The Magician and The Shadow Meister | Chapter 38

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Over the course of a single night the two already made a name for themselves. As soon as Eraserhead woke up in the morning his phone was buzzing none stop. Something about two vigilantes that looked like circus performers more then actual vigilantes. 

One could control shadows whereas the other's cards were apparently magic. Eraserhead groaned at the obvious answer as to who these two were. On the front page of one of the sites was a picture taken by one of the victims of the two. White mask and Black mask, the two apparently gained the names The Magician and The Shadow Master. Eraserhead groaned once again as he continued reading on. 

A card was in the man's hands, a game card with a picture on the front. It looked like it was edited but it was a pair of chains placed on the card. He wondered how someone actually managed to get a picture of the two. The black masked woman seemed far more dangerous compared to the man he'd spoken with, she looked like she wasn't interested in playing games, yet he was more of a performer as the site he'd been reading from spoke of. 

He seemed like he enjoyed messing with people. Though at the same time he was incredibly skilled, he'd never met anyone that could climb a building like he did, nor someone who could easily find him when he's hidden. Of course that could have been from the help of the LDC's phone.

Both of the two had one, he'd noticed that the black masked woman was talking to someone on it as well. Which was more then likely the masters of the Casino. He grumbled as his thoughts continued to spiral. He simply put his phone away and tried his best to focus on the day that was ahead of him. Finally, the UA exams were starting.


Izuku and Harumi returned to the mansion. It was already starting to get light out and the two could really use some rest. Harumi told him that Shioru was looking for him before she headed off to find her room. 

Izuku returned to his normal form and placed his vigilante outfit in a small display case in his office. The case quickly being hidden behind a row of books and shelves in his bookshelf. He walked down to the main room and sure enough Shioru was sitting on a small sofa waiting for him. However there was another person with her, it was a fairly strong looking woman.

"Well, what do you think of her. She's heard about us through one of the cards The Magician as they called him, handed out." Shioru told him. This woman was tall, she had short blue hair and looked like she could easily crush him if she wanted to. The woman looked him over, a smile fell onto her face as she noticed the muscle that lined his body.

"How come your allowing her to meet me but not the others?" Izuku asked as he looked the woman over.

"Simple, it's because she'll be acting as your body guard. She'll be working in the shadows, but she'll still be there whenever you need her to be." Shioru told him. He looked at her for a moment before sighing. 

"A bodyguard huh, what on earth would I need one of those for." He spoke as he looked the woman over once again. Shioru chuckled at him.

"Just because you know how to fight doesn't mean that you'll always be in the condition to. She'll simply be with you in the case that a situation were to occur. Besides, isn't it good to at least have some kind of protection for you when you're acting all weak." Shioru told him with a small smirk on her face. Izuku huffed and nodded. 

He walked up to the woman and outstretched a hand. "My names Izuku." He told her simply. The woman looked startled before reaching her own hand out. 

"My names Ameonna, it's nice to meet you Young Master." She told him. She seemed startled once again at the boy's grip. His hands were rough and he looked like there was really no need for him to have a bodyguard with him. However she was hired by Shioru so there must be a reason.

"Alright, Shioru I'll be heading to bed. Don't do anything to the woman that she doesn't agree to." Izuku told her as he returned to his room. He went to visit Pico's room first though. The poor girl was probably super tired after spending all day with Recovery Girl. She was a fairly rough teacher, but at the same time she was a kind and very understanding woman. Shioru sat with the woman with a small pout on her face.


Izuku walked into the girl's room. They were always connected so he could physically feel how tired the girl was. She was already in bed and trying to get to sleep. However when her door opened a small smile fell onto her face.

~Papa!~ Pico shouted as she hopped out of bed and jumped into her father's arms. Izuku chuckled and hugged the girl tightly.

"How was your first day, I can tell that your tired, did something happen?" He asked her. Pico puffed out her cheeks. 

~Pico's fine papa. Chiyo-san's just a bit tough on Pico...~ Pico told him. Izuku looked down at the girl with worry. He sat on the girl's bed and laid down with her for a moment.

"How so, what happened?" He asked her.

~Well..., Pico messed up on an assignment that she'd given her..., Chiyo-san told Pico that it was okay, but Pico could feel that she was disappointed. Pico doesn't like disappointing people...~ Pico told him. Izuku felt a bit of guilt at that. No doubt the woman thought that she was smarter then others. He'd always been really smart since he was young. But Pico was an Ai, she was technically a computerized being, so she was probably even smarter then him. It's just that Pico's a little different from others, she may be smart, but there are still plenty of things she wouldn't know. She's only been with him for five years or so after all.

"What kind of question could she have given you that you'd get it wrong?" Izuku asked her. Pico snuggled further into him.

~Chiyo-san asked Pico how a quirk works and how she could use hers better.~ Pico asked. Izuku slightly sighed at the girl. No wonder she'd gotten the answer to that wrong.

"Well, what did you tell her?" He asked her.

~Pico told Chiyo-san that her quirk works by imagining what she wants to come out. Pico has a creation quirk after all. But Chiyo-san didn't seem to like that answer. Pico doesn't know why...~ Pico told him. Izuku sighed once again, he'd have a talk with the woman later. She may have been looking into the reason Pico came to be. He'd rather she stopped trying to go through Pico when she's still pretty young.

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