The UA Exams! | Chapter 41

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

After awhile of waiting, finally the start of the exams began. An introduction to the school as well as what the exams would look like. First came the written exam which she easily finished within a couple of minutes. Her and Momo walked up towards the front of the class with wide eyes as they both smiled and chuckled at one another.

Once again they met in the stadium and were quickly told about the next part of the exam, the physical exams were next. Izumi also wanted to learn about the support course, but she thought it'd be better to just stick with the hero course. Momo stuck by her side the entire time just as she said she would. 

They even ended up in the same testing ground. Izumi couldn't help but enjoy her time with the girl, quickly becoming friends even though they didn't know if the other would make it in or not. Izumi was a little sad as they entered the testing grounds though, some blue haired guy interrupted her talking with Momo and in the end learned not to talk back to others when Izumi started to tear up because of him. (Them acting skills really came in handy.) She didn't look like a girl that'd easily cry, but the moment the blue haired boy pointed her out in front of the others she almost had a panic attack. The boy ended up being scolded by multiple people for making her cry and in the end he was forced to sit down and stay quiet.

She learned from him that you can in fact get what you want through tears. Of course she wouldn't result to that all the time, but it was definitely handy to gain sympathy. Momo and Izumi walked into the large testing grounds, buildings soared to the skies and the place ultimately looked like an actual city. It was strange yet weirdly exciting.

After a moment, the building began to get quiet, Pr. Mic stood on a large pillar and started a count off, as soon as the gates opened however, Izumi bolted into the city, Momo was lightly frightened by the girl's speed, but she quickly followed after her. Hearing Pr. Mic talking from behind them as others hurriedly rushed into the city after them.

Momo watched Izumi run in awe. The girl lifted her arms as robots started to appear in front of her. A green light surrounded her and she began lifting them into the air and smashing them into each other, careful not to hurt others in the process.

As she ran, she held some in place and shouted for Momo to attack them. The two worked together and increased their points steadily. Up in the observation room, a group of hero teachers stood impressed by some of the kids in the city down below.

"Hmm..., that Izumi girl. Does anyone know her last name?" Midnight commented as she looked the girl over. She wasn't wearing a school's uniform and by the looks of it she enjoyed showing off her body a bit.

"Hmmm...., I believe it's Midoriya?" One of the other teachers commented as they looked at the papers given out to all of them.

"Midoriya hmm..., I think I've heard that name from somewhere..." A tall blonde stated as he watched the green haired girl working incredibly well with another student. 

"It seems that she prefers working in pairs instead of alone. I suppose that'll bring her score up even more then she realizes." Midnight smiled as she watched the two girls completely obliterating the robots that stood in their way.

"Hmm..., that black haired girl, her name was Yaoyorozu Momo correct. It's hard to believe that she'd willingly work alongside another student. Usually she tries to surpass everyone as best she can." One of the teachers commented.

"She looks somewhat familiar now that I think about it..." Midnight stated as she looked down at the girl. A look of recognition spread across her face. "Oh yeah, that case from a while back where a boy passed out in school. She looks a lot like that kid. They share the same last name too, I didn't hear about him ever having a sister though." Midnight spoke up.

"A kid passed out in school? Why were you called in for something like that?" Toshinori questioned.

"Hmm..., it's because of why the kid passed out. Apparently he'd been facing quite the abuse at home. However his mother up and ran for it, to this day no one's been able to find her..." Midnight told him.

This caught the interest of a certain rat-like man sitting in a chair watching the kids closely. "Is that so. Well it's a pity that he himself didn't apply. She must be his sister or possibly a relative of sorts. Maybe she wasn't living with them at the time." Nezu told them. Midnight nodded at his words.

"That's definitely possible. The kid did mention how his father's been living in America since he was a baby. She might have been living with him all this time. It's just a bit confusing why she'd suddenly show up here." Midnight commented.

The group nodded at her words, however they couldn't really say much else as they watched the girl work so well with other kids. She helped others get points as well as helping them out of the way when needed. Not only that, she was skillfully taking out robots as she went as well.

"She's quite the fascinating one." Nezu spoke as he watched the girl. However, as he was watching her and the other students, he finally decided.

"Well, looks like it's that time." Nezu spoke once again. His white paw landed on a big red button and suddenly throughout the large multi cities came the screams of students and the sounds of metal crumbling to the ground.

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