A Hospital? | Chapter 6

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Midoriya now had a total of six cards from the reward counter. One being his luck quirk, another being the shifter quirk he had his eye on, it took him three tries in order to get it. Which meant that he'd definitely need the luck quirk. With the three tries from before, he ended up getting equipment and money. Which he had no idea that it was possible to get money from a machine that gives out quirks. 

More so that the money would actually work outside of this make up world. He was really hoping that this wasn't all some dream his mind conjured up. Along with the money and quirks, he ended up getting recording equipment that outside of this place would cost quite the amount of money. He did end up getting another quirk though, it was a space type quirk that allowed him to put things into it. Like a pocket dimension or space. He just calls it a backpack with infinite space as it levels up.

Yeah, currently all the abilities he's gotten are all at level 1 which means that he'll have to practice them as time goes on. He now has quite the amount of money too, so he doesn't have to worry about his mother never feeding him...


1- Luck quirk(The reaper of luck and fate)

2- Money ( Every time it lands on money it gives him at least ten grand, so yeah..., he's now loaded...)

3- A large camera (Recording Camera)

4- Laptop + Hacker Guide (Police scanner built in Laptop that guides the host through hacking)

5- Transformation Quirk (Shifter)

6- Pocket Dimension (Izuku's inventory/backpack)


Lets just say that Midoriya was happy with what he was leaving with. "Hey Shioru..., if I was to, let's say, bring someone in for you to play with..., would you be all that apposed?" Midoriya asked. "You play a game with them, they get the chance at something small on the wheel. They lose..., you get to do whatever you want with them, take their soul, make them work, anything you could ever desire..., what would you say?" Midoriya asked.

"Are you proposing we create a little gambling business? I definitely won't appose something like that. I'd love the challenge, I am the game master after all. I could play them at anything, I'll give them a couple wins here and there in order for them to get the high. Then take them out when I finish with them. It sounds like fun." Shioru told the boy. The two grinned at each other evilly after that.

Midoriya may have a new plan in mind. A tad more then just revenge, more so..., domination?

Midoriya and Shioru were happy in making a small deal at this, he could play with the lives of the evil, and Shioru could have a bit of fun. What more could he ask for? Midoriya took his earnings and was told to rip the cards in half. After that they would burn and turn into his quirks. Again, no hero could ever turn his quirks away, which made these quirks, nearly invaluable.


Midoriya woke up with the familiar beeping noise next to his head. No one was in the room as he opened his eyes. It was a large room with hospital equipment everywhere. The bed was uncomfortable and he felt like he hadn't slept in days. Which honestly..., wasn't all that far off...

He looked around and found that he had an IV attached to him..., which meant that they'd discovered that he hadn't been eating in a while... Which also means..., that they told his mother..., also that she probably lied and told them that every time she'd cooked food for him he told her he'd already eaten or something. Midoriya huffed at the thought. He looked around again. He decided he had enough of being there and detached the cords that surrounded and impaled his body.

The beeping in the room fell erratic as he stood up. His body was sore and yet again, he felt the effects of not eating for nearly a week... It was painful, but it wasn't something he wasn't used to.

He could hear noise from outside the room. Someone was probably trying to get in. But..., who?

As He continued to detach the cords, the door to his room opened and in walked a doctor. The man's glasses had fallen half way down his face and he was sweating like he was expecting a dead person or something.

As the man made it into his room. Midoriya suddenly felt something heavy on his shoulder. Come to think of it, everything already felt heavy, but as he looked to his shoulder, he'd found the little girl named Pico. 

"Pico..." Midoriya rasped out. His throat felt sharp pains as he spoke. "What's going on?" Midoriya asked the girl. Pico pointed towards the doctor then hopped off of his shoulder into his arms for a hug of sorts.

"M - Midoriya-san..., please, lay back down, you're still not in the best of -

"Why am I here...?" Midoriya interrupted the man. The doctor seemed shocked at the boy's words.

"You don't remember?" The doctor asked. Midoriya looked confused at the man then towards Pico which the doctor had been staring at for a while now.

Midoriya huffed in annoyance, then whispered for the girl to go into another form. (Meaning a screen that only he could see.)

"Her name's Pico..., she's my quirk..." Midoriya told the man. He was clearly confused at this. 

"Y- Your quirk..., Midoriya-san..., I thought that you didn't have a quirk. It says here on your information sheet that you don't have one... and that you'd never get one..." The man told him. Midoriya glared at the man. 

"Pico, come back out." Midoriya spoke. As such, the little girl appeared once again. The doctor stared at the two dumbfounded. A little girl was appearing and disappearing like it was normal.

"She's..., my quirk is all..., I don't really know how to explain it..., she just suddenly appeared one night and told me that she was my quirk..." Midoriya told the man. The doctor slowly nodded as he looked at the girl cautiously. 

"Can I ask..., what does..., she do?" The doctor asked. Midoriya huffed in annoyance.

"Nothing..., she's just a little girl that stays by my side. It's like having a child without..., you know..." Midoriya told the man. The doctor stood dumbfounded and slightly suspicious at the boy's answer. But it wasn't like he could really say anything about a kid's quirk.

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