This Is Pico, My Daughter | Chapter 43

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

As they continued to talk, suddenly a knock was placed on the door and a tall black haired girl stepped into the room. She was surprised as soon as she noticed Izuku's large figure in front of Izumi. Her eyes widened as she looked him over. His scarred face was open to the world and was one of the first things she'd seen when she walked in.

"Oh..., um..., is Izumi-chan in here?" Momo asked. Izumi perked up and threw her curtain fully open. 

"Momo-chan! You're here too!" Izumi shouted. She was once again shushed by both Recovery Girl and Izuku. Izumi chuckled as Momo walked over.

"Um..., who's this Izu-chan?" She asked the girl. 

"Oh, this is my big brother! His names Izuku!" She told her. Momo looked him over for a moment in surprise. The two looked exactly like each other, only Izuku was more tan and his eyes were darker then Izumi's.

"Um..., its nice to meet you, my name's Yaoyorozu Momo..." Momo told him. Izuku smiled at the girl and nodded.

"Its nice to meet you Yaoyorozu-san." Izuku spoke. He lifted a hand to shake her's, however he was stopped as soon as the door to the infirmary swung open. Completely revealing a wide eyed, red eyed blonde. 

"Oh! Hey your that boy that sat next to me in the large stadium!" Izumi chirped up. Izuku looked at him in surprise, his eyes were just as wide as the red eyed boy.

"You..., how long were you planning on lying to ma about where you've been." Bakugou spoke with a sharp tone.

Izuku's eyes softened at the boy's words. He sighed and looked back towards Izumi. "I'll be back in a moment. Zu, please stay at least a bit quiet for the others." He told the girl. Bakugou glared at him as he saw their interaction. 

"Before that, who the hell is she!" Bakugou shouted. Izuku once again sighed and rubbed the back of his head. As he stood, his full body came into view and Bakugou's eyes once again widened. His breath hitched and he felt a cold sweat run down his neck.

The boy went silent as Izuku came to walk out of the room. "Don't be mean big brother!" Izumi called out. Izuku waved the girl off and closed the door behind them.

He sighed as he looked the blonde over. "She's my sister, my twin sister... She was taken by my father when he left. It's been quite some time since then..." Izuku told him. A feeling of hurt clear in his voice at the mention of his father. (God I love that acting skill)

"Her and I've been taken in by a couple of friends. They used to live in Korea, but after hearing what's been going on with me, they moved over here and took custody over the two of us." Izuku told him. Bakugou didn't have a clue what to say to this. His mom could have easily taken him in, yet he chooses some random nobody instead.

Izuku sighed at the hurt look in the boy's eyes. "Listen Bakugou-" As he spoke Bakugou's eyes widened even further at the use of his last name.

"I've moved on from what happened, I have no interest in fighting with you. I'm not interested in becoming a hero or anything like that either. I'm just here to support my little sister." Izuku told him. After those words he opened the door to the infirmary and quickly walked back inside. Leaving Bakugou to his thoughts as they ran wild with annoyance and hurt.


"Big brother? Who was that?" She asked him as she was talking with Momo.

Izuku sighed and he looked back towards the closed door. "It's just someone from back when I was younger, a childhood friend I guess." He told her as he took a seat next to the black haired girl and his sister's bed.

" Oh yeah? How come you've never told me about him?" She asked him. Izuku's breath hitched at that part, she doesn't even know his past with him?

"Like I said, it's nothing Izumi, for now why don't you just focus on getting better. Ameonna and Pico are waiting for us outside, we're going to have to get going soon." He told her. Izumi lightly sulked at his words and looked up at Momo.

"But I don't want to leave Mo-chan just yet." Izumi told him. He sighed and nodded.

"Alright, we'll wait here for a bit and the two of you can talk. I think I'll talk with Recovery Girl for a bit anyway." Izuku told the girl. He got up from his seat and walked over towards the woman's desk. The two continued to talk about Pico's attendance and how she's been doing with her.


Bakugou was out in the hallway listening in as they talked. He couldn't believe he'd never even mentioned his sister, he didn't even talk about him to her. Not only that, what the hell happened to him, he was so much taller then he used to be. Bakugou clicked his tongue before finally making his way out of the school. 

Izuku and Izumi finally said goodbye to those in the infirmary, Momo walked along side them as they made their way out of the building. She herself was being picked up as well. As they walked outside, Pico came running over and instantly crashed into Izuku's legs.

~Papa! Pico wants to go home!~ Pico shouted as she hid from Ameonna. Izuku looked up at the guilty face of the woman. A small flushed expression flooded her face as the child glared her way. 

'Ah, she likes cute things...' Izuku thought to himself. Momo looked at the small child then to Izuku as she ran what the girl had said through her head once more.

"Did she just..., call him Papa?" Momo whispered to Izumi. Izumi chuckled and knelt down to Pico, in which the girl swiftly jumped into her father's arms to avoid being picked up by the girl. Izumi pouted before standing back up.

"Momo-chan, meet my wonderful niece." Izumi told her with a small pouting face as the girl hid in Izuku's arms. 

"This is Pico, she's my daughter." Izuku told the girl as he continued towards the car. Momo had a hard time understanding what she'd just heard and simply nodded her head as her thoughts ran through her head at a mile a minute. However, her thoughts were disrupted as Pico's eyes landed on her. Momo flinched before waving to the little girl. Pico stuck her tongue out before hiding her face in her father's chest. leaving Izumi laughing at the baffled expression on Momo's face.

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