The Birth Of Silver | Chapter 62

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Aizawa took hold of the costume and inspected it thoroughly. He'd quickly come to the realization as to what those lessons he'd be sent through were for. There was a holster hidden underneath the jacket. It held a gun, something that was harder to get in Japan then most drugs. (He'd learned this through working along side Tsukauchi.)

"Now then, would you mind showing Shouta here around. He'll be working along side Harumi and I for a while, it'd be nice if he knew his way around this place properly. Though we don't have much time, so have him dressed and ready." Izuku informed them. One of the staff stepped out from behind the counter and motioned for Aizawa to follow after them. He'd be shown the ins and outs, the area where Rose works, the small amount of off rooms that are simply there for the staff to rest. Pretty much everything that they can show him that is available at the moment. 

He learned from Shiaru that there are still quite a few rooms that he has yet to "unlock". It was a strange term considering the way this system of his works, has been pretty one sided. He hasn't really needed to do much of anything, yet for some reason his points seemed to grow on a daily basis. It was something he had planned on asking Pico about, however he still hasn't really gotten the chance to sit down and have that conversation with her.

"Well then, what should we do while he's getting shown around?" Izuku asked the girl that stood beside him.

"Honestly if I knew you'd have him look around, I would have continued to play games, but now I'm bored." She told him. He nodded along with her, gambling wasn't exactly something he was whole heartedly into, honestly if he was more interested in gambling he'd probably have blown through his draws already. 

"Well then, I'd say we could visit Rose, but quite honestly I'm not interested in getting stuck in an hour long conversation, instead why don't we go back to the bar. I was enjoying watching the newbie work. He's actually quite good at what he does, it took Angel quite some time to fully integrate herself into becoming a bartender, yet he fit in as soon as he got here." Izuku spoke as he began walking back to the bar.

Harumi grumbled about his weird interests, but she was a little interested in the man herself. She wasn't told much about the man, she only really even knew about him because Izuku kept talking about him.


Aizawa walked around with the staff member. He couldn't help but be curious about him, he resembled the others almost to a T, he quite honestly thought they were siblings, but at the same time it'd be weird if that were the case because there were quite a few of them.

Aizawa's eyes scanned the area, he noticed Grey and Harumi walking back to the bar and couldn't help but sulk at being sent off. Though he was interested in learning more about the Casino, he didn't really have much more to learn. The place was big, sure, but it was all pretty much based on the main room which was the Casino. He didn't see the point in needing to see the other rooms.

The man guiding him around pointed him towards an off room and mentioned that he should get changed out of his Hero costume. It was a good idea since some of the villains inside may recognize him. The man told him he'd wait outside the room, and he headed inside to change.

Yet again it was like a waiting room, this time however there were a set of bathrooms on one wall. He huffed and walked over to one, walking inside and changing as quickly as he could. They were burning daylight and he wasn't exactly looking forward to being in Endeavor's territory when it hit night time. Endeavor always seemed to prefer working in the later hours, like he knew that they'd be out there at that point. 

Aizawa looked himself over and stretched out his body while wearing the new costume, quite honestly it was even more comfortable then his original hero costume. If it wouldn't be so suspicious, he'd even think about replacing it. He huffed and stepped out of the bathroom stall and back into the waiting room. He looked around and noticed that the staff member had taken a seat and was waiting for him.

"Ah it suits you well. Aside from that, I hope you don't mind, but Master Grey mentioned that a disguise would be best for when you're in the Casino." The man spoke. He held up what looked like an eye patch as well as a hair tie.

"I know it's not much, but the eye patch has a certain effect to it. Those who don't know your actual identity shouldn't be able to discover it. The only one's that should be able to see through it are the masters." The staff member told him. He looked it over and reluctantly took it.

"Fine..." He spoke as he went over to a mirror and put his hair up, afterwards placing the eye patch over his right eye. The eye patch as well as the new costume actually looked pretty good together. Not only that, for some reason it was harder to recognize himself in the mirror as soon as he'd put the eyepatch on. It was quite the interesting item, one he'd even use outside the Casino if he could.

"Now then, I believe it'd be best to return to the front counter. I've been told that the three of you are quite busy today. Oh that reminds me, I was also told to warn you about the incoming storm. Apparently something strange is bound to happen today. The Master was in quite the frenzy when she discovered that you were brought here." The man told him. Aizawa nodded with a huff, he began his journey back to the front desk and stood there for a moment as he watched Grey and Harumi make their way over.

"Well then, I assume you're ready? We've got a long day ahead of us so be prepared to leave with a few burns." Izuku spoke jokingly, however he fully expected to run into Endeavor this time around, and he wasn't planning on letting the man go with a simple bruise this time either, that burn hurt like hell.

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