Little Kaoru, Aka-Pico! | Chapter 11

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Midoriya had learned a bit from the hacking guide he'd received as a reward. Lets just say it was a lot more advanced then he'd originally thought. Not only that, there wasn't any way they'd figure out that his form was a fake. He even made a birth certificate for him and Pico as his child. Instead of Pico though, her name was changed into Kaoru Fujioka, his fake name was changed into Hajime Fujioka. It fit his form pretty well and he wasn't about to complain that he couldn't think of many other names.

Records from there, like hospital visits and others were placed into out of sight clinics and such. Places that not many people knew about. So he might seem a tad suspicious, but otherwise he looked like he actually existed.

Midoriya stretched then closed the laptop and put it back into his inventory. "Alright..., Pico, what do you say we head out?" Midoriya asked the girl. Pico was still sulking at how long he took. It was already noon and the two should probably be eating by now. But more then anything, Pico was just angry that she thought this wouldn't take long.

~Papa, Pico's hungry... Pico wants to go out and get some food! Then Papa can go shopping with Pico!~ Pico told him. Midoriya sighed and scratched at his neck nervously, he'd forgotten about eating as well. It's best that they do that first.

"Alright. Let's get going, we can go get some food." Midoriya told her. "Oh yeah, Pico, your name in that form is Kaoru alright?" Midoriya told the girl. Pico nodded her head and quickly went over so he could pick her up. Midoriya shifted back into his form from earlier and started to head out. He locked the door behind him and started heading down the stairs. 


As Midoriya and Pico made their way onto the train, Midoriya found that they gained quite the amount of attention. He wasn't quite sure why, but apparently it looked weird that he was traveling around with Pico? He was in his older form, so it shouldn't look too weird. 

~Papa? Why is everyone staring?~ Pico asked. This made a number of people turn their heads away in hopes of not being found out. 

"Because you're too cute for them to look away, Kaoru." Midoriya answered. Midoriya heard a couple people chuckle at his words, but he chose not to say anything else. He wasn't quite sure why they were staring either. 

~???, But Papa's handsome too..., maybe their looking at Papa!~ Pico spoke. She wanted to make Midoriya embarrassed as well for complimenting her in front of so many people. Pay back as she'd like to call it. It didn't really work though, Midoriya simply looked down at her with a little smile and a laugh. 

"Definitely not as cute as you Hon." Midoriya said it so naturally that Pico couldn't help but blush and turn her head in embarrassment. He started chuckling at her shyness. He decided not to make fun of her anymore and held her closer to him. "Sorry, sorry. I'll stop teasing you." Midoriya told the girl. Pico simply puffed up her cheeks and continued to look away. 

Midoriya sighed at the girl's anger. "I'll make sure to get you something sweet as payment for angering you ok?" Midoriya offered in hopes of calming her down. Pico heard sweets and peaked towards him. She thought for a moment before nodding and hugging him. After that Midoriya found himself surrounded by a bunch of laughter. He looked around surprised and apologized for being so loud.

He hadn't even realized that someone had been recording this entire time..., so much for not being discovered... Midoriya coughed in hopes of reclaiming his tough look. The people all around him couldn't help but laugh even more at his pitiful attempt, it was practically impossible to look intimidating after being so soft towards Pico...

Pico simply swung her legs as she sat happily in his arms. He was carrying her by one arm and holding on to a handle with the other. He indeed looked pretty strong like this, he had big muscles and a big figure, so it was strange that he wasn't more intimidating.

Even his face looked a tad intimidating, though that might be because he has a beard that hid a bit of his features. ~Papa understands how Kaoru felt now, now we're even.~ Pico said smugly. The chuckles pretty much continued all throughout the train ride.

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