News Of A Villain Group | Chapter 86

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The two stayed silent for a moment. "I wish there was a way that I could treat her better, but if I'm being honest, I don't know the first thing about taking care of her." Izuku told the man. "But, she's not your average five year old either, so I can't exactly treat her like a child." He leaned back in his seat as he took another sip of coffee.

"How exactly is she different?" Aizawa asked. Izuku didn't answer, instead his eyes sharpened and he stared into his coffee cup.

"That's..., something I can't tell you Aizawa." Izuku warned him. Izuku cleared his throat as he continued. "Recovery girl had been pretty much harassing her while trying to find things out about me. That's why I needed to take her out of that school." Izuku told him. He huffed as he thought about it. "It's pathetic that because of me she can't even live a normal life." 

Aizawa shook his head, he could only imagine what it'd be like. It was a similar case for kids that's parent's were heroes, yet another reason he'd probably never have kids. "I was wondering about that as soon as I'd heard, how is it that recovery girl got involved with the LDC?" Aizawa asked him. 

Izuku shook his head. "She's not involved, in fact she probably knows nothing about it, but she knows me. She's known me since I was a kid." Izuku told the man. Aizawa looked at him in confusion, but nodded. That was kind of hard to believe, but either way he wasn't about to ask more.

Izuku cleared his throat and set his cup onto the coffee table. "Sorry for bringing the mood down. Actually, I'd like to discuss a few things with you, our earlier conversation about All Might. I'd like it if you could keep him away from Izumi. She's having a hard time getting use to living in Japan as is, she doesn't need another person breathing down her neck for information on me." Izuku told him. Aizawa nodded, that was fairly simple actually, though he did seem overly interested in the girl, it was probably better off that he kept him away.

"I'm sorry for putting all this onto you Aizawa, in all honesty, if it was up to me entirely, I probably wouldn't have gotten you involved. I don't enjoy getting in the way of heroes, they're doing good work, keeping people safe, especially someone like you. But unfortunately, there are quite a few corrupt people within the hero society that I can't allow to remain." Izuku told him. He sighed as he glanced at the paper work that sat next to his coffee cup.

"I should inform you that there are others out there, villain groups that are haphazardly running around and causing trouble, I believe that a few of them are going to cause trouble for you and your students throughout the year." Izuku told him. He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. He huffed as he thought back to what he'd read. "Apparently a few of them wish to get rid of All Might for good." He told the man.


Aizawa was on his way out of the building, Izuku had told him all about these villain groups, apparently even the Yakuza were still active and making their move. He didn't understand what the Yakuza gained from causing trouble with heroes, but if Izuku had warned him about them, then it was no doubt something to worry about. He huffed as he looked back at the large manner. 

"So, the boss likes you a lot more than I thought he would..." Grey told him. Harumi nodded as well.

"I'm not even going to lie, I thought he'd start shouting as soon as we entered the house, yet there he is, talking calmly with you like the two of you had known each other for years. It was the complete opposite for us. I'm kind of envious." Harumi spoke. Grey's story was coming along quite well, he'd made it so that he was the troublemaker, the one that seems to get in trouble quite often even though also being great at his job..., aside from always getting injured.

"Is it because the boss still likes heroes?" Grey whined. Harumi shrugged.

"Who knows, the young master's mannerisms change all the time, you never know if he's gonna start shouting at you." Harumi spoke.

"How did the two of you first meet him?" Aizawa asked them. Harumi shrugged.

"To be honest, I met him almost immediately, my sister and I were out on the streets, and he was there when Hajime and Shioru found us." Harumi told him.

"Yeah, you guys got lucky, as far as I can remember, the first time I'd met him, he kicked my ass..." Grey told them. "I'd already been working for Hajime and Shioru for a bit, but the moment I met the young master, my entire status in the group changed..." Grey told them simply.

"Well anyway, now that we're done here, what do you guys say we go find ourselves some trouble?" Grey asked them with a wide smile. Harumi simply nodded, she felt like a bit of exercise would do her good right now anyway. Aizawa on the other hand, just finished his hero patrol and wasn't sure if he wanted to go back out.

The three put their full vigilante costumes back on and headed out to the streets to look for trouble. Of course, there really wasn't much to find, the light of the moon made it dangerous for criminals to go out since each action could easily be seen. Only a few would be out at this time.

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