Aizawa's Vigilante Costume | Chapter 61

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Grey walked over and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Well that was exhausting, now then, I heard Angel gushing over costume designs. What exactly did you guys talk about?" Izuku asked him.

"Apparently when I'm with you guys I now go by Silver." He held up the mask to get Grey's reaction. A look of recognition fell over him and he smiled.

"I see, to think that we'd be partnering up with a hero, won't that effect your hero patrols?" Izuku asked the man. Aizawa shrugged.

"What's the point in worrying about that, I'll deal with it when that time comes. Plus if you keep sending the villains in under my name, I still end up getting paid for them." Aizawa responded, he seemed a tad too happy about that for Izuku's liking. "Now then, I heard that I have free access while I'm here, I haven't been able to come here in quite some time either." Aizawa told him. Izuku smirked and guided him over to a group of machines.

"Of course, we've still got some time until we head back out, might as well play around a little." He responded. His arm was removed from Aizawa's shoulders and now he was looking around for what he wanted to mess around with. "Quite honestly I don't really play on these one's much, Lucky Draw however, I've used that quite some times now." 

Aizawa looked at him in interest before the sudden realization ran over him. He scowled at the memory of how he'd received his reward. Izuku caught his reaction and couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh come on it's just a kiss, no need to be so disturbed by it." Izuku told him. Though quite honestly he wasn't exactly the type that enjoyed going around kissing others either.

Aizawa huffed in annoyance at the man's attitude. "Anyway, might as well play a game or two while you can. I think I'm going to go hit up the bar though." Izuku told him, a smirk fell onto his face as he noticed the outsider taking care of the bar.

He'd never even met the man yet he was working whole heartedly to make drinks. It's quite strange that he doesn't even question anything about the business though. He walked over to the man, noticing Aizawa decided to tag along instead of waste his time on the machines.

He walked up to the bar and took a seat on one of the bar stools. "So, you're the newbie huh." Izuku spoke. The man stilled for a moment before continuing to prepare others' drinks. "I heard that the Master was quite happy when he discovered you, I can't understand why he'd hire an outsider though." Izuku told him as he looked the man over.

Tall, short silverish-white hair, a handsome face, yeah quite honestly maybe he would draw customers in better. Though Angel was quite popular herself, a male bartender was probably better company to begin with.

"So where exactly did the Master manage to find you, normally I'm the one that finds people for them." He spoke, this caught the man off guard and he looked him in the eye in confusion.

"Uh..., I'm..., I was found right after I got fired..., a man offered me this position so..." The man spoke. Izuku smirked at his broken attempt to explain himself.

"No need to be so worried, I'm just messing around. The Master mentioned that you were fairly skilled so I was wondering what could have possibly drawn him in." Izuku told the man. He let out a breath and continued working.

"You know I feel like it's not the greatest idea to question someone that was personally brought in by one of the Masters." Aizawa told him. Izuku looked at him with a smirk on his face.

"Oh please, as if they could do anything to me for simply questioning the man. I work for the young master, what exactly could they do." Izuku told the man, a cocky attitude to follow suite.

Aizawa huffed and shook his head, clearly the young master that he worked for was special, otherwise he'd probably end up getting an earful or even worse knowing this as a criminal organization, he could even get himself killed.

After some time of them just enjoying themselves at the bar, though not really drinking anything, Angel found her way over and wrapped her arms around Izuku's shoulders. "Silver's suit is ready, plus Miss Rose is still a tad upset with you." She told him. The bartender looked at them in confusion with how close Angel was acting with him.

"Alright, I'm not going through another long conversation with her, we've got work to do if I go over there I'll no doubt be stuck there for an hour." He told her as he stood up and began walking towards the reward center.

"Shouta, lets get going. Oh wait..., where the hell did Harumi go..." Izuku spoke as he looked around for the girl. She must be running around playing games or something cause he couldn't see her in the area.

"Whatever, I'll just text her to come find us." He spoke as he started walking to the front counter along with Aizawa and Angel that decided to follow along.

Izuku walked over and eyed the people that wondered inside the Casino, each of them looking as though they were some underground villain. He didn't realize he'd handed out this many cards, though Shiaru and Hiromi could also have played a part in this. 

Angel clung onto his arm as they walked, others eyed them as though they wanted to kill him. It was actually quite the entertaining predicament. Not one of them made a move however, each of them seeming wary of the staff that obviously held a weapon or two on standby for that exact situation.

He walked over to the front counter and noticed Harumi speaking to one of his clones behind the counter. As they walked he could hear Aizawa choke as Harumi grabbed a hold of the woman's blouse and pull her into a kiss. Izuku laughed at the flustered expression on the girl's face as she looked over and noticed them.

"Well well well, what did our little Black get her hands on this time?" Izuku questioned her as he eyed her and his clone. He's thankful now that he decided on having female staff as well..., even if they're still technically him.

Harumi held a hand out to him and suddenly a group of cat-like claws appeared instead of her usual fingernails. He looked at them in interest and grabbed a hold of her hand. "This place will never cease to amaze yet confuse me. Did they just get rid of your original fingernails, or are they simply hiding?" He questioned, more so to himself as he looked the girl's new ability over.

"Forget about that Grey, I believe Silver's in need of his suit, don't you guys still have work to do?" Angel told him. Izuku nodded and reluctantly let go of the girl's hand. He walked over to the counter and pointed towards Aizawa.

"I believe you have something that belongs to our part-timer?" Izuku asked them. The group behind the desk smiled at him and one of them went into the off room that sat behind the counter. (It's literally just like a mixture of a resting area and a storage area.)

"Yes sir, we also added a few things at the request of Miss Rose, her exact words were, 'If you plan on keeping him at least make sure that he's well armed?'" His clone told him. Izuku chuckled at their words and nodded.

"Well then, I'm guessing some lessons are in order." Izuku spoke as he inspected the weapon that sat locked in a holster attached to his costume. Aizawa looked on in both confusion and worry at the interaction between all of them. He wasn't sure exactly what these lessons he'd be sent through were, and quite honestly he's not sure if he should even actually go through with them.

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