Shioru Saw Something, A Business Opportunity | Chapter 29

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The two told the staff that questioned them before they left that they'd be back in a moment. Izuku watched as the two walked towards an alley from the window. A look of interest on his face as he noticed something as well.


Shioru and Hajime walked over to the alley, ignoring those that stopped to look their way. Shioru peaked inside the alley and was startled to see two girl's. One was fairly injured where as the other was taking care of her wounds. They looked similar in some ways, so they must be family.

"What's going on here?" Shioru commented interestedly. The two girl's were startled at the woman's voice.

A look of recognition fell onto one of the girls' faces. "You, you two were all over the internet yesterday..." A girl with white hair spoke as she helped her sister sit up properly.

"Indeed we are, so care to explain what happened?" Shioru spoke. Hajime gave the two a look of pity as he knelt down and helped the girl sit up more. The two seemed a little startled at the action but didn't oppose his help.

"We..., we just got a bit bullied is all... It's nothing new around here." The white haired girl spoke. "Harumi stepped up and kept the bullies away from me, but she ended up getting hurt instead..." The white haired girl told them.

Hajime gave them a look of pity, where as Shioru had an excited and interested look on her face. "I see..., we have a friend that's gone through similar issues. In fact he's sitting in the cafe right over there. Of course, since he's changed so much not many people are interested in bullying him anymore." Shioru commented with a small chuckle as she thought about the looks of those boy's that had seen him from before.

"Hmm..., Hajime dear, what do you  think about these two?" Shioru commented. Hajime looked up towards the woman, then back down at the two girls. They looked a tad older then his original age, probably in high school already.

"Hmm, they might be a nice addition, especially at the bar." Hajime commented. The two girl's gave them a questioning look. A sinister smile crept onto Shioru's face as she heard the man's words.

"That's just what I was thinking. Hey you two, I have a proposition. A contract of sorts, I'd love it if you could hear me out." Shioru told them. The two girl's held a look of worry as they looked at one another. However the injured one nodded at the woman's words. The sinister smile on Shioru's face seemed to grow even further as the two accepted.


Shioru and Hajime returned inside the building with two new faces among them. The table wasn't exactly big enough for so many people, so instead Shiaru went and payed, of course using Izuku's money, and they headed out of the cafe. Instead looking for a more private area. 

They ended up entering a nice restaurant. The building easily placing them in a VIP room away from others' ears. Shiaru only had to take out the black card belonging to Izuku and the workers accepted immediately. 

As the large group took their seats around a round table in the center of the room, ordering whatever they wanted from the waiter that brought them the menus, they got down to business.

The two girl's noticed the green head of hair that was staring at them in interest. 

"What do you think Izuku, they're similar to you too, wouldn't it be nice having younger workers too?" Shioru told him. Izuku sighed at the woman's words.

"You already got the approval of Hajime, why would you need to ask me that too?" Izuku asked the woman. She simply shrugged with a smile on her face. He sighed once again and nodded.

He looked the girl's over, obviously they were a tad beat up, scars similar but much less to his own. He looked into their eyes, a girl with long brown hair and dark brown eyes, the other a white haired girl with sharp blue eyes. Their quirks were probably villainous in some way, that's usually why one get's bullied in this area.

"Before that, can I ask what your quirks are. I understand that others may see them as villainous or not as powerful as most, but we don't really care much about one's quirk. It's simply something of interest just incase a use for them may come along." Izuku asked the two. The girl's were surprised by his words, looking between him and the three that nodded along with him.

(By the way, the two kids, Kaoru and Pico, are still there, they just aren't really saying anything since this is something involving the casino.)

The white haired girl went to speak first, but the one with long brown hair stopped her and she began instead.

"My quirk is a type of hypnosis..., If I order someone that I have eyes on to do something with my quirk then they'll do it. Because of that people tend to be scared of me." She told them. Izuku's face lit up with interest at her words.

"I see, that really is something to be afraid of. Though that's only if the user of that quirk intends to do harm." Izuku told her. The girl's eyes widened as she heard his words. Shiaru was already thinking of countless ways that he could put the girl to work. It'd be nice to have someone like her working along side him. 

Hajime was also thinking of different positions this girl could be placed in, it'd be a shame to only have her work in one of the bars.

"Alright, then what about yours?" Shioru questioned as she looked at the girl with white hair. Her blue eyes scanned over the group for a moment as she thought about what to say. 

"My quirk..., it's similar to Harumi's...," She told them, the interested eyes all landed on her as she continued to speak. A light feeling falling into her chest at the eyes all placed on her.

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