Pico Doesn't Quite Understand Clones | Chapter 88

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Once again, Izuku discovered his daughter on the news. It wasn't anything too special, however they'd mentioned that 'Shark-chan' was growing in views drastically after making comments towards both heroes and the hero commission. They'd talked among themselves and couldn't help but agree that a few of the things she'd mentioned actually stood true and that maybe it would be best for the hero commission to make a comment.

Unfortunately, he'd also been served this morning with papers stating he'd need to appear before a judge. Apparently they're now going after him for slander. He hadn't even known about this until he'd seen it on the news, he'd gone and looked for her video and discovered it was on the 'most viewed' list as a small adorable child talked about a rather serious matter.

There were even reaction videos on her stream, some commenting about her adorable voice and others slandering her for slandering heroes. Of course he'd quickly sent warnings to each of those that slandered her openly. Shiaru had gathered quite a large amount of good lawyers as well, meaning he wasn't afraid of losing either. 

He huffed at Pico's antics, he could rarely leave the girl alone at this rate, she'd end up getting herself in more trouble at this rate. Grey walked into the room with Harumi at his side.

"What's got you down now, boss?" Grey asked as he leaned over his chair. Izuku huffed at his clone.

"Pico's gone and gotten herself in trouble again..., nothing new really." He told him. Harumi smirked at the thought of Pico causing trouble. She always found a way to give Izuku more work to do.

Izuku huffed and stood from his seat. "I'm tired of working, why don't we go out for a bit." Izuku asked them. The two looked at him in surprise. "What are you guys waiting for?" He asked them. Grey nodded and looked at Harumi, they quickly walked off to get in uniform.

"Pico! I'm heading out, do you want to come with!" Izuku shouted. She was only in trouble in her Shark-chan form, so he wasn't all that worried about her going out with him. Pico appeared in her screen form right in front of him, before turning into her original 'Pico' form and hopping into his arms. She was dressed in a small white dress and her hair was tied into small braids.

~Papa's not mad at Pico?~ Pico asked him. Izuku shook his head.

"There's no way I could stay mad at you, besides, someone had to get the news out. You were probably the best person for the job, people listen to you for some reason." He told her. Pico pouted at his words.

~Papa's mean.~ Pico told him. Izuku chuckled as he held onto her.

"Ameonna! Get the car ready." He shouted out to her. Ameonna walked in through the front door with the keys already in hand.

"Yes, sir." She told him simply before heading to the car. Izuku sighed as he looked around, all the others were no doubt busy, he wondered if he should go pick up Izumi early, though she might throw a fit if he did. Maybe he should go meet Nezu for the first time.

He smiled at the thought, Pico looked up at him with a pout, though to be fair she was actually fairly interested in the man, she's heard quite a few things about him when she was still learning from Recovery Girl.


All of them were dressed fairly nicely in clean and tidy suits, three in uniform and two that dressed like this on normal occasion. Pico always loved wearing little dresses, where as her father's body looked kind of bulky in other clothes so he didn't tend to wear them, instead wearing clothes that hid his body easily.

~Papa, how come you want to meet Nezu?~ Pico asked him. Izuku thought for a moment at her question.

"Honestly, I figured it'd be best so that we know what we're dealing with from the beginning, knowing him, he probably already knows about the LDC, I can't help but wonder if he's already discovered Aizawa or not." Izuku told her. Pico nodded and hummed.

~Pico doesn't think so, Aizawa-san is a little dumb though, so there's a chance that he could have revealed himself.~ Pico spoke. Both Grey and Harumi laughed at her words. Izuku simply sighed and shook his head.

"He's not as smart as you and I may be, but he's not dumb. He knows how to take care of himself, at least better than Grey and Harumi do." Izuku told her. The two went quiet at being dissed.

"You know you pretty much just insulted yourself, right...?" Grey told him. 

"Not really, when my consciousness isn't in your body, I've noticed that you grow a bit..., stupid?" Izuku told him. He chuckled at the pout that the man wore. Pico sat on Izuku's lap and swung her legs slowly as she looked out the window. She didn't really understand the whole clone thing, especially giving them names, they were just clones, but to be fair, she did that as well, Shark-chan and Rabbit-chan were pretty much idolized now as well. They were still only clones though, yet her father seemed to talk to them like they were real people.

"What do you think, will he accept a meeting with me." Izuku asked the girl as he squeezed her for a moment. Pico looked up at him and thought about his options.

~Papa, Pico thinks it'd be best to talk to him now anyway, she wants to meet him too!~ Pico told him. Izuku nodded with a small smile.

"I think it'd be good to get things out of the way. Let's just hope that he's not too busy for us." Izuku told her. Pico nodded, she decided to do a little digging of her own though. Using her clone that was attached to Izumi, she looked around.

Izumi was still in class, Aizawa seemed to keep a close eye on her though, which was kind of relieving since she's one to cause trouble. Other than that, there were a few students that seemed to stick close to her as well, it was strange considering Izumi was actually the female version of her father. Seeing how others looked her way constantly, made her wonder if women did the same to her dad.


The ride to the school was fairly long, but Pico was entertained as she watched the world through Izumi's eyes. She seemed to have a happier attitude than her father did, though Izumi was also rather annoying and a bit airheaded. So she still wasn't really sure how much she liked her. Her father was almost the complete opposite, he was calculative and normally knew exactly what to do..., unless of course he's in a completely new situation.

The car pulled up to the gates and Grey stepped out of the car and walked up to the intercom. He pressed a button and Nezu's voice played over.

"Hey there, my boss was wondering if he could get a meeting with you. He's pretty sure that you know who he is already." Grey spoke into the device. Izuku sighed from inside the car. He looked on as the gate opened for them and Ameonna pulled through, stopping momentarily for Grey to get back into the car.

"Alright, well that settles it, he definitely knows who you are." Harumi told him. Izuku nodded at her words, he wouldn't let just anyone through those gates, especially when classes were still in session.

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