The Shipwreck Zone | Chapter 98

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

"Mo-chan, stay close to me, I think this isn't a simple villain attack." Izumi told her. 

"What do you mean?" Momo asked her. 

"Big brother recently increased the amount of security around me, something tells me that he knew this was going to happen, I think there's a chance they may be after us." Izumi told her.

"What? Why would they be after us? All your brother does is run a couple of bars." Momo told her. Izumi shook her head.

"There must be something behind it, big brother wouldn't have even bothered increasing security if there wasn't right? What if there's something going on that the two of us don't know about? You don't think..., big brother is involved in something bad do you?" Izumi asked her. Momo shook her head.

"How could that be? Your brother's face is literally on multiple billboards, not to mention being the face of his company." Momo told her. Izumi flinched as two of the students attacked the villain and tried to pin him down, Pro Hero Thirteen shouted for them to get out of the way, but the kids kept him stuck there.

"For now, let's just try and focus on the situation, brother told me that the bodyguards would be following me around in secret, for all I know, they might already be inside this place." Izumi told her. Momo nodded, thankful that Izuku actually thought of something. She only hoped that they would look after her as well if something happened.

A shrill scream came from the pro hero and knocked Izumi and Momo from their conversation, the two glanced over in horror as the woman's suit was destroyed and there was a dark circle of mist.

"I think..., I may have underestimated the villain..." Izumi spoke quietly.

Momo nodded as she stepped back worriedly.  Not long after, the dark mist surrounded them. Screams from multiple students caught Izumi's ear and she tried desperately to find Momo, but the mist was too heavy and after a moment, she felt weightless, like her body was floating..., or rather..., falling.

She looked around as her vision cleared and she found herself over a large pool of water. "Ah man..., why the water zone..." She complained as she hit the water harshly. The wind was stolen from her lungs and she clawed her way up to the surface.

She looked around and gulped as she noticed two shark-like villains coming her way. Thankfully, before the villain's could even get near her, something dragged her out of the water and she found herself on what looked to be a sinking boat.

"Ah! Tsu!" Izumi shouted thankfully as she quickly hugged the girl. "How did we get here?" Izumi questioned as she looked around.

"I think that villain has a warping quirk or something, kero~" Tsu told her. Izumi huffed in annoyance. 

"These villain's sure are prepared." Izumi spoke in annoyance. She noticed one other student on the ship, it was that weird short kid that always tried to touch Momo. Izumi frowned at the sight of him, but refocused on their situation.

"How many do you think are down there?" Izumi asked. Tsu glanced down at the villains along with her and her gaze narrowed. 

"Too many, kero~" Tsu told her. Izumi huffed and nodded. 

"Well..., what do you think they're after?" Izumi asked.

"I got here before you guys did, I heard them talking about All Might, Kero." Tsu told her.

"All Might? I wonder why..." Izumi spoke quietly.

"That's right, Izumi you probably don't know much about All Might do you, Kero?" Tsu asked her. Izumi shook her head.

"A lot of villain's are after him, he is the number one hero of Japan after all. Not to mention his nickname. 'The symbol of peace'." Tsu told her. Izumi's head cocked to the side at the nickname.

"But All Might isn't even here..., wait, if they knew that All Might was supposed to be here, doesn't that mean that they somehow got a hold of our schedule?" Izumi asked as she looked down at the gathering villains. A pit formed in her stomach at the growing number of water adept villains.

"You're right, Kero." Tsu spoke as she too looked down at the villains worriedly.

"But, if they got a hold of our schedule, doesn't that mean that there's a traitor among us?" Izumi asked. The boy to their side spoke up with a shaky voice.

"W- what about that security breach from before..." The boy spoke up, Izumi noticed small tears forming in the boy's eyes and how shaky he looked. She huffed as she nodded.

"I'd forgotten about that, maybe they broke in while everyone was panicking in the cafeteria. Most of the hero teachers were outside dealing with the reporters then as well." Izumi spoke. Tsu nodded at her side.

"But wouldn't Nezu have seen them on the cameras, kero?" Tsu asked. 

"Well normally yes but, they have that warping villain remember? What if he somehow got into the school." Izumi told her. Some of the villains down below were growing antsy and annoyed as the three students didn't even bother paying them any attention.

"There's something else that gets me though, if they knew our schedule, how come they sent you here Tsu-chan?" Izumi asked. Tsu looked at her in confusion.

"I mean, if you look down at the villains, it's obvious that they knew the layout of this place, but if that's the case, why would they send you here, I mean, your quirk is literally meant for the water isn't it?" Izumi asked.

Tsu's eyes widened. "Now that you mention it, kero..." Tsu spoke up. "If they knew our quirks, then they'd have definitely sent me to the fire zone, but for some reason I was sent here. Maybe they don't know our quirks after all, kero~" Tsu spoke as she looked down at the villains.

"That also explains why they're just sitting down there waiting." Izumi spoke softly. 

"For now, why don't we get a grasp of what we can do, I mean, it's better to know our quirks right?" Izumi asked. Tsu nodded.

"Well as you can tell, I can do everything that a frog can do, Kero." Tsu told her. "I can jump really high and my tongue can pretty much do what a frog's does, I can stick to walls, as well as secrete a toxic mucus, but it's more irritating to the skin than being anything really dangerous, oh yeah I can also regurgitate my stomach, but those last two aren't really all that important..." Tsu spoke up. "What about you, kero?" Tsu asked her.

"W-well. My quirk is a higher form of telekinesis. I can use it to lift myself as well as move things at will, but if I use my quirk for too long or try to carry something too heavy my nose will start to bleed and I'll get a little dizzy." Izumi spoke up. "Oh yeah, big brother also made me a ribbon as a support gear, it lights on fire and really helps in distracting or capturing." Izumi spoke up. The two girl's looked over toward Mineta and waited for him to speak.

"I've just got these sticky balls, they grow back as soon as I grab them, depending on how I'm feeling they can stick to something for an entire day, oh yeah, they don't stick to me either, I bounce right off of them." Mineta spoke up. Both of the girl's stood there with blank faces for a moment and the boy started tearing up again.

"See! This is why we should just wait for the heroes to come and save us!" The boy shouted as he cried out. Izumi shook her head.

"By the time that happens, we might already be dead in the water." Izumi told him. The boy cried out harder at her words.

"For now, why don't we think up a plan, I mean, what's the worst that could happen, if we stay here, we'll end up going into the water anyway since the ship is sinking." Izumi told them. Mineta only just realized that the boat was slowly but surely getting closer and closer to submerging.

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