What's Shioru's Plan Here | Chapter 71

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

"Should we just drop him off at his agency? I for one am not going to deal with the reporters that are currently hunting me down." Izuku told them.

"Yeah you were a tad too flashy today, I'm sure almost every reporter in the area is trying to hunt you down as we speak." Harumi spoke. Izuku nodded, his head was slightly dizzying as he laid limp on her shoulder. He huffed in annoyance.

"Should we just leave for today? This isn't our area anyway and I feel like she only sent us here so that they could find us anyway." Izuku asked. The two others looked at one another and back at him. Honestly Aizawa was quite curious about that girl from before, she seemed to know him, like she and him had a fair share of past together, yet Grey pretty much acted like he didn't know her at all.

"Who was that anyway? Not only that, who were the people she mentioned?" Aizawa asked him. Endeavor looked over at the silver masked man, curious as to why he didn't know about this either. Izuku huffed once more.

"I don't know..., Shioru probably made up some ridiculous ploy and dragged her into it..." He told him. "Honestly if anyone knows who they are it'd probably be her..." He told him. He huffed and hopped out of Harumi's hold.

"Well forget about that, I'm sure that the young master is waiting for us to return, I'll be sure to tell him about what happened here today. That group of people didn't seem to respect the masters even though they work directly under them, it'd be dangerous to keep them around." He spoke. He glanced towards Endeavor and huffed once more. He was far more tired then he'd like.

"Well then mister hero, you ready to get out of here? I'm sure you're curious about us and all, but honestly I'd stay out of it. This organization is bigger then the Yakuza in it's prime." He told the man. "Even if we wanted to mess around with things, we'd simply get taken out and replaced, so for the love of god don't try and find us again." Izuku told him. He looked over at Aizawa and a hole formed in front of the man.

Endeavor didn't have the energy to start another fight, their fight from before pretty much took everything out of him and he wasn't even winning. He growled at the thought of being defeated by a vigilante scum, but at the same time these people seemed different from the norm. He wasn't even sure if they were bad or not. Not to mention, even if they said that before, they may be useful in the future.

"You just gonna sit there or are you gonna go?" Harumi asked the man in annoyance. "We've gotta get out of here so stop wasting our time." Izuku shook his head at her tone.

Endeavor glanced at all three of them, taking the longest glance at the green eyed man with a white mask. He bit his lip for a moment and stepped into the portal, finding himself in front of his Agency. Honestly he'd like to say that it was nice to be back here, but now he just has far too many questions lingering in his head.

Well on the bright side he now has a name and the fact that he's not Japanese. But because he's not Japanese, that means that they'll have a far more difficult time finding out who this so called "Grey" is.

Endeavor walked into his agency, side kicks and other employees were quick to greet him. He looked around and noticed that the heroes that had gathered along with him from before were all sitting and waiting for him. He couldn't really even tell them anything, only that what they're dealing with could quite literally cause the entire country of Japan problems. 


Izuku huffed and fell backwards. "I've had enough of this gig already. Who knew she'd send so many issues my way, it's as if she just wants me to die already. Isn't she supposed to be helping the young master?" Izuku asked as he looked up at Harumi. The girl simply chuckled and fell back onto the ground right next to him.

"Who knows what she has in mind. All I know is that Rose might be a tad upset when she finds out we couldn't find anyone for her." Izuku's face held the slightest look of fear at her words and simply sighed.

"Who cares, we can't do much right now anyway, I wonder why that other group hates me so much though." He asked as he looked over towards the black clad woman. She simply lifted her shoulders. Aizawa watched them and listened into their conversation. He was learning more and more about the man as time went on. Not only that, he's not sure how to feel about that encounter. If that woman called Snake knew what she was talking about, that would mean that the so called "Young Master" actually messed with his head. (The best part about this theory is that it would have been Harumi since she and her sister are the only one's with hypnosis type quirks. The betrayal would have been so beautiful.) 

"Well whatever, should we head out? I think Silver here has work tomorrow anyway doesn't he?" Grey spoke as he looked over towards the silver masked man. He eyed them carefully as they spoke.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that..." Harumi answered as she sat up and looked him over. "I wonder how it's going anyway." 

"What are the two of you on about?" He asked them. The two stared at him and then looked back at one another.

"Who knows, maybe he'll find out later. For now lets just get out of here, I need a nap." Izuku spoke. He turned towards Harumi and the girl activated her quirk.

"Catch ya later silver!" Grey shouted out, both of them leaving the man's question unanswered.

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