Kuroi..., How Creative | Chapter 21

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

"Anyway, you're welcome to look around for the time being. This is what I was reluctant to show back at the alley." Izuku told the man. The stranger looked at them suspiciously. They hadn't even asked for his name. No doubt they'd expect him to give them an alias. 

"This place here is our baby, her name's Lucky Draw Casino. The land of life and death, luck and unfortunate. Lucky Draw is a land of souls and rewards. I hope you'll take quite the interest mister stranger." Shioru told the man. She was now back into her selling personal. She wanted him to become one of them.

The stranger thought for a moment. The land of souls and rewards. That probably meant something deeper then what she's getting at. The stranger got off of the table and found out that it was still difficult to stand. Hajime, the man that was reluctant to bring him here, instantly went to help him stand. He seemed like a kinder person then the other. She didn't even budge at the sight of him falling, in fact you could see a small smile fall on her lips.

Hajime grabbed onto his arm and the stranger discovered just how tall the man really was. Hajime stood at approximately 6'5. No wonder people were looking at the two so much. Not only was he fairly good looking with a young daughter, he's also tall and looks strong. He stands out too much.

 "Yo, stop eyeing up my man mister stranger. I see one hand that doesn't belong I'll personally remove that little head of yours." Shioru spoke. Izuku suddenly felt his face heat up. That was a little awkward. He hadn't even noticed that this strangely dressed man was "eyeing" him.

The man coughed and shewed the taller man away. Izuku backed off and went over towards Shioru. He knelt down and whispered. "Was he really eyeing me up?" Izuku asked. He wasn't aware that Hajime was all that attractive, sure he was tall and rather masculine, but his facial features are pretty much all covered up by his beard. Shioru smirked and fluttered her eye lashes. 

"Your wife is right here and you're questioning about another person. Isn't that just rude." Shioru spoke, her voice was a tad too high for Izuku's liking. Shioru lowered her voice into a whisper.

"Besides, I didn't know you were into older men." Shioru told him. Izuku's face lit up like a tomato and coughed. 

"That's not what I was talking about, besides I'm perfectly content with my own age range thanks..." Izuku told her. Shioru eyed him with an uh-huh manner. 

The stranger ignored the two's blatant whispering and took a look around. It was a very large Casino. Like, really large. Something that doesn't exist in Musutafu. That is if he's even still in Musutafu. Shioru had to use her quirk to get them here, which means he's probably not even in Japan still...

Hajime, that man seemed like a kinder gentleman. It was strange seeing him with a woman like Shioru, one that's constantly looking for trouble from the looks of it. He'd said that she's always causing chaos where ever she ends up, which sounds like the two have been together for quite some time. (Even thought it's only been a couple of days...)

Not to mention, the two have a child together. Shioru had mentioned that the kid was Japanese. Which makes it hard to believe that she's the mother... Maybe the kid's adopted? That didn't seem to believable with the way Hajime takes care of her. 

"I understand that you're suspicious of us, but can you stop analyzing the two of us and look around already. It's getting kind of annoying." Shioru told him. Hajime was rubbing at the back of his neck as Shioru talked to him. The man simply huffed and got out of his own thoughts. He began actually looking around now. The place was empty, which meant that "Recruiting" meant getting dealers as well as other staff for the Casino.

Shioru huffed and went back to the Lucky Draw machine. Izuku continued to look around as well. He hadn't looked around all that much when he was there. He'd only really seen the area around Lucky Draw. What mostly caught his attention was the empty bar in the middle of the Casino. He glanced towards Shioru then towards the stranger.

"I believe we didn't ask for your name. Though I do suspect you'll give an alias, it wouldn't be bad to have an actual name to call you by." Izuku asked the man. The stranger looked up at him with slight annoyance, he knew this was coming, he just wasn't sure which one would ask. He's glad that it was Hajime though, more then likely Shioru would have pushed him to give his actual name.

"Just call me Kuroi..." The stranger told him. Izuku slightly snorted at that.

"Very creative. "Kuroi" I suppose Black fits though." Izuku told him. Kuroi, (I'm sure you already know, "Aizawa") felt his face heat up as he was called out on his creativity. 

The two continued to look around a bit more. All that was really there was the large bar at the center of the Casino and the thousands of games that surrounded it. Izuku could simply attach other rooms to the Casino for himself later on, training rooms, rooms for employees if they choose to stay in the Casino. A bunch of other things as well. This was his imaginary little Dream land after all. He has all the control in the world here.

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