A Couple Officers | Chapter 9

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Midoriya was again, just sitting in the hospital bed, this time was different though. This time, he had two detectives in front of him. Why? Because they'd discovered that he was telling the truth. How did they discover this? Well that would be because Inko, his bitch of a mother, skipped town after hearing that Midoriya was admitted into the hospital. Meaning that she knew everything that was going on, not only that, she knew that they'd discover what she's done.

So now, he was sitting in front of two detectives that worked for the police. Pico was just playing on his chest again as they spoke. "Sorry to disturb you Midoriya-san..., I suppose you understand why we're here?" One of the detectives asked. The two of them were dressed in detective-like attire. One was in a trench coat with a strange outdated hat, and the other seemed to have a cat mutation quirk. 

'~Papa..., that man's quirk is dangerous... He can tell when you lie, he has a truth quirk.~' Pico told him telepathically. Midoriya glanced down at Pico who had accidentally dropped her rabbit. The two detectives seemed to be watching the little girl as well. 

"I'm guessing this is about..., my home life...?" Midoriya asked. The man in a trench coat nodded at the boy's question.

"Could you possibly tell us about everything that's been happening at home?" The man asked. Midoriya was skeptical for a moment. He wasn't sure if they'd use this against him or something. People always looked down on him and would go as far as telling lies about him just to make his life worse.

"Mom..., was pretty damn terrible..." Midoriya spoke up. The police were surprised that he swore in front of the kid. But it looked like she didn't even notice as she was playing with her toy.

- Not sure what exactly to put there, it's pretty much just a butt load of abuse. Throwing sharp bottles at him every time he'd come home, burning him with cigarettes. Not allowing him to eat, yeah you prob get the picture.-

The detectives looked sick as they continued to listen to everything she'd done to him. At one point Midoriya even pretended to close Pico's ears. She already knew what happened to him, she lived through it with him after all. But he thought it was better to at least play along since she was technically a child.

Midoriya showed the officers his scars as well as many other things that happened to him. The officers discovered just how malnourished he was. As well as many other things that had to do with his body. As the doctors came in, they too discussed everything they'd found about the boy. 

How long this had been going on, everything.... When the detective discovered that this all has been going on since the day he was diagnosed as quirkless..., the poor man felt like he was yet again, going to hurl...


The officers finished getting his story of everything that's been happening. Instead of prying any further, the one with the cat mutation quirk went out of the room to presumably report everything that's been happening. The one in the trench coat stayed behind to have a chat.

"Midoriya-san..., I'd like to apologize for letting things go on for so long..." The detective spoke. Midoriya wasn't even using his quirk anymore. It was a bit strange having someone who wasn't even involved apologize...

"Um..., I'm sorry to say this but..., what was your name sir?" Midoriya asked. The man never introduced himself as well as his partner. More than likely they'd forgotten after seeing a teenager with a five year old girl. 

"What..., oh..., We must have forgotten to introduce ourselves..." The man spoke apologetically. "My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa..., please call me Tsukauchi though." The man introduced himself.

Midoriya smiled kindly at the man. "It's nice to meet you Tsukauchi-san. Um... but, there's really no need for you to apologize to me... To be honest, I was hiding my lifestyle from people for quite some time... So there was probably no one outside of the house that knew what was happening..." Midoriya told the man. Tsukauchi understood. More than likely he was threatened by the woman, she probably made him keep quiet.

"So..., who's this?" Tsukauchi asked as he looked down towards the little girl. He's already heard that Midoriya's quirk was strange and that she was, in fact..., his quirk. 

"Oh..., this is Pico..., I suppose you could say that she's my quirk. Though she prefers being called my daughter. I said that I was like her father once and she hasn't let it go since." Midoriya said with a small smile. It's already been a few days since he'd met her, but for her, she's been with him since she was born...

"I see..., it might be a bit difficult raising a child for you though..., you're still in school not to mention..., I'm pretty sure that you've never had a job before..., right?" Tsukauchi asked. Midoriya huffed. He knew this was coming up at some point. But it wouldn't matter what they did. Pico would refuse to be put into the system.

"I'll be fine. I'm turning fifteen soon and I'll be able to get a job..., also..., I've stashed quite a bit of money for myself..." Midoriya told the man. He was a tad reluctant to say anything about the money. "Also..., Pico is my quirk..., she would throw quite the fit if anything happened to me or if she was taken away. She doesn't like being apart..." Midoriya told the man. Midoriya chuckled as Pico nodded to his words.

The detective watched the girl reluctantly. He had no idea what he was supposed to do at this point. She was in fact his quirk. According to the doctors as well if she was taken away, there's no saying what would happen. The detective nodded in defeat. Not even going to try complaining to the boy.

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