Pico's School Life | Chapter 72

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

The day was going fairly normal, Izuku was off doing his own thing, leaving both Pico and Izumi to their own devices. Of course one of them didn't like the other so they were also on their own. Pico started going to school with Izumi instead of leaving early in the morning like she'd normally do, though she wasn't a fan of being stuck in the car with two creepy women, she still got to where she needed to be.

She's learned a lot from Recovery Girl even though it's only been a few weeks that she's been learning from her. The woman was old and inciteful, something she herself had always thought of her father, well minus the old part.

Her father was always super smart, and even though she herself was smart and learned fast, she could never quite match up to her father. Recovery Girl told her all about her father when he was  younger too.

Izumi and her were stuck in the car together, finally on their way to the large hero school building. Izumi was always excited to get there, but Pico only ever really liked it when she got to eat Lunch Rush's food and hang out with the weird robot man.

Pico looked up at her father's twin, she had on that gods awful scarf along with her strange uniform. For some reason it was strange seeing her father's female side wearing revealing clothes, honestly it wasn't so much strange and more so disturbing... She can't help but wonder if this is how others felt when their father's had twin sisters...

She shook her head and turned to look towards Ameonna, that woman was probably the strangest out of all the people her father's brought home. A sinister feeling always accompanied her, not to mention her face was disturbing. Sometimes she can't help but wonder if she has a thing for kids. Pico shivered at the thought.

Pico looked out the window of the car, the school building approached and she couldn't help but huff. 'Papa should be proud that Pico hasn't destroyed this place yet...' She thought to herself. Sure she's learned a lot while around the old healer woman, but honestly, all that she's really learned were basic human knowledge. 

She can't help but want to learn more, not only that, she wants to be able to help her father instead of being sent off to this annoying place. Heroes really weren't her thing after all. That could also be the reason she doesn't like Izumi all that much. 

Pico huffed once more in the back seat of the car. She resembled her father more and more these days. Well, aside from her looks that is, she's a tad annoyed at that part though. Pico shook her head and simply got ready to leave the car and these annoying women behind. 

"Pico-chan! Aren't you excited for today? You look sad." Izumi questioned her. Pico only glanced in her direction and lightly scowled. 

~Pico doesn't like school. Heroes give Pico the creeps...~ Pico told the girl. Izumi's eyes widened at her words.

"Really? Is that why you don't like me!? Pico-chan don't worry, heroes aren't bad people, it's just that some of them are a little strange ok." Izumi told her. Pico shook her head at the girl's words.

'Pico can't help but wonder what Izumi-chan will do once she discovers the truth behind the Midoriya's really is. Though papa doesn't really use that name anymore...' Pico thought to herself. She turned her attention back towards the window. 


Ameonna opened the car door and helped Pico out. The little girl looked up at the large building with a frown on her face. The fact that Nezu even allowed her to come and go from this school as she pleased was questionable as is, does he already know who they are?

Pico walked towards the large school gates along with Izumi, the girl was hopping around happily. No doubt something exciting was happening for her. On the other hand, for her she was just going to be spending her day in the nurses office learning pointless things for no other reason then that old woman wanting her to be as smart as her father. 

Pico huffed. Her father wasn't even all that smart..., actually he was really smart, but not compared to how she would be at his age. Isn't it strange that a grown woman judges her on something like that! She shouldn't be expected to be as smart as her father, after all he spent all his time learning because it was the only thing he enjoyed while he wasn't getting abused by his family...

Pico shook her head once more, she's not quite sure why she's been having all these thoughts lately. It's probably because she hasn't been able to see him in awhile... In fact aside from mornings and such, he's really busy. She's supposed to be his system! Not his child..., did she do this to herself?

Pico pouted to herself, no doubt it all started because she was adamant on calling him her father. No longer was she this incredible system, but the over average daughter of her host.

The two girls walked in past the gates and into the large school building. Every time she entered the school she shrunk at the gazes of other students and teachers. She didn't feel welcome here, no matter how many times she comes here it's always the same. Maybe she should bring this up with her father after all.

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