Shioru, Stop Messing With Him | Chapter 20

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Izuku grabbed the rewards from the counter. He tore them in half and watched as a none-heated flame enveloped them before completely disappearing. Suddenly his body felt like it was on fire. Like it was in the process of reconstructing itself...

Izuku bit his lip to not scream as his veins felt like they were being torn apart. For some reason, shifter decided to choose that point to cut out and reveal what exactly was happening to Izuku's body. A lot..., that's what was happening to Izuku's body. His skin was slightly darker in color for some reason, also he had large calf and bicep muscles. His stomach felt incredibly tight for some reason as well.

Across the room Shioru looked at him and whistled. "Damn, sorry kid, but the Midoriya genes did not do you dirty." Shioru told him. Izuku felt a bit of heat rush to his face at that comment.

He coughed and activated shifter again. Now back in the form of Hajime rather then Izuku. Izuku went back towards the wheel. "So..., when do you think he's going to wake up...?" Izuku asked her.

Shioru looked at the man still dead on the table. "No clue, he shifted earlier so he might already be awake and faking, but either way it doesn't really matter. Let him get a good look around before deciding what he wants to do. But you, back to the wheel." Shioru told him. Not missing the flinch coming from the "dead" man on the black jack table.

'You don't think he saw me shifting right?' Izuku thought in his mind, knowing full well that she could hear him. Shioru looked at him with a smile. 

"No, he didn't. I'm pretty sure he just woke up." Shioru told him in a lowered tone. Izuku huffed and went back to the wheel. Whatever happened next was up to the man lying down. Whether he chose to start fighting or look around. It all laid on him now.

Izuku took a few more tries at the wheel, at first he'd forgotten to activate his lucky quick, which in tern made him angrily receive more martial art/movement type cards rather then the one's he's looking for. 

In the end, with a few extra spins, he finally managed to get the things he'd wanted.


1- Expert lvl Card Arts

2- Master lvl Taekwondo 

3- Expert lvl Acrobatics

4- Master lvl Parkour

5- Expert lvl Throwing Arts

6- Soul Bound (Contract Ability. Allows user to form a contract with others, conditions rely entirely on Contractor.)

7- Mirror Images (Copy of oneself. User can create copies of themselves, more copies can be made as the ability is used more. Copies can use all abilities of user. Condition, if user can't handle the stress put on the clone, the clone/copy of themselves will disappear/dissipate.)

8- A Sealing Kiss (User can transfer abilities to others under conditions. Conditions are decided by user. User seals the deal with a kiss.)

9- We Know The Truth, But Do You? (User can tell a lie from the truth. User becomes an expert at lying and fake truth telling.)

10- Good or Evil (User can see one's evil deeds and good deeds. Condition, User has to come into direct contact with victim.)

11- Bonds (User can make chains come out of any surface and use them to keep someone or something in place.)

12- Untraceable Phone x10


Izuku looked at Shioru like she was a crazy person. Not only had he forgotten to turn on his luck quirk, even when he did, Shioru still seemed to mess around with the things he'd gotten. One of them especially concerned him. A Sealing Kiss. Izuku shuttered at the idea of kissing those that he made contracts with. (I got this off the demons in Supernatural, when they make deals they seal it with a kiss.)

 Shioru couldn't help but laugh at his expression at getting that one. She had placed that in there as a joke and even put in another contract quirk, but not even his luck quirk was on his side at that one. Izuku huffed and decided to stop there. He was now down to 23,068 spins.

Izuku collected the cards at the reward counter reluctantly. He'd hoped for something op or..., anyway, another thing that really concerned him, was the fact that he got ten untraceable phones in one spin. That kind of bugged him for some reason, like Shioru was trying to tell him something. But by the looks of it, she was just bored and threw random things in.

As Izuku collected his cards, he placed them in his pocket for later. The fact that the stranger they'd brought in just laid on the table without so much as flinching once, it seemed like he thought he was going to die or something...

Shioru got bored waiting for him to get up on his own and instead walked over towards him and leaned on the table.

"You know mister sleepy head, I understand that blink doesn't have the pretties after effects on others. But it definitely doesn't last this long." Shioru told him. The man dressed in black flinched at being discovered.

He grumbled and sat up. He was now sitting on the table and looking around. He'd glanced around briefly, but he'd mostly kept his eyes half shut in worry of being found out.

"Welcome to our beloved home. This place isn't easy to get to, so I had to use my quirk to bring you here. Hajime wasn't the prettiest when I used it on him the first time either." Shioru told him as she pointed towards the large brown haired man. Izuku's face contorted at the thought of Shioru teleporting him roughly. That wouldn't be pretty in the slightest...

"..., Your names are Shioru and Hajime...., You don't sound Japanese just by those names..." The stranger questioned. Shioru took the chance. It was better to be seen as people from out of the country, then Japanese people that could be in the data base.

"That's because we're not. Though Hajime's part Japanese. We're Korean, our daughter's Japanese though. We originally came here because we'd heard a close friend of ours was going through some trouble. However all that's cleared up now, so we're just here to have some fun now." Shioru told him.

"Fun..., right. Shioru you're classification of fun is just causing chaos at random. But we are in fact from out of the country. Shioru brought us over here after hearing that our friend was going through some things. Though things are fine now, the two of us, Kaoru included decided that it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to just stick around." Izuku told the man. This friend they were referring to, just so happened to be him in his original body. Shioru smiled as he easily lied to the man. The chaos would surely be great as he grew.

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