Pico's School Troubles | Chapter 27

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Izuku's run into a problem. What is the problem one may ask? School...

First off..., Pico's already at the age where she should be going to preschool. Though Izuku's already thought about having her placed into the preschool he went to, he held second thoughts about it. Not only did that preschool teach kids about quirk discrimination, they themselves discriminated against people like him and those with so called "Villainous" quirks...

He didn't want to put her through what he went through, even if she isn't quirkless like he was. Just the thought of being taught about that stuff so early, to the point that they blatantly manipulated the kids into believing that he and others were useless or bad.

Izuku simply huffed at the thought. Instead, now that he's rich, he's committed to the idea of leaving his wonderful Pico in the hands of a very caring woman he met when he was young. A woman that knew just about everyone and everything in this city. She hasn't met Pico or Kaoru yet. Though I'm sure that Kaoru will more than likely be placed into a prestigious rich kids school... Izuku shivered at the thought. (Even though the two children are literally the same person.)

Izuku instead decided it was best to call up an old friend of his, and she was in fact, old. Don't tell her he said that...

For those of you wondering who this lovely woman he's known for most of his life is, her name is Shuzenji Chiyo. A Very Smart woman that he's known since preschool. Another words, none other than Recovery Girl herself..., The only problem with him going to her..., is the fact that she knows everything... She's like a hawk. It doesn't matter if he can now hide his lies, she'll know simply from the words you speak... Honestly, the woman's terrifying. But, she's trust worthy, the best he could ever ask for. 

The only problem now, is the fact that she works for the hero school..., and by the hero school, it is literally known as THE Hero school. UA..., that school's cost him quite a bit in his life, though he hadn't even been in it. Because of one childish dream..., he was detested by everyone. He can't really blame that on the school though. They try their best to keep quirk discrimination away from their gates. If anything, Izuku can respect that.

Izuku was reluctant for a moment. He hadn't spoken to the woman in a very long time, she might not even remember who he is. That thought slightly pained him, she was such a light in his younger self. To the point that he even imagined himself working along side her at one point. But all that was once again smashed by his childhood trauma. Another words known as Kacchan...

Izuku ruffled his hair. All he had to do was pick up the phone, it wasn't that hard. In fact it was easy... 

Izuku huffed and stood up for a moment and stretched out his back. "Hey Pico, why don't we go for a walk or something?" Izuku asked the girl. She was always so content with just sitting there with him. Though she probably knew what was troubling him, she didn't really say much about it.

~Papa! Let's go visit the cafe again!~ Pico told him in excitement. Izuku thought about it for a moment, he really needed to clear his mind. Every time he gets all nervous like this, he tends to crave something sweet. Though he was never able to get anything sweet so he used to steal apples from an apple tree that a neighboring building owned.

 Izuku sighed and nodded to the little girl. Pico smiled brightly at her father and the two started getting ready to go. His mind was still all kinds of jumbled, but he didn't want to disappoint the girl. He'd just have to think on this a bit. Especially sending her to UA knowing full well that Bakugou wants to go there...

Izuku huffed and threw on a light jacket. He looked into the mirror and noticed once again, just how terrible, yet masculine his body has become. There were scars on his face, mostly on his forehead, but there were a few on his jaw as well. He was honestly surprised how well he could always hide them, but now that his mom's no longer in the picture, there wasn't much of a need to hide them anymore. 

Pico looked up at her father with a small pout, she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. ~Papa should really stop thinking about all that. Pico can tell even without reading Papa's thoughts that he's upset with himself again.~ Pico told him. Izuku wanted to beat himself up even more after hearing her try to cheer him up. He simply sighed and grabbed her in his arms. 

"Alright, that's enough of my inner thoughts. Let's go get some ice cream!" Izuku told the girl. As he opened the door, he was met face to face with Shioru and another him. Kaoru jumped up and down happily as Izuku opened the door. Kaoru seemed to be just a bit taller than Pico in this form.

"What's going on?" Izuku questioned. Hajime rubbed at the back of his neck and pointed to Shioru.

"She wants to come with you to the cafe, and since she's going, apparently I also have to go..." Hajime told him. Izuku chuckled at that. His other self was being put through quite a bit apparently. Though he himself isn't really going through it, he does feel some of the changes that have occurred due to the woman's persistence.

"Alright, let's all go to cafe. Oh yeah, where's Shiaru?" Izuku asked the woman. Shioru grumbled, but went to find the man. The two twins met them by the door as they put on their shoes.

"He's been cooped up in his office since we moved. You have no idea how difficult it is to get him to quit working and enjoy himself. He's a damn workaholic." Shioru told him as she dropped Shiaru next to the small group. Kaoru and Pico played with one another, which was honestly quite strange since they're literally the same person...

"Shiaru, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the cafe with us?" Izuku questioned the man. Shiaru looked somewhat surprised at his question.

"You want me to go out with you guys?" Shiaru questioned. Izuku nodded, as did Hajime and the two girls.

"..., Um..., I guess I wouldn't mind. Let me just grab my coat." Shiaru told him. Izuku smiled at the man and nodded. It only took a moment for the group to get their shoes on and for Shiaru to do the same and return. After that, they began their journey to the cafe. All while Izuku was still being somewhat consumed in different thoughts concerning Pico.

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