around him..., it was slightly..., annoying...

As Midoriya tried to move, he felt like his body was strapped down. Every part of him kept feeling violent shocks, like his body was trying to rewire itself or something. Then something strange happened. A light appeared, more so some strange patterns. A screen-like picture appeared before his eyes. Then words, at first he couldn't understand them, but as if it understood what he was thinking, the words suddenly shifted into something he could read.

~Welcome To The System!~

Strange cyan colored words floated in front of his eyes. Or..., closed eyes..., he still couldn't see, which was beginning to get worrying.

~Please Calm Down Host!~

The cyan colored words shifted into different ones, catching his attention. His eyes flickered around the dark, it felt like it wasn't that his eyes were closed, rather that the room around him was just pitch black. 

~Finally! Hello There!~ The system began to write. ~ I Am A System!~ 

Midoriya deadpanned as it typed out exactly what it had said earlier. ~Woah! No Need To Be So Rude...~ The system wrote. Midoriya smiled in realization that it could tell what he was thinking.

Suddenly, instead of the pitch black room he'd been in, the room was lit up with a table and couches surrounding it. It resembled a waiting room of sorts. ~Ah, much better! This Is A Room Built Off Of Your Own Consciousness! I Hope You Like It!~ The system wrote.

Midoriya tried to move his body again. This time for some reason it worked. Though he still couldn't feel anything, it was like his body moved with his thoughts rather then actually moving normally. 

~Now That That's Settled. Hi I'm Your System's Highest AI! You Can Call Me Pico!~ Pico told the boy. Midoriya was slightly suspicious as he sat on a couch. Instead of the screen appearing in front of his eyes, the screen moved towards a tv that appeared as soon as he'd sat down. 

~No need to be so suspicious! I am Pico, Pico is the highest AI within your system. In a sort, Pico supposes that you could say that this system, or rather Pico, is your quirk!~ Pico told the boy. Midoriya's eyes were sent wide as he listened to Pico speak. 

"What do you mean quirk!? I thought I was quirkless!?" Midoriya asked. Clearly he didn't understand what was happening.

~Well..., Pico supposes you are! But, Pico is your system, a system, or Pico is not really constructed as a quirk. Which means that people wouldn't really be able to discover your system or shut it down with theirs. Pico isn't a quirk after all, so even that hero that you love so much wouldn't be able to do a thing against her!~ Pico told the boy. 

"So you're..., a her?" Midoriya questioned.

~Ah! Pico isn't technically a boy or a girl, instead Pico decided to choose which she prefers instead..., Pico hopes Host doesn't mind...~ Pico told the boy. Midoriya shook his head and chuckled.

"It's nice to meet you Pico-chan." Midoriya spoke back. Pico suddenly started mashing random letters on the screen, then suddenly it fell to a small sign. /// ///.

Midoriya seemed happy for the first time in years. He didn't quite know why though. She was saying that she was..., his quirk, meaning that he wasn't actually..., quirkless...

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