I Have A Wife Now!? | Chapter 13

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Izuku and Pico were right outside of the mall, as the two looked around and noticed that it was quite packed, they felt slightly uncomfortable, mostly Izuku, but Pico too. The two looked at each other's worried faces and laughed. They'd have to get used to crowds of people.


Izuku nearly jumped out of his skin as a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned towards the person and found himself staring at Shioru.

 He turned towards the person and found himself staring at Shioru

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"You almost just killed me..." Izuku told the woman as he caught his breath. 

"I got bored waiting around. You said you wanted to start a small business, yet you don't even start drawing people in. At this point I'm going to end up having to do everything on my own." Shioru told him. Izuku huffed as all three of them made their way into the mall.

"Yeah yeah. I know I told you that, but I just started things. Do you expect me to be able to get people when I literally just left the hospital?" Izuku asked her. Shioru thought it out.

"I suppose I was a tad impatient..." She told him. Pico looked at the two with a small smirk. 

~Pico should start calling Shioru mama so that people don't start going after papa.~ She spoke out loud. Izuku froze in place with a a shocked face and a small blush.

"What...? ...., ...., Actually I don't think that's a bad idea. Right now she doesn't look that far off from me..." Shioru told them. "Huh, who would have known I'd end up being the mother after throwing her to you...." She told him.

Izuku was still trying to process what he'd just heard. Now he'd have to make her legal documents as well..., that was going to be a real pain in the ass...

Izuku coughed to get out of his head. "I..., I don't know if that's such a great idea. But..., if Pico's the one saying that then..." Izuku spoke quietly.

~Papa it's Kaoru right now. Shioru is Kaoru's momma, not Pico's!~ She told him. Izuku coughed and nodded.

"A..., alright..." Izuku told the two. Both Pico and Shioru slightly chuckled at his words as they continued to look around. 

"You know this means you're buying me clothes too right." Shioru told him. Izuku huffed.

"Yeah..., I kind of figured as much. Speaking of which, there are four rooms in the house. One of them used to be an office but we can make the rooms into yours Shiaru's and Pico's." Izuku told the two as he looked towards Shioru for an answer.

"That would be cool, that means the two of us don't have to be stuck in the little fantasy world inside your head. Physical bodies are a lot easier to control then in the casino..." Shioru told him. Izuku nodded.

"We'll have to order some things. Inko pretty much cleared the place out for me. Though the house itself is pretty trashed. We'll have to do some redecorating. I'm sure our land lady won't say much about it either." Izuku told her.

"It's a plan then!" Shioru told him. She'd spotted a nice shop to go into. "Over there, let's go check out the clothes. You need to get some style as well. I've seen your clothes, they're always weird..." Shioru told him. "Sorry, but no husband of mine will dress in those clothes." 

Izuku froze again and both Pico and Shioru laughed as the woman dragged him towards the store. 


The three were greeted by the cashier as well as other people working and placing items onto the shelves. As they walked in, some of the cashiers had to double take as two adults and a child walked in. 

Not only were they two adults and a child, the woman looked like a model and the man looked like he had quite the amount of money just from his face alone... Lets just say that the employees were already taking out their phones and ready to snap some pictures. Their entire day is pretty much on the internet now. You could literally track their entire day by simply looking online. Why people decide to record them? No clue, it's just a strange sight to see a slightly tough, intimidating man with an adorable child as well as a beautiful woman apparently. 

The three looked around for a while. Izuku was banned from picking out clothes as Shioru placed different items into his arms. At this point, Pico was out of his arms and looking around as well. There was a problem though, he needed clothes for his actual form too. Sure he can probably just order them online or something. But it would be better if he could have them for today rather then a month later.

"What are you so worried about. We can get "Izuku" clothes later, for now we're just going to shop for fun, got that?" Shioru told him. Izuku was startled by her discovering his worries, but didn't really speak up about it. Instead he opted to nod his head instead.

Shioru leaned over towards him for a moment and whispered in his ear. "By the way, what's your name in this form anyway?" She questioned. Izuku looked down towards Pico who was trying to pull him over towards the kid's section.

Izuku whispered to her before he allowed her to pull him over. "It's Hajime Fujioka. I suppose you're a Fujioka now too." Izuku whispered back. For some reason he felt a small butterfly feeling in his stomach as he told her that. But it wasn't really anything too strange to him.

"Well I guess my husband isn't all that bad, at least the name isn't too generic." Shioru told him. Izuku quickly coughed into his hand and walked over to the kid's section with Pico as she hopped up and down.

(So ya'll remember that Pico pointed out a man dressed in a black tracksuit right. Yeah, said man has been following them around from behind. Watching the three like a hawk. Though he can't hear anything their saying, he can tell that something's up. Well, he thinks that something's up.)

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