Into The Land Of The Gamblers | Chapter 18

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

"I warn you, stranger, if you get mixed up with her, you're in for a life of fun..., that's for damn sure..."


The man dressed in a black track suit looked between the two. They fought like children, yet they acted like they're part of some highly classified business. What was the point in saying no.

The stranger nodded to the woman's words. In an instant she started squealing. "God Shioru, I understand it's your first time outside of that place, but come on. If you're this excited over one person, what will you do when business picks up?" Izuku complained. He shook his head at the woman's antics.

"Shut up Hajime, you wouldn't understand. You get to live outside all you want, I'm always stuck in that damned place." She complained.

The stranger found that even more strange, the fact that this was her "first" time out of "that place" sounded a tad suspicious.

"Well then, let's hit the road shall we. Everyone on me!" Shioru shouted.

"Shhh, You'll wake Kaoru." Izuku spoke annoyed. Shioru simply mocked him and grabbed both of his and the stranger's hands. 

"Ready! Don't care, here we go!" She said. Before any of them knew it. They were in a black room. Or, Izuku was in a black room. Izuku focused and set the scene for the room properly. 

"Damnit Shioru, you grab him, yet drop me off in a blank space..." Izuku thought to himself. Izuku quickly got the place set and connected himself to the Casino. 

"Finally, what took you so long. We've been waiting for ages!" Shioru shouted. Izuku gave up at this point. By Shioru's side, sat a very out of it man dressed in black.

"..., what happened to him?" Izuku asked. Shioru looked down confused.

"Oh..., well looks like he wasn't all that prepared to go into a dream space." Shioru said as she grinned sinisterly.

Izuku sighed and shook his head. Pico seemed to go into her screen appearance instead of the little girl. That makes it easier when they're in the Casino. Izuku looked around for a moment. The Casino was running just fine, yet he couldn't seem to spot Shiaru.

"Shioru, where's your twin?" Izuku asked as he looked around.

Shioru looked around for a moment before realizing. "Oh yeah! He's probably off setting up your apartment. You know how I spent quite a bit of money, yeah about that, I actually had Shiaru go and tell your landlord that you'd be moving out and found a more expensive and lowkey place. I just thought it'd be better. Also, that way your mother won't be able to find you." Shioru told him. Izuku looked at her in surprise. She'd done all that, none of that appeared on his account.

"Who's money did you use, or did you withdraw it..." Izuku asked as he took out his phone. (Yes, his phone still works in the dream world.)

"Oh I still used yours. You've got quite the amount of money on you, there's no way that even that place would dent that huge amount." Shioru told him. Besides, I'm sorry, but I have high standards for living places. I live in a large Casino after all. It's kind of expected. I'm thinking of getting another place, I just can't quite decide yet. I was thinking of buying a bar, karaoke bar, something like that. You know, to draw in customers." Shioru said.

Izuku didn't seem all that fazed at what she'd said. He really shouldn't be too worried. Right now, he practically has so much money that he wouldn't have a clue what to do with. 

Buying a few businesses wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Izuku huffed and nodded. "Buy a few why don't you, that way when we get more workers, they all can access and find customers." Izuku told her. Shioru smiled widely. 

"This is why you're such a great host. You know me quite well. I'm sure your luck will be astronomical right now." Shioru told him.

Izuku's interest was peeked at that. He still has about 23,080 spins now. Though as time goes on, apparently from certain quests that number will keep going up as time goes on. However he used his spins for money this time. Which meant that the amount of spins didn't go up.

Alright, Izuku didn't bother waiting for the man in black to come back to the land of the living. Instead he let Shioru place him on a black jack table and watched as she came up towards the machine.

"What'cha going for this time, huh?" Shioru asked. He knew exactly why she was asking. She was pretty much on his side now for letting her get anything she wanted in the real world.

Izuku huffed and thought for a moment. "Let me think, there are a few things that I've been thinking of. First off, a cloning ability, so that I can be in two different places. You know, so that suspicion isn't on me when I'm Hajime and not, you know. "Izuku was trying to watch his words as best he could with a stranger around. 

"That's not a bad Idea Hajime dear, In fact. I love it. You could be with little ol me all the time." Shioru told him. Izuku suddenly felt sick at that idea, but at the same time that might be a good thing on his part too. If he was with her all the time, that meant that she couldn't get in a whole lot of trouble.

"What else are you thinking?" She asked. She looked at the wheel as a cloning ability suddenly popped up. She smiled brightly at his knowing gaze.

"A truth quirk, as well as an evil seer type. One that can tell when you're lying and one that can tell if you've committed countless evil acts. it'd work for our other side of the job. Taking out those trash wouldn't be too bad of an idea." Izuku told her. Shioru felt excited shivers go throughout her body at the thought of their murderous duo together.

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