Is It A Trap? | Chapter 35

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The two moved further out of the city and shopping areas and instead found themselves near a place most people could only refer to as the slums of the city. A place where the poor lingered, those that couldn't afford proper housing, those that commit crime to simply pass time pretty much owned the streets here and since it's a place that even the heroes rarely visited, it was the perfect place for the two little terrorists to reside. Of course, the police still have a heavy influence in this area, the capture equipment for criminals these days are quite high. So avoiding the police would be in their best interest.

"I used to live here." Harumi spoke up. Izuku was startled by her voice as he looked down at the streets that still held many lingering figures.

"Really?" Izuku asked as his eyes fell onto one of the people on the streets.

"Yeah, Hiromi and I had a hard time with our quirks. People were too scared to mess with us here, but at the same time because no one would even think about hiring the two of us, we pretty much had to fend for ourselves." Harumi told him. Izuku couldn't help but feel bad for the girls. However they more then likely had a better life in these parts then they ever did outside of them. They were strong here, whereas on the outside they'd only be scorned and looked down on.

"You're ok with cleaning these parts out?" Izuku asked her. Harumi nodded.

"Though this place used to be good to the two of us, that was only because we had dangerous quirks, I've witness countless deaths over here. The police may be able to take care of small criminals in this area, but other then them this area is owned by the strong." Harumi told him.

"Well then, why don't we become the strong?" Izuku asked her, a smirk landing on his face as he watched a police cruiser pass by. 

Harumi nodded and after a moment she disappeared. The both of them could easily work alone, so there wasn't much of a point in sticking together. Izuku's eyes followed the cruiser as the vehicle stopped in front of a random building. He'd decided to take it upon himself to mess around with them for a bit. Taking care of a small time criminal wouldn't be all that fun for his first sighting. 

So instead, someone powerful, someone who can't be easily taken in. But also someone that wouldn't require much evidence for their arrest. He scoured the streets for a moment, roof hopping as he watched down below. He wasn't too worried in these parts, aside from small time criminals, the bigger villains tend to stay indoors and in hiding to avoid suspicion of the heroes and police. 

As far as Izuku was aware, the only heroes that patrolled these lawless streets was endeavor and Eraserhead. However Eraserhead wasn't all that easy to come across. His patrol routes changed almost every night. So one could never quite get a hold of his routes. That was lucky for him though, that meant that he most likely wouldn't be in the area. (Poor Izuku has no idea that he turned his hero into one of his part-timers...)

As he jumped from roof to roof, he came across an interesting scene. A drug deal as far as he was aware, however it didn't look like just any simple drug deal. There were a small group of people, which meant it wasn't the simple one on one that it usually was in the safer parts of the city. 

He landed on the roof above the group and listened in as the group talked. Just as he'd thought it wasn't normal. They talked about a shipment coming in from some foreign country. It sounded like weapons were involved as well. Now in a place like Japan where citizens weren't allowed to even wield normal hand guns without extreme precautions with the government, it was strange that people still bothered to try and smuggle them into the country. No doubt it was from America, however he couldn't be too sure just from what he'd heard.

He wasn't really interested in starting conflict between two countries who've been allies for centuries. So he'd instead prefer to take care of things on his own. Of course, that didn't mean that he couldn't use a little bit of help from the police and possibly heroes. All he really had to do was drop the info at a random station. They'd be suspicious at first, but in the end since it's a dangerous claim they'd still check it out.

All this time as he listened, he took special precaution to record everything that he'd heard. What evidence was better then the people talking about the deal themselves. It was strange that they didn't even bother talking about something like this where no one would overhear. The streets were always full of people, so why would they talk in an alley that's only a small ways away from the main street. A trap maybe?

He thought about it for a moment and decided to send what he'd heard over to the phone he'd given Harumi. It only took a small moment before the girl appeared behind him and laid low on the roof along with him. Each phone had a locater of sorts on them, even Kuroi's, however his couldn't be accessed on his end since they're not sure if they can fully trust the man. Harumi had apparently checked his and found his location.

She listened into the conversation along with him. The more she listened she couldn't help but think they had ulterior motives here. The same thoughts that Izuku was having.

"What do you think, is it a trap?" Izuku whispered over to the girl. Harumi nodded.

"There's no way they'd sit out here talking about something that important. Weapons brought into the country happens quite often around here, but for them to simply talk about it where others could overhear, its like they're trying to lure someone out there." Harumi told him. The two nodded and decided to work together for this one.

"Don't forget to gather evidence. Make full use of our companies phone got it." Izuku told her as he stood and jumped towards another roof, following one of the men that had started to walk away.

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