Shadows? | Chapter 37

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The two sat in silence for a while. The black haired hero tried his best to think of what could be the reason that they'd use his name in order to bring the villains in. He'd get the credit for it, heroes wouldn't do that so they definitely weren't new heroes. 

The problem here was that it was his voice over the phone. From what he'd seen the man's quirk had something to do with the cards, there's no way it'd be something else. The thought of the casino once again came into mind. It could be because of that, they may have received another quirk just as he had. He doesn't use it that often because it'd be dangerous if others discovered his new quirk. He only ever really uses it when he's off work and patrolling at random. 

That pit in his stomach continued to grow, he may have to pay the place a visit. The only problem with that, is that he can't seem to connect his portal to the place. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I think something troublesome might come of this..." Eraserhead told the detective. The man nodded. Having already been told of the two new vigilantes out there, he couldn't help but feel he'd be working on this case more then he'd like to.

As the two thought, Eraserhead felt the card in his pocket and an annoying feeling settled in the back of his mind. It was more then likely a way to get back to the Casino.


Izuku and Harumi still walked the dark streets trying to find anything they could for their night to become at least a little bit more exciting. That first group of villains was turned in under Eraserhead's name, no doubt the police already discovered that it wasn't Eraserhead who'd called them in. 

Izuku felt the smile from earlier spread across his face. The poor man fell into something far more troublesome then he himself could deal with, but with only one chance on telling someone about the Casino, would he really take the chance with a small time Detective.

Harumi stopped in her tracks as both of their phones buzzed. They looked at one another before grabbing their phones. It was the tracker from earlier, Eraserhead's phone buzzed, meaning he was nearby. The problem was, why didn't it buzz before.

Harumi looked around the top of the rooves and pointed out one of them that looked darker then it should have. Izuku smiled and swiftly climbed his way up the building with the use of his gloves. The smiling mask a warning to others if it wasn't Eraserhead.

As soon as he'd gotten to the top, he'd sat on the edge of the building and Harumi appeared behind him out of a cloud of shadows. Harumi looked around for a moment, Izuku had already easily spotted the man, but even though Harumi's quirk helps with multiple aspects, it'd be strange if she, an unexperienced teenager, would be able to pick up on Eraserhead's presence right off the bat. He was a trained hero after all.

"Eraserhead, I'm guessing you heard about our little trick." Izuku spoke with a small chuckle. Eraserhead appeared in front of them, slightly startling Harumi. Her phone buzzed again and she excused herself. Izuku, in the form of Gray at the moment, continued to sit on the edge of the building. His unsettling white mask gave Eraserhead a sense of light terror. 

He wasn't sure why he was so afraid of him, it wasn't even so much that he was afraid. He'd been discovered in a mere instant by this man. How is it that the Casino managed to find someone like this.

As he stood there for a moment, he lightly began to move towards him, however something held him back. He looked at his ankles and noticed a pair of chains. He looked back towards the white masked man in surprise. He hadn't even noticed them appear.

"Oh Eraserhead, you think it's so easy to get close to us?" Izuku asked the man. "Unfortunately you should have tried earlier. My guard was down and I was very focused on a single task. If you'd of struck back then, maybe you'd of stood a chance." Izuku told him. He continued to sit on the edge of the building and lightly swung his legs as the man realized he was in trouble.

"I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I did give you the card after all. I didn't get to explain earlier, however if you go to that location, alone mind you, you'll be able to return to the Casino. I'd be careful though, a place like that is dangerous for heroes such as yourself. I'm surprised that the young master and the others didn't weed you out before." Izuku told him. Referring to himself as the young master.

Eraserhead's mind ran back to the conversation he'd had in the alleyway with the two back then. The way Hajime had instantly noticed that he could be involved with the authorities. He might have been luckier back then, but now that he's exposed he's not too sure what will happen.

Izuku chuckled in front of the man. The binds on the man's ankles disappeared. "I suppose I've had enough threatening for tonight. I doubt that the young master would get rid of you, you are one of his favorites after all." Izuku told the man. A sense of embarrassment falling over him after directly telling his hero that.

Eraserhead came closer once again. He stood right in front of him and took out the card. "This place, its one of those new bars that have been popping up around the area, isn't it." Aizawa asked him. Izuku chuckled at his eagerness to return.

"Indeed, the green rabbit, our Young Master named it himself. Of course the places aren't built up the greatest as of yet, but more and more people have begun seeing the benefits of working for the Masters." Izuku told him. Eraserhead felt like there was more he should ask, he'd kept referring to this young master person. The two he'd met weren't all that young, which meant that someone else was more then likely in charge of things.

"I've never met this young master person of yours, Hajime and Shioru." Aizawa told him as he reluctantly took a seat next to the unsettling man.

Izuku hummed. "That makes sense, the young master is still quite young after all. It'd be strange if he just lingered around the Casino." Izuku told him, he side eyed the man for a moment. His dark green eyes connected with the man's dark ones. The black haired heroes eyes widened at the dark greens that met his.

Izuku could only chuckle. "You're a strange one Eraserhead. I'd never thought a hero would so willingly work with a bunch of petty criminals such as the masters. Of course, I guess the Casino isn't all that illegal since it's not even in Japan..., but still, you're definitely strange." Izuku told him. Eraserhead looked down with a bit of shame. 

"I've had a bit of a gambling problem since my teenage years, ever since my first time visiting one I've had a hard time leaving it behind." Eraserhead told him, the shame in his voice was easily caught by Izuku.

"No need to be so ashamed by it, its a normal thing. I myself have a bit of a gambling problem when it comes to rewards. I can't help but love them, loosing is just a part of the game, though I haven't quite lost yet." He told the man with a smirk on his face.

Eraserhead remained silent for a moment. "Who..., are the two of you..." Aizawa questioned him.

"Hmm, are you asking as a hero, or as a fellow worker of the LDC." Izuku asked him. Aizawa went quiet for a moment. He'd never be able to give the man's name away if he said it was as a worker, but as a Vigilante maybe.

Izuku smirked at the man's face. "Her and I don't have names quite yet. We were going to let others come up with them. It's just easier that way. Plus Shioru said no to all my ideas." Izuku said with a small chuckle at the end.

Eraserhead looked at him skeptically. He'd already known what he was going to say. 

"White, we're needed elsewhere." Harumi commented. Izuku stood and stretched his arms above his head.

"Coming Black, I was just having a fun conversation with the little hero." Izuku told her as he walked towards her. Izuku waved the man behind as the shadows covered him and Harumi, finally the two disappeared from the man's sight.

"..., A teleportation quirk..., similar to mine..." Aizawa spoke as he noticed the shadows covering the building's roof surround the two. "Shadows?"

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