Aizawa's Lesson Of The Day | Chapter 50

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The man at the front slammed his hands against the podium which startled the students and they all went quiet. After a moment, all eyes were at the front and on their teacher. Izumi and Momo were already in their seats so they weren't all that worried, but some of the other students scurried to get into any seat that was still open.

"It took all but one of you 30 seconds to notice me, if this was during battle you'd be dead." The black haired hero spoke. The class looked around for the one person who managed to see him before the others.

The man's eyes met with a smiling yet blissfully unaware Izumi as she looked towards the front of the room. She tilted her head in confusion, however her smile still remained on her face. The students all looked at her in confusion and worry. She was definitely the one that noticed him first, why else would he be looking at her.

"Anyway, I'll be your homeroom teacher from this year on, well that depends if I decide to expel the lot of you." He told them, noticing the worried looks in all the students' faces. Though once again Izumi sat in her seat unaffected by his words.

He coughed lightly to gain their attention. "Grab you're gym uniforms and meet me outside." The man told them, Izumi and Momo stood from their seats deciding not to question him. However a few other students commented about orientation.

"If you want to go to orientation so bad then go, but this is my class which follows my rules, those that go against them are no longer needed." He told the class as he walked off in front of the two girls.

Izumi was about to take a turn, but Momo grabbed her arm. "Izu-chan it's this way, please stop getting lost..." She told the girl. Izumi looked at her in confusion. 

"But I thought we were going outside?" She asked the taller girl. Momo lightly huffed and pointed towards her gym uniform.

"We have to put our gym uniforms on before we go out there, now come on, we're wasting time." She told the green haired girl as she dragged her to the women's locker rooms. Izumi spaced out lightly as she was being dragged, she could have sworn he told them to meet him outside though?


Izumi was dragged into the girl's locker room and was met with a still empty room. Apparently the girls were taking their time getting there. "Hey Mo-chan, should I just go in my sports bra, what if this top gets in the way?" She asked with an annoyed expression as she looked at the obviously too large gym shirt.

Momo huffed and shook her head. "I'm not sure if that's the greatest idea Izu-chan, won't the guys have issues with you like that." Momo asked her. Izumi looked at her in confusion before remembering what all the guys in her other school were like. She grimaced at the (fake) memory and looked over the shirt with a frown.

"Mo-chan..., can you make me a crop top form of this, I don't like shirts that cover my belly, it always feels really weird." She told her. Momo was confused at her words, but made her one anyway. The girls got dressed and as they were heading out the others made it into the room. 

They made their way outside and Izumi couldn't help but comment about them getting lost. Which ended up with her getting chopped in the head by Momo since she was going to get herself lost too if it weren't for her.

Aizawa stood in the field looking at a timer, when he spotted them he seemed surprised for a moment. Izumi was about to head over towards him, but Momo stuck her arms through her's and held her up in the air so she couldn't get any further. Izumi almost screamed as her feet suddenly lifted off the ground. She looked up at Momo in a confused manner and the girl gave her a knowing look. She was still confused though.

"I can just tell that you were about to say something stupid, let's not make the teacher our enemy yet, okay?" Momo told her. Izumi pouted at her words, but agreed. All she was going to say was that he was a bit weird...


It took the others quite some time before joining them, of which Izumi spent her time sitting on the ground and playing with her quirk. She lifted grass off the ground and dropped it on Momo's head, ending in her getting scolded once again. Finally as student after student appeared, they were ready to begin. Aizawa wasn't pleased in the slightest with how long it took all of them to get ready. He even noticed that the two girls, mainly being Izumi, looked ready to fall asleep.

Momo dragged Izumi onto her feet as they all lined up with one another, though the lines were honestly a mess... Aizawa cleared his throat and the group of students stopped talking. All eyes sat on him and he was thinking of whether or not to mention how long it took for them all to get ready, it was honestly saddening that even after his earlier comment they took forever. Izumi wasn't even all that attentive and she was still faster then the others. Though..., that could also be because of Momo.

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