50 Meter Dash | Chapter 51

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Aizawa started talking about the tests he wanted to run, a contest of sorts. One of the girls spoke up about this being fun and Izumi giggled when she noticed Momo face palming. 

"Fun huh? Fine, the person that lands in last place will be expelled." Aizawa told them, a smug smile on his face as he did. A few of the students complained about it being unfair, to which Izumi questioned why. Momo explained that they were upset that they'd already passed the exam so they believe they are qualified to become a hero.

Izumi giggled at that. "Just because you pass an exam doesn't make you a hero, if anything this is probably another part of the exam." Izumi commented. Aizawa held a smirk on his face as he listened to the girl. For some reason, even though she seemed kind of stupid, she was at least a bit more aware then the others.

Momo sighed and agreed with Izumi's words. "To be fair, we only received a welcoming into the school, every one gets that, so this would be kind of like the exam to stay in class 1-A." Momo spoke as she looked down at Izumi with a smile. The girl was hopping around excitedly, just waiting for the "test" to begin.

Before long, Aizawa spoke up again. He called Bakugou up to a large circle on the ground and asked him for scores of sorts from his middle school. Now this was where Izumi was a bit worried, her middle school was on the other side of the world, they didn't exactly participate in things like this over there. If anything it was just a very boring day where they forced you to run a mile or something...

Izumi sulked at the memory and waited for things to finally begin. She watched as Bakugou made his way to the circle after answering his question. Before long he had a strange looking ball in hand and Aizawa told him to use his quirk to throw it. That didn't seem too difficult, were tests always this easy?

Izumi watched him hesitate for a moment, more then likely thinking over his plan of attack. After some thought he brought the ball back and a large explosion flew from his palm and sent the ball rocketing into the air. Izumi looked at him in awe. She didn't know he had an explosion quirk so she nearly jumped when it happened.

The ball landed in the field not too far off and Aizawa showed them the distance on some weird machine. A number appeared on the machine, showing the distance off to the rest of the students. Bakugou clicked his tongue at the number. 705.2 meters. Not too bad, but she's pretty sure she could get it further then that.

After his example a few other tests began, first up, the fifty meter dash. She wasn't all that fond of running, but it was good exercise so she did it almost every morning with Harumi. She was put up against the blue haired boy. It seemed kind of unfair since his quirk was literally made for running, but at the same time, she could literally fling herself to the end and it'd still count.

The boy still managed to beat her, but she did get there almost as soon as he did. "Ida Tenya, 3.04." The machine counted off. "Midoriya Izumi, 3. 51." Izumi sulked at her time, but the boy, now known as Ida, looked at her with an impressed look. 

"Man, I bet big brother could have gotten a faster time..." Izumi whined. Momo chuckled at her words and shook her head.

"I doubt that Izu-chan, your brother may be strong, but you just went up against someone with an engine quirk, how could your brother beat that?" Momo asked her. Izumi sulked even further.

"You don't get it Mo-chan, my brother is strong, he trains every morning and night, he can even go toe to toe with the pro hero Ingenium..." Izumi told her with a pout. Momo looked at her in shock.

"Really!?" She nearly shouted. Izumi nodded as Momo dragged her over to a small clearing to watch the other students. 

"Though he's also a pro at moving around buildings and obstacles, I suppose Ingenium's quirk makes it difficult to take turns properly..." Izumi spoke as she put a finger up to her chin to think things over.

"How on earth could he go against someone with a speed quirk?" Momo wondered aloud. Izumi shrugged, not knowing too many details about her brother.

"Well he's had a lot of training, comes with the family business I guess?" She told her. Momo nodded in confusion, but she left it at that. Finally after some time Momo was called up to take her turn. She was thankfully going up against Uraraka Ochaco, the girl Izumi had saved during the physical exam.

Momo made a pair of skates on her feet and readied herself to begin. She watched as Uraraka lightened her clothes and then herself and got into a running stance. "Ready! Set! Go!" The machine screamed into the air and Momo was off in an instant, leaving Uraraka in her dust. 

She continued all the way to the end and halted to a stop as soon as she reached the white line and listened to her time. "Yaoyorozu Momo! 5. 57." Momo smiled at her time and nodded, wiping a strand of sweat from off her brow. She looked back and noticed Uraraka making it to the finish line. "Uraraka Ochaco! 7.15." 

"Man I've gotta work on my stamina." Uraraka spoke as she hunched over and placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Momo smiled at her and held out a hand.

"It was a nice match, I'm sure if I wasn't allowed to use my quirk then you'd probably be ahead of me." Momo told her. A shy expression on her face. She'd never been the greatest at running, but skating she always loved so she has a lot of practice.

Uraraka took her hand and smiled brightly at her. "I'll just have to try harder on the other tests." She told her with a determined look.

The other students were called up next and Momo brought Uraraka over to sit with them in the grass. Izumi continued to mess around her quirk and talk with the two sitting at her side.

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