Harumi's Transformation | Chapter 32

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Izuku focused on the cloning quirk he'd received. Every time he split, it was like an entirely knew consciousness appeared that was still attached to the main one. It was kind of like having multiple brains all working and thinking in similar ways.

It wasn't all that hard, the first clone appeared right in front of him, they both stared at one another for a moment before the clone shifted into another clone. After that a few more appeared, a total of five of them, all split into different, yet similar beings. It was honestly a very disturbing feeling. But now that he knows he can do this, it wasn't all that frightening. He could be in multiple places at once, be multiple people at once too.

It honestly feels like he could easily take over the world with just this. However, he had more then just this to think about. He was now running a business after all, though world domination wasn't yet off the table, for now he only had his mind on fixing up and improving the Casino.

As Izuku was messing with the clones, he had them all shift into similar plain looking appearances. Each adorning similar uniforms and suits. A small hand gun on a waist belt as well. It was for the most parts just for looks. But as soon as they start sending out the cards, they may in the end need security. 

The clones all shifted into different forms, two women and three men, all wearing the Casino badge and uniform that both Shiaru and Shioru finally agreed upon. The green rabbit wasn't all that special, in fact he only chose that because he couldn't really think of anything else, but since it fits him alright, he wasn't really planning on changing it. Besides a green glowing rabbit sitting on a fully black card looked pretty cool. 

The cards that Shiaru had given him that is, they were business cards that were in the shape of game cards. A group of five diamonds where the middle one was the head of a green rabbit. On the back of the card read the location of a bar named the Green rabbit and Lucky Draw Casino. 

They looked nice and they worked perfectly as weapons as well if he ever needed them to. Izuku pulled out the phone he'd received from Shioru and called her up. He simply told her that he had some clones for the reward center. In an instant the clones disappeared. Leaving him once again alone in his large office.


A bit of time had passed with him just sitting around in his office and messing around with the multiple new abilities he'd received. Not only that, just as Shioru mentioned, she had Hajime try out the Lucky Draw machine again and as if it were magic, of course expert level acting came out. There were a few other things he'd noticed landed in his inventory. 

A pair of black leather gloves..., He wasn't too sure he wanted to touch them as of yet, but they looked alright. Well at least he could now act better. Even with the lying ability from that other quirk he's got, he's still fairly awkward when lying, so he's glad that he now has this. 

As he was once again messing around. Deciding, yes he'll check out the strange gloves that randomly appeared in his inventory, he noticed the grip of them was strange. He put them on and placed his hand on the wall. To his surprise, as soon as he tried to lift his hand off the wall, he was stuck. The glove was stuck to the wall, a thought came to mind and a smile fell onto his face.

"This might actually be interesting..." Izuku said as he placed his other hand on the wall. Just like he'd thought, he dragged the stuck glove further up the wall and he began to slightly climb it, with the parkour abilities he now has, it wasn't all that difficult to go along with the gloves. She's really trying to get him into trouble, and honestly, he's all for it. Cause this is fun as hell.


Izuku turned off the lights in his office and headed over to his bedroom to get ready for bed. However, before he even fully managed to get into the room, a hand wrapped around his throat and a small chuckle fell into his ear. Startled, Izuku did the only thing he knew how to do, he tried to punch where the sound came from. 

The person let go and finally Shioru appeared in front of him with a demonic grin on her face. 

"Thanks for the little toys you sent me. I had a lot of fun getting them situated into their positions. Though the uniforms for the girl's were quickly switched out, I can't have you making our women look all manly after all." Shioru told him with a sly little smile on her face. Izuku cringed at the thought of his other selves being forced to wear dresses against their wills.

He sighed and moved further into his room, closing the door to his office behind him. "So..., what exactly happened to Harumi?" Izuku asked her as he rubbed his ear to try and remove Shioru's anything from his form.

The woman chuckled and snapped her fingers. The girl appeared..., looking completely different from what she had just a couple hours ago. She looked strict, her eyes were sharper looking as well. Like she was trained in that short span of time to become some kind of dignified expert. It honestly made him sick to his stomach thinking about Shioru's devious actions to the poor girl. Surely Hajime would have put a stop to anything she'd try...

"You know, you have that look on your face that literally tells me your disappointed in some area." Shioru told him with a scowl on her face. Izuku shook his head.

"No, I was just wondering what that poor girl had to go through in order to become..., this..." Izuku said as he pointed towards the quiet girl. She looked to be observing everything carefully.

"Oh I didn't do much, I just placed a few things in front of her and allowed her to choose is all. A crazy, a smart and caring, or a strict and quick thinking demeanor, she had the choice between those and she chose the strict one. So of course I may have messed around in her head just a 'little' tiny bit, but she never told me I couldn't. So now, she looks quite strict and honestly, quite appealing to look at." Shioru chuckled as she looked her work over. Izuku sighed and gave the girl a look of pity.

However, this was what she chose, it's not like he can just tell her to undo it when she chose it for herself. Not only that, she did look a lot more reliable now. Though he himself probably wasn't much to look at in terms of reliability, but he was strong now, someone that could easily send a normal petty villain to the hospital if ever crossed.

"So, what reward did she get?" Izuku asked the woman. Shioru smirked devilishly. 

"You'll be quite pleased with this one. She's a lot more lucky then I thought she'd be. I didn't even tamper with it!" Shioru told him.

"It was an ability called Dominating Shadow. It's similar to Kuroi's Rabbit hole since it's another teleportation ability. But her's has a lot more specs to it, she can control shadows at will!" Shioru gushed at her own work. A sense of pride radiated off of the woman as she spoke about the new little toy she came across.

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