Aizawa's Phone Locator| Chapter 56

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The two ran around and familiarized themselves with the area, the backs of each building were all fairly cleared out, not many villains were in the area. The only ones he's seen were a couple of low ranking thugs, one had a scar over the left eye and gave off a strange feeling.

"You know white, I've been thinking." Harumi spoke out as she stopped to catch her breath. Izuku looked over at her and tilted his head in question.

"You know that contracting ability you used for Hiromi and I, why don't you just attach that to the cards to make them stay quiet, kind of like a forced contract of sorts." Harumi told him.

Izuku looked at her in surprise, his hands brought out the cards almost looking like a little magic trick of its own. "That's not a bad idea, I hadn't even thought of that." He told her honestly.

He looked at the card and tried using the contract ability he'd had for quite some time now. He'd never tried attaching it to something before, it was only used against people. Now though, that Harumi pointed that out, he's kind of interested in looking into it. He plopped down on the ground and the contract formed in front of him. A little magic paper sat before him and he looked it over thoroughly.

Contract of Silence
Absolutely nothing from the card nor document can be disclosed with another.
If you have received this card and agree to the terms, more information shall be disclosed.

After some time of figuring out the proper footwork of the contract, he attached it to the rest of the cards and looked at Harumi. She sat on the ground next to him and watched the process as she messed with her shadows.

"All set? Did it work?" She asked him. Izuku nodded and then stood. "Great, that means we don't have to worry about who we give them out to now right?" Harumi asked.

"Yup, that makes our job far easier. I'm glad you remembered I had that ability." Izuku told her as he hopped up. The sound of traffic reached their ears and they looked around.

"Now then, should we start looking around for evil?" Izuku asked her jokingly. Harumi nodded and looked up at the sky.

"It's gonna be a long day, isn't it." She asked as a sigh escaped her lips. "Well then, let's head out." She said as she started walking off further into the dark alleyway.


The two ran around for a while, mostly hiding themselves from wandering heroes. For some reason it was like they were isolated, there weren't many people in the area. Heroes were another thing though, it was like they were specifically in this area, though they luckily avoided most of the ones that wandered the alleys.

"I feel like that little friend of yours may have let it slip that we're in the area." Harumi told him.

Izuku slowed to a stop and looked around. He huffed in annoyance and decided to look at his phone. An abundance of messages and missed calls were revealed, all ranging from the same black haired man. He huffed in annoyance as yet another call formed. The silent buzzing of the phone told him just how many times he probably called.

Izuku answered and was met with shouting on the other end. "Finally, there's a hero meeting over there, if you'd answered the damn phone earlier I could have warned you." Aizawa told him.

"So that's why they're all over the place, Black and I kind of just thought that this was a busy area." Izuku told him sarcastically.

"Haha, now stop leaving your damn phone on silent or I'll personally call a hero to find you." Aizawa told him.

"You do realize that you calling me could expose my location already right." Izuku told him as he pointed towards the roofs. Harumi nodded and disappeared, Izuku placed one hand onto the wall of the alley and launched himself upwards.

"Tell me where you are, I'll come help you with the cards." Aizawa told him. Izuku huffed.

"You know, having a hero helping me in illegal activities is kind of strange." He responded. The man groaned in annoyance on the other end of the phone.

"Stop the complaining and send me your damn location, I'm not interested in yelling at you over the phone." Aizawa told him. Izuku huffed, however a smile formed under his mask. He pressed a simple button and activated the locator on Aizawa's phone which makes him seem like more than just a part-time employee.

"Just a warning, if you feel the locator on the phone go off in an area that isn't ours, I'd get the hell out of dodge." Izuku warned him. "The others won't be as forgiving if they find out that you're a hero, though you are working for the young master so I doubt they'd do anything too serious." Izuku warned the man.

"The hell does that mean." Aizawa asked him.

"Just try not to get discovered and you'll do fine." Izuku told him and hung up the phone.

Izuku looked around for a moment, the area down below was crawling with heroes and he wasn't interested in injuring the ones putting bad guys behind bars, even if they weren't doing the greatest job.

They stayed on the roof of the building for a while. After some time the buzzer on their phones went off and they looked around for Aizawa. Harumi spotted him under them and snatched him up to the roof with her quirk.

The man let out a very strange noise as he fell onto his butt. Izuku watched it happen and couldn't help but laugh at him. Aizawa groaned and rubbed at his back as he looked around. He'd been following some random hero before he finally felt the buzzer on his phone go off, before that wasn't a function on his phone, which meant that he probably wasn't as integrated into the business as he thought he was. The only thing he's confused about now is the fact that White was able to turn it on for him, he could be a lot higher on the food chain than he originally thought.

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