Long Distance Run | Chapter 52

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Next up! Grip Strength! Izumi had a pretty easy time with this, telekinesis places a lot of pressure on things, so she may or may not have broken the weight thingy. Aizawa looked surprised which only made Izumi believe that she was in trouble... (This actually comes from her still having the martial arts cards from Izuku, they were never fully turned off so she's actually pretty strong.)

After that, the standing long jump. It was easy since she could lift herself up once she jumped. She easily passed the sand box and giggled at Momo's shoes that held some strange springs on them. Luckily though she too managed to pass the sandbox, she even did a toe touch in the air before landing. Honestly Izumi thought she was going to go flying after she landed.

Repeated side steps were another thing though, she didn't do the greatest on that one, in fact she got so dizzy she nearly threw up... Izumi ended up scoring pretty low.

Now finally, the one she'd seen Bakugou do was up, the ball throw. It was simple enough, because she scored so high on the physical and written exam she was first to throw. She looked at the ball for a moment and lightly bounced it in her hands, it was heavier then she thought it'd be, but it was made out of metal so it made sense.

Izumi's eyes lit up a bright shade of green and the ball lifted in the air. She grabbed it and it was now much lighter, aside from the pressure of her quirk. She brought the ball back and sent it flying forward, her other hand controlling her quirk swiftly shot the ball up in the air after she threw it, sending it almost to the end of the field. Her quirk was a lot more powerful then she thought it'd be...

She looked on in surprise as the ball almost got as far as the wall at the end of the field. "Woah..." She spoke quietly. Looking down at her hand that had thrown it. She looked over towards Aizawa and he was holding her score up. She looked in awe as she read out the number. 953.7. meters. She heard Bakugou start shouting from within the group about something, but she was just stunned by the number.

Momo walked over towards her and brought her out of her head. "Izumi? You ok?" She asked her. Izumi snapped out of it and looked away from the machine.

"Y- yeah, I just wasn't expecting to throw it so far..." Izumi told her. She was still kind of in a daze at the number. Momo chuckled and brought her back towards the group. 

They watched the other students throw the ball and Momo's turn came up, she created some kind of rocket launcher, Izumi watched as she placed the ball into the weapon and once she was given the ok she launched it towards the end of the field. It was pretty far, but it was just short of making 700 meters. Ururaka, or the brown haired girl as Izumi calls her, shocked the entire class as she threw the ball using her quirk and the machine showed an infinity sign.

After the ball throw, were a few other simple exercises, probably just to see how much stamina they have. Sit ups and the seated toe touch. Izumi's always been pretty flexible so she easily touched passed her toes, her chest almost even touched her knees. Sit ups were easy enough, Momo held her feet down as she easily did sit up after sit up. Afterwards she helped Momo on her's.

Finally the last test came along, the long distance run. Now, Izumi regularly runs every morning with Harumi. It's a training time for her since she works at night. They always run at least ten kilometers together, though it usually manages to tire her out. 

The class all lined up and soon the test began. Izumi already had sweat falling down her face from the other tests, which made this one slightly difficult. All in all, it was actually a lot less strenuous then what she'd be doing with Harumi for a few hours.

Kids dropped out fast, one after the other dropped to their knees, Izumi wasn't even using her quirk, nor was she planning to with this test, this one was purely for endurance so there wasn't much of a need to use it. 

A kid caught her attention, he ran at her side and kept up with her easily, even though they were already over a mile in. She held a smile on her face as she looked forward. She noticed him taking small glances at her every once in a while. It was kind of adorable, though his face didn't change much in expression, he looked curious. He couldn't say a word to her though, because before he could even open his mouth, two others met up with them. The blonde that knew her brother and Ida. Izumi looked around for a moment to try and find Momo, a small pout appeared on her face though as she noticed her watching her from the side lines.

"Hey Bakugou, do you know how long we're supposed to be running for." Izumi asked him, knowing him the most out of all the others. The kid simply scowled and shook his head. Izumi pouted once more as she continued to run. She still wasn't all that tired, but she did notice that the others seemed to be lagging a bit. She sighed and continued running, realizing that others probably don't have her daily training routine. 

After a bit more running, she was already over three or so miles in. Ida was still running along side her, but the others seemed to have slowed down a bit. Bakugou seemed annoyed that he couldn't keep up. Before long the boy that was first running by her side dropped out, afterwards Bakugou finally gave in when his lungs felt like they were on fire. Her and Ida ran a bit longer before Aizawa told them that the exercise was over. A smile sat on Izumi's face as she slowed to a stop and stretched her arms above her head. She yawned as she made her way over to Momo who was holding two towels. She threw one over to Ida who happily accepted it and thanked her, where as she quickly came over and helped Izumi out.

"I'm surprised you managed to stay going for so long." Momo told her. 

"Hmm? What do you mean? That wasn't even half of the usual amount that I run though?" Izumi told her as she looked at her in confusion. Momo's mouth lightly fell agape at her words before she shook her head.

"You're quite the strange one Izu-chan." She told the girl. Izumi smiled at her words and placed the towel around her shoulders.

"Yeah well, when you have a workout partner like mine, then you kind of have to have a lot of endurance." She told the other girl as she walked into the school and tried to find her way to the locker room. Momo quickly snatching her arm before she got lost.

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