A Certain Hero's Introduction | Chapter 73

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Pico separated from Izumi's side and walked towards the nurses office. The building was quite large, so at times she'd end up meeting new people. The only one's she's met thus far though was some strange third years and a few teachers. She only got to meet that robot man before because he'd gotten injured from one of his students' experiments.

Pico walked slowly to the nurses office. Each step was another closer to getting a lashing from the woman. She really didn't seem to like her much, even though she like's her father a lot. It didn't really make much sense. Pico looked up at the windows, the building was large even on the inside, her being fairly short made it hard to really look out the windows properly.

"Oh? Pico-chan?" Pico turned her head to where the voice came from. A small smile fell onto her face as she noticed who it was.

~Robot-san!~ Pico shouted as she ran over towards the man. He seemed to be injured again. The man smiled at her nickname for him. She ran towards him and hopped into his arms. She smiled up at him brightly as he picked her up.

"Pico-chan how many times have I told you, call me Power loader..." The man told her. Pico smiled.

~Pico like's Robot-san better.~ Pico told him with a small giggle. The man groaned annoyedly at her answer. He shook his head, but a small smile fell onto his face.

"Let me guess, you're on your way to Recovery Girl's room right?" He asked her. Pico nodded, a small frown falling onto her face. The man noticed it, but couldn't really ask her about it. He knew not to get on that woman's bad side, she wasn't exactly the nicest towards people who question her ways. Though she was an impeccable healer, he's heard that her teaching methods can be a tad brutal.

"Well then, why don't I help you get there. I'm sure it's difficult with your small little legs." He told her jokingly.

Pico gasped at his words. ~Robot-san Pico is tall for her age. That's not very nice.~ Pico scolded him. The man laughed at her words as he walked towards the healer's office.


Izumi walked hurriedly to her class. She'd heard that a new teacher was being introduced and that he was someone fairly well known in the country. Momo even mentioned that he was a high ranking hero. For some reason though they've been keeping who it was from her.

Izumi slowed down when a hand reached out and grabbed a hold of her arm. She looked to the side and smiled as she noticed Momo's displeased expression. "Izu-chan, were you just about to get yourself lost again..." Momo asked her. Izumi looked at her in confusion and back towards where she'd been walking off to. 

"Isn't class that way though?" She asked her. Momo huffed and shook her head.

"If you're a second year, then yes..." She told her in disappointment. "I thought you'd memorized the layout of the school already." Momo questioned her. Izumi lightly sweat at her words.

"Well..., I actually had to finish some of the homework that Aizawa Sensei handed out..." Izumi told her. Momo sighed and shook her head.

"Come on I'll bring you there. You'd think you'd recognize it when you've already been there a few times..." She told her. Izumi pouted at her words.

The two walked towards a large open door and smiled as they heard the kids from their class loud as ever. Izumi threw the door open and ran inside. Ida being the rule follower that he was instantly went to scolding her, to which Izumi merely pouted at. She had a hard time getting along with him, especially since he'd heard her comparing her elder brother to his.

She huffed and crossed her arms at his scolding words. Bakugou was quiet in his seat for almost the first time in forever. Normally he'd be shouting at everyone, more so at Iida since he always had something to say to him.

Izumi was lead to her seat by Momo and promptly sat down. She crossed her arms as she waited for class to begin. A few minutes later Aizawa walked into the room. A tired look in his eyes as usual, however this time he seemed even more tired then normal. Like he'd spent the entire day running around or something.

Izumi looked at him cautiously, he seemed in a bad mood as well. She looked behind her where Momo sat, a worried expression on her as well. She looked back towards Aizawa and waited for him to begin his lesson.

"Alright class, as you all should know already, we're having another one of your teachers take charge of the day. Heroics class should be simple enough to understand." He told them. Izumi looked at him in confusion.

The man's voice was even horse, like he hadn't even gotten to sleep the night before. Izumi looked at him worriedly, she wanted to say something and he seemed to pick up on that. He simply shook his head and continued to speak to the rest of the class. She huffed in resignation, instead of questioning him she simply listened to what he had to say.

He explained the Heroics course in a simple way, what they'd be doing, what they should expect, as well as explaining that he wouldn't be their teacher for this class but he would be keeping an eye on it since their teacher was new.

He'd finally finished speaking and she was going to ask him a question. She stood from her seat, each student having already began talking to one another. As soon as she stood however, a bang came from the front of the class room and the doors swung open, Izumi froze in place, startled at the action and the noise. 

Screams rang through the air as a booming voice rang out through the class. Something along the lines of them walking in like a normal person?

She was still pretty much frozen in place, not quite sure how to respond to the sudden noise. Honestly it felt like she was under attack, all she could do was fall backwards as the large figure of a blonde haired man wandered into the room.

Momo hurriedly ran over to her, the man that had walked into the class room received a steady amount of awe from other students, but insults from their teacher at the front. 

"Izu-chan are you alright!?" Momo questioned her. She had fallen pretty hard after all. She was definitely startled at the man's entrance, not only that..., he was huge.

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