A Small Conversation Between Izuku and Pico | Chapter 31

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

It was settled, the girl's were split apart after a bit of explanations. Shiaru quickly stealing Himori to go off and teach her about proper business. 

"Shioru, could we make a visit to the casino, I believe we owe this girl a draw don't we. Especially if she's going to be out working with me." Izuku asked her. Shioru thought about it for a moment, thinking about the best ability the girl could use.

"Absolutely, I'd love to have another overly powerful little friend to pick on. Especially a girl, I can already imagine all types of changes I could bring to her." Shioru spoke, looking the girl over as she thought about it.

The brown haired girl simply shivered at the woman's words. She wasn't sure what to think about them, the casino was another thing, she wasn't aware that they had something like that in Japan, most of them were seen as illegal and shut down almost as soon as they'd open up. Even horse racing and other simple types of gambling was prohibited. ( This makes you think, what kind of gambling has Aizawa gotten into, how exactly is he addicted to gambling when it's illegal...)

Shioru placed her arms around the girl and Hajime, leaving Izuku and Pico behind. Izuku wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that, but instead of complaining about her leaving him, he simply brought Pico back to the mansion. Shioru and his other self would no doubt handle things fine, if not and she complains that he didn't come along with her, he'll simply tell her off for leaving him behind.


Izuku and Pico walked back into the mansion of a home that the two twins had bought for them. Shiaru could be heard showing Hiromi around and teaching her a few different things along the way.

~Daddy Pico's just a little confused, how come you're looking for outside workers when you have your clones?~ Pico asked him as she swung her legs while being held. 

Izuku stopped walking and looked down at her. She had a point. Honestly he'd thought about that a lot so far, he was technically the only one that could give out the rewards from Lucky Draw, so he could just place multiple similar clones behind the reward counter to reward those who earn something.

That annoying reminder of how he gives out the rewards returned to him, it's hard to believe that his luck, even with his luck quirk could be so bad for him to get the one Shioru had placed on the wheel as a joke...

"That's a good idea, but if it's only us, then how are we going to get the trust of the customers. More minds then just our own are needed, though we have both Shioru and Shiaru along side us, it'd still be difficult with just the three of us, well, and you of course." Izuku told her. He continued walking, further towards Pico's bedroom. 

She continued to swing her legs as she thought about different things as well. ~Mm..., Hajime said that Shioru wanted to give host an Acting quirk from the wheel the next time you go to the casino didn't she? Wouldn't that help?~ Pico asked him.

Izuku once again thought about that, in a way it would, but simple acting wouldn't be able to give you an entirely different mind set. "I guess you're right, but I still believe that outside helpers could be beneficial to us. Besides, I can't do everything by myself after all." Izuku told her as he made it up the stairs to their bedroom's floor.

Pico continued to swing her legs, noticing where he was taking her, she reluctantly decided that it'd be a good time for bed.


Izuku had laid Pico down for bed after helping her take a small bath. She wore cute little blue pajama's as she slept curled up in her white fluffy blanket. Izuku read her a small story before finally leaving her room and heading to the office connected to his. He didn't really have much work to do, but he did have some things to think about. Especially what Pico had mentioned before. 

He was thinking about different ways to create his clones. Right now, all he knows is that his clones are damage based rather then time based, which was a good think in his position. (How they disappear, for those who didn't get that.)

He wasn't quite sure what his limit for clones was though. He's cloned Hajime, sure, but that's only one, not only that, Hajime is constantly using the shifter ability too, it was strange that it didn't cut off even once while they were apart. Shioru must really not want to spend all her time with him, instead opting for some apparently fairly handsome dude.

That didn't really make sense though, they were still the same person, they just looked different. Did that really change anything?

Izuku opened the door to the office attached to his bedroom. He had a desk in his room, but the office right next to it was just better to help clear his mind. Not only that, there were tons of books everywhere incase he got bored and wanted to read something.

He took a seat at a large black wood desk that sat a bit off the wall in front of a couple large windows. A small Laptop, which he assumed was his own, sat in the middle of the desk. A lamp sat on one side and a few other things, journals, and files sat on the other side. 

He decided to do a bit of exploring with his clone ability, hopefully it doesn't effect Hajime on their end. Even if it does, Shioru will probably say that something came up and she had to teleport him or something.

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