Thought They Were Just A Rumor | Chapter 69

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The fight started quickly, other heroes were dealt with which left only Endeavor. Izuku and Endeavor were running at each other and constantly matching each other's hits. It was hard to get even the slightest advantage over the other. 

There was only one thing that Izuku had over Endeavor, that was his size. He may have taken the body of a fairly tall man, but at the same time he was still far smaller then Endeavor was, that was something he whole heartedly used against him.

At times even going as far as jumping over him or sliding under him. Of course with the use of his gloves it was easy to climb up the walls as well. The man seemed angered every time he managed to jump over him.

"Are you some kind of damn frog or something!" The fire covered man shouted. He almost got a hold of his ankle as he jumped over him and kicked him in the back. This sent him flying forward quite a bit.

"Right back at you, you're like a fucking mountain!" Izuku shouted, his smile hadn't faltered this entire fight. "I think my ankle might even be broken." Izuku said with a laugh following after.

The two would no doubt have to go into healing for quite some time after this, well Endeavor would anyway. No matter how many times he tries, he can't land a proper hit on the frog like man. Not to mention this wasn't even his actual body.

"You getting tired over there? You've slowed." Izuku mocked him. His breathing was even heavy, not to mention his flames seem to have dimmed. Izuku was starting to get bored with this back and forth, thinking that it was probably best he got this over with.

"I'm gonna make a deal with ya, if any of this goes public we can make it look like you've won, after all the citizens don't need their hero getting defeated by a nobody like me am I right?" Izuku whispered to the man as he shot towards him off of one of the walls. His legs wrapped around one of his arms and he locked it in place.

"Take the easy way out would ya?" He told him. Endeavor scowled at the idea, but at the same time he knew he wasn't going to win this, this guy had a lot more energy then he did, not only that he was definitely still in his prime, where as he was already hitting his mid fourties. 

The man nodded discreetly, though his pride didn't like this he didn't have much of a choice. Izuku snickered from his position. As soon as he felt himself being thrown to the ground he noticed the man still had quite a bit of strength left, the hit knocked the air right out of him. Even to the point he crawled away for a second and nearly hacked up his stomach.

"Damn, even when you're tired you still pack a punch, what kind of monster are you..." he coughed out. He looked at the man for a moment, he walked over and was ready to finish the job, Izuku smiled sinisterly as he walked over. However something caught his attention, something he wasn't entirely happy to see.

From every direction, his, Silver's, and even Harumi's phone's buzzed loudly. His eyes widened in horror. This was what he meant earlier when he said to watch out for the others. In all truth he'd only heard a small rumor about it going through the Casino, he'd thought it was a lie, however it seemed to be true. Shioru formed her own team. One that could completely outclass his with their amount of experience. Another thing about them..., some of them really didn't like him, well..., Grey anyway.

"Fuck! Black, Silver! Get them the hell out of here!" He shouted. Grabbing a hold of the oncoming fist that was making it towards his face. Endeavor's eyes widened as he noticed he wasn't even looking at him, but behind him. Izuku threw him to the side and was instantly sent flying into a wall. A crater forming from the impact. Endeavor's eyes widened at the sight. A masked bunch with strange outfits appeared. He looked around and everyone he'd brought here was gone. 

"Well if it isn't mister fucking popular! You know we've been looking for you for quite some time. Because you were stupid enough to give away your guys' position, it just made things so much easier." An orange haired woman spoke. She was fairly intimidating, a tiger's mask covered her face easily, her bright green eyes glimmered brightly at him. 

He coughed harshly as he fell from the wall and to the floor. "Damn..., I'd thought you guys weren't even real..." He spoke, coughing up what he could only assume was his clone's blood. He didn't even know they could do that.

"Oh come on! Like mister Hero lover would ever even bother to look into us." She spoke. She held a large hammer like weapon in hand and glared down at him. A few others appeared behind her. A group of five in total. He stared at them, his eyes holding a glare he hadn't even bothered to hold for the flaming hero. Endeavor was off to the side recovering as best he could from being thrown.

He couldn't even tell what was happening here. They seemed to be a part of the same group, yet they were attacking one another like one of them were a traitor or something.

Izuku's eyes widened for a moment, he recognized one of them. In fact, he'd brought her in to meet Shioru in the first place.

"You've gotta be kidding me." He whispered. The hero at his side glanced his way. He noticed something drip from out of his mask and for the first time he'd witnessed the man bleed. Deep red blood was dripping down the man's neck and uniform, all falling from behind his mask.

Izuku looked around for a moment, noticing that the two had hidden themselves for the time being. "Black! Get him out of here, he doesn't need to be involved in this." Izuku spoke. A large black shadow figure appeared behind him, but because of his flames it was difficult to get near him. Izuku clicked his tongue and looked around. 

"Magician. I think you've struggled enough. Why are you trying to help a hero anyway?" A short purple haired woman spoke. His eyes wavered as he saw her.

So one would know that Grey is a clone of Izuku, of course with this he'd need a backstory, it just so happens that Shioru took care of that, in the form of manipulating one of the people he'd brought to her into remembering him. He wasn't even entirely sure about how much she knew.

Shioru hadn't even fully told him everything. Only that Grey doesn't have a Pico for a certain reason and that only she knew the reason to.

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