Izumi's Hero Costume | Chapter 74

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Izumi looked up at the man in utter shock, she lightly shook at the threatening height of the man. The blonde figure looked down at her in surprise, he hadn't meant to startle the girl, especially to the point where she'd fall.

"Uh..., I apologize young lady, I didn't mean to startle you." The man walked over and held out a hand. Izumi began to shake even more as he approached, her face clearly showing her fear.

"Ah!? Izu-chan you're bleeding." Momo spoke as she checked on her elbows. No doubt they were scratched as she'd fallen. The man retracted his hand as she interrupted him. He awkwardly scratched at the back of his head, his smiling face lightly dimming as he took a step back.

"That's why I told you it isn't ok for you to come running in here whenever you like." Aizawa spoke up. He walked over to the girl and helped her up. He noticed her shaking and huffed, however before he was able to help her up. Something caught his eye, something he'd hoped he'd never have to see within his class.

The girl's phone..., held the exact characters as his own. He gulped as he eyed her, she didn't seem like the type to be apart of this. How in the hell could he have let one of them inside... 

He shook his head and helped the girl up. She squinted in pain as she rubbed at her scraped elbows. "Thanks Aizawa Sensei, sorry I was just surprised. Who is that anyway?" She asked him. Aizawa's eyes widened and he couldn't help but snort at her question. The blonde's eyes widened as he heard her speak.

Some of the other students spoke briefly in surprise at her words as well. "That's right we didn't tell you. Izu-chan... this is the number one hero of Japan." Momo told her. Izumi looked at her friend and then towards the large figured blonde. Her eyes widened as she realized.

"Wait but..., big brother never told me about this." She asked as she turned her head towards her friend. The class couldn't help but laugh at the air headed girl in front of them. The man could do nothing but awkwardly step behind the podium at the front. Aizawa snickered to himself as she continued to question who he was. He'd thought she knew considering the scarf she wore every day was the man's merchandise.

"You really didn't know? Izumi that scarf you're wearing every morning is actually a limited edition All Might scarf." Momo told her. Izumi stilled once more.

"What? I thought it was in the American colors though? Big brother gave it to me after all, wouldn't it make sense that he'd give me an American scarf?" She asked the girl. All Might sulked to himself in the front of the class as he continued to listen to the girl. Aizawa was probably having the best laugh he'd had in a lifetime at this point. Finally someone who didn't know the number one hero.

"Ahem..., I guess that's enough. As most of you know, this here is All Might. Japan's number one ranking hero." Aizawa told them. The kids were barely paying any attention to the man at this point, each simply wondering how Izumi didn't know who the blonde was.

Whispers flooded the room. The man sulked even more at his introduction pretty much being ignored in favor of this green haired girl. He'd even heard that she owned a fairly hard to come by scarf that represented him, how on earth did she not know who he is.

Aizawa simply continued the class as the oaf of a man sulked. Instead of the normal plan where All Might would introduce the lesson, Aizawa took over as All Might pouted. He pressed a button and a bunch of cases came out of the wall. 

"Enough of all the questions, for now find you're hero costumes and head to the lockers. I'm sure you'll have enough time to sort this all out later on." Aizawa told them. He smacked All Might in the arm as he left the room. The man snapped out of his sulking fit and followed along after him. Almost in a trance of questions as to how someone in his own class didn't even know who he was.


Izumi was lead by Momo and Mina into the locker rooms. A few of the girls crowded around her and questioned her over how she didn't know. 

"Guys that's enough. I'm sure you've already heard, but Izumi-chan comes from America, she probably wasn't able to study up on heroes before she got here." Momo told them. Izumi looked around at the others. She simply passed by them in favor of changing into her costume. Her and Shioru spent quite a bit of time on it after all. She didn't want to just sit around and not even bother looking it over. Instead she left Momo to explain on her behalf.

She opened the case and smiled at the black clothing. They seemed to change it up a bit, the fabric was fairly thick and stretchy. The top had a patch/pocket where the heaviest piece of her costume would go. The bullet proof plate, usually it was used in military uniform rather then hero costumes, after all heroes have this strange fetish over latex. She cringed at the thought.

She quickly removed her top, there was a bra that was specifically made along with the costume so that the heavy fabric didn't pull or damage her normal ones. Her and Shioru took extra care over nearly all the details. That didn't seem to stop the one's that made the costume though, they added a few of their own ideas along with her own. She did say that it was alright for them to do so, so she didn't hold it against them.

Instead of the normal short sleeved crop top, there were somewhat puffy sleeves, kind of like the one's that were on hoodies. The fabric didn't intervene with the ribbons she's got underneath them either. It was a smooth fabric that almost felt like silk against her skin. She'd have to pay the one that made her costume a visit to thank them for putting in so much effort.

The skirt was a tad shorter then she'd originally wanted it to be, but it didn't really matter, this way she wouldn't trip over the bottom. It too was made out of the same fabric used as the top, the slits on each side gave way to her ribbons. She's noticed that Aizawa had a scarf that looked similar to her ribbons, she was curious about it, especially if he could fight with it just as well or even better then she can.

She hummed in satisfaction at the clothes. The ribbons on the other hand, they'd be hard to wrap all around her body, at least they gave her an image as to where each of them were meant to go. She undressed herself and got to the undergarments, then the ribbons, and finally the rest of her costume. The heaviest part being the bullet proof chest plate came last. She didn't know exactly why she needed it, but both the twins and her brother mentioned that she should have it. (This is because they've noticed the appearance of more bullet type weapons.)

The skirt was pretty, instead of it being all black, the bottom was a faded red, they did this on the sleeves of the top as well. She smiled happily as she put everything on. She looked around and noticed some of the girls looking at her in awe.

"Wow Izumi-chan! Your costume looks so cool! It would even be perfect for walking around the streets normally!" One of the girls chirped up. This made others look her way and smiles fell onto their faces as well. "Though you'd probably do better without the ribbons everywhere if you were going to wear it outside..." They spoke.

Izumi giggled and nodded. "I think so too. My family and I created it so that I wouldn't have issues blending in while working." She told them. She smiled as she remembered her brother and Shiaru explicitly explain every important detail so she wouldn't end up getting too injured or even killed. She cringed at the thought of going through another one of those lectures.

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