Her Name's Rose, God Of Entertainment | Chapter 54

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Shioru lightly tapped her foot as she waited for Izuku to agree to going to the casino. Honestly he had no wish for another god to appear right now, they were busy as is, they didn't exactly have time for more trouble. At the same time though, more help, depending on the type of god this was, they may in the end be helpful. It's a gamble, which is pretty much the entire point of this system to begin with, however at this point he feels like this is a gamble that may be a bit too risky as of now.

Shioru got tired of him contemplating his choices and simply grabbed onto his shoulder. She teleported them into the Casino, Izuku was startled at the sudden movement and nearly fell over, however as he noticed the casino machines in the distance he knew he didn't exactly have a choice here.

He sighed and simply followed after Shioru as she walked off to a stage like area off to the side of the Casino. He's fairly sure that wasn't there before. A slight ache formed in his stomach as a thought came to mind, this was probably for entertainment, however by the looks of it this wasn't your ordinary entertainment area. It was fairly closed off from the rest of the Casino, walls that covered the area with only one large open wall for visitors to make their way over. He cringed as he finally realized what kind of "entertainment" area this was.

"Really..." Izuku questioned. Shiaru placed a hand on his shoulder and simply sighed along with him. 

"I'm going to be honest kid, she's quite the annoying woman at times. Just don't get on her bad side and she'll be like a nice aunt or something." Shiaru told him. He let go of Izuku's shoulder and made his way over to Shioru. They went up to the stage and placed both of their hands on it. 

"Now, normally this would require the souls of humans. It's obvious that you've already caught onto that so I won't hide it. However since Pico clearly favors you far more then anyone else, the points that you gather from random missions will also be transferred into "Souls" that can be traded for the appearance of another system's god." Shioru explained to him. Izuku nodded and watched as the stage lightly shined in a red light. 

Pink smoke filled the area and before long a blonde haired woman dressed in red appeared almost out of thin air. Izuku's eyes widened, she was honestly quite beautiful. The woman looked down at him for a moment, like she was trying to read him in some way. Not too long after her eyes narrowed and a smile formed on her face.

"Well aren't you cute." She spoke. "My name is Rose, I'm guessing you're the host that Pico so very much adores." The woman told him. Her voice was also quite beautiful. It made a strange feeling appear in his chest. The woman chuckled and made her way down from the stage.

"I can see why she likes you." She told him, a hand went up to his face and grabbed at his chin, she leaned his head up to meet her's. She looked him over and she smiled once again. "You're not too bad looking yourself little host." 

Izuku's face flamed up in a flurry of reds, Shioru intervened before Izuku got even more embarrassed, grabbing the woman and keeping her away from him.

"Watch it, he's still too young for your stupid games." Shioru told the woman. Izuku huffed as he quickly hid behind Shiaru. The man simply sighed as Izuku swiftly moved behind him. The woman was known as Rose the siren. She was a beautiful woman that used her voice to draw people in. She's an entertainer at best, she's only called a siren because of her voice. However, she's actually a succubus, she lives by stealing the life force of humans. No touch is involved, all she has to do is draw someone's eyes onto her by using her voice.

"Oh come now, why would I want to harm our little host?" She asked the stink eyed woman. Rose smiled, her eyes still narrowed as she looked around the place. "Figures, you two made the place exactly how you'd like it to be. I'll just have to fix that." She told them simply clapping her hands, pink and red smoke appeared and surrounded the semi closed off room.

Within only a couple of minutes and heavy coughing belonging to the group that wasn't Rose, the smoke started to clear. A Chinese styled stage, almost like an older Chinese opera house appeared. It reminded him of something he'd learned in school, though it's been quite some time since then so he can't fully remember what it was about.

The woman appeared smiling at her work, red was abundant in the room, no doubt being her main color. Two more people sat next to her, similar appearances. They resembled the white fox design he'd always see on the internet. They had sharp dark red eyes, white hair that looked a little strange to belong to humans, their bodies were thin and slender, so no doubt she had something in mind for them...

He coughed to himself and got those thoughts out of his mind, Rose simply smirking as she looked at him. "Alright now kids, now that my work is finished, I believe that there's no longer a need to be inside this god forsaken place correct? I haven't seen earth in so long, I can't help but wonder what humanity's come up with." She spoke. Izuku looked at her in shock, she got off of the stage and placed a hand on his shoulder with a little wink. Afterwards walking out of the room and disappearing along with the twins that followed along with her. Izuku groaned at the thought of whatever trouble those three would no doubt get into.

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