I've Grown Complacent | Chapter 92

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

It was finally here, well, almost here. Izumi had kept going on about their little field trip for quite some time now, which only left Izuku in a worried state of mind. He always had a hard time trusting Izumi not to get in trouble, rightfully so considering every turn he swears the girl finds another odd thing to get interested in.

Heroes especially were something that she loved. He'd originally thought that her love for heroics would only span to her wanting to become one and wanting to help people..., he was wrong in that area. In fact, she reminded him of before he'd met Pico, a desperate hero worshiper that wanted to become just like them no matter what.

Of course, that has changed for him, but it only seemed to grow stronger for Izumi as she continued going to UA. It worried him a bit, if she were to figure out that he himself were a villain..., he can't help but wonder what she'd do, more so how she'd feel.

It was strange, she wasn't even his real sister, she was merely a clone configured to become a real person, yet he cared so much for her, that it actually hurt at the thought of her disliking him. He couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if he'd actually had a sister. If his mother wouldn't hate him as much, or if his father would of still left them in the end. He shook his head at the thought, there really was no point in wondering about these things, after all, he hated his mother's existence to begin with, and he couldn't even remember his father's face.

At the moment, he was deciding on whether or not to allow Izumi to go on this field trip, even though it was still on the property of UA, it was still further from them and would be difficult for them to get there in case of an emergency..., and knowing the things that he knows..., he's fairly sure there'll be one. He trust's the girl's instincts considering they're his own, but..., he can't help but be afraid that something could happen. He wasn't ready for her to be revealed as a simple clone rather than a person. If she were to get injured in some way that was life threatening, he's fairly sure that her body would simply disappear. 

He shook his head as he looked down at the forms splayed across his desk. ~Papa, why's it taking you so long just to sign a piece of paper?~ Pico asked him as she sat on top of his desk and looked down at them.

"I'm just a bit..., worried. Knowing Izumi, she'll end up getting herself in trouble. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to let her go, but on the other hand, if I say no to this, I doubt she'd forgive me..., especially since all her pears will no doubt be going..." Izuku told her.

~Pico doesn't really understand, Papa, Izumi's just a clone, how come you're all worried about her?~ Pico asked him. Izuku felt himself flinch at the question.

"You're right but..., Pico, is it strange that I don't want her to get hurt? I understand that she's a clone but..., it's like..., she's my real sister..., I couldn't imagine being the reason behind her getting injured..." Izuku told her. He scooped her into his arms and held onto her as he looked over the papers.

~Papa, Pico thinks you're getting a bit too attached to Izumi..., one day there's a chance that she might disappear. It'll hurt a lot if you get too attached.~ Pico told him. Izuku huffed and nodded, he rubbed at his sore eyes from always looking at nothing but words on messy white pages. He huffed as he closed his eyes and simply relaxed.

"I think..., maybe it's about time we step things up a bit. As you said, I've gotten too comfortable with life recently..., not to mention with Izumi..., for the first time in years, I suppose I felt like I had a real family. You guys are my real family now..., but even still, I've become... complacent..." Izuku told her.

Pico simply smiled and nodded up at her father. ~Pico's been waiting for papa to realize that. Papa's gotten very comfortable with his life. In fact, Pico's worried that you'll lose you're end goal at this rate.~ Pico told him. He sighed and once again looked down at the pages on his desk. He simply grabbed his pen and wrote his signature. The girl would be fine on her own, he shouldn't be so worried. 

Pico smiled as she watched him place the pen down. "I think it's about time we pick up the pace on finding people for Shioru's work. I've become too full of myself recently, thank you Pico, for reminding me." He told the girl. Pico smiled up at him and disappeared. She sat in her screen like form and simply wrote a line of encouragement.

He stood up from his chair and placed the pages in a neat pile, before grabbing them and heading for the door. He walked toward the main area and smiled as he saw the bouncy girl herself talking with Harumi about god knows what. 

"Zu, I've got the field trip forms signed for you. Make sure that you give these to Aizawa, alright?" He told the girl. Izumi looked his way and smiled brightly.

"You mean you're actually saying yes!" She asked happily. He smiled again and handed them over to her. 

"I figured it'd be good for you to get some more experience in anyway. Also..., Harumi..., we have some things to talk about later on. It's important." He told them. Harumi looked at him and simply nodded, she figured something like this would come up sooner or later. Hiromi had mentioned that he was going soft after all, it was likely that Pico had told him so.

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