A Victim | Chapter 65

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Izuku and the others walked around the area, his face scrunched up as he noticed just how dirty the streets really were. "How difficult do you think it'd be to get a clean up crew back here?" Izuku asked Harumi.

"Well it shouldn't be too difficult, however you need to remember that this isn't our main area. We'll only be here for a few days, so if we change things during that time there's no doubt in my mind that it'll change back to this as soon as we leave." Harumi told him. He huffed in annoyance.

"Well I suppose it isn't our place to make changes to another man's territory to begin with. Whatever, todays main dish should be Endeavor, however for the time being why don't we look for some possible candidates for open positions within the bar. That should be fun." He told her. Harumi nodded, no doubt they'd have a hard time finding someone like that, but it didn't matter to that extent, after all, the Casino was only just picking up, they didn't need it to be full to the brim with workers as of yet.

"I believe Shioru has been looking for personal workers for the Casino as well. I believe she called them Game Masters." Harumi told him. Izuku hummed in recognition.

"I remember, she'd talked to me about that before. You remember that girl from the bar I was talking to, the one at Green Rabbit. She's a candidate for becoming a game master. She's been on Shioru's watch list for a few weeks already." Izuku told her.

"That purple haired woman? What was her name..., ah Forman?" Harumi asked him.

"Lidia Forman, she ran away from home and ended up in Japan. Along the way she discovered the Green Rabbit, or at least that's what I'd gathered from her. Honestly speaking there isn't much on her, however I like her personality, not only that she has no background or tracks that could be lead back to her." Izuku responded. Aizawa listened in carefully. He hadn't heard anything about these so called "Game Masters". In all honesty they sounded kind of scary. Not quite something he wanted to get involved with.

"But Shioru has been on the look out for them for quite some time now. She's a master of Rewards and Games, she knows the ins and outs of each game, so she wants to hand this knowledge down to another so all she has to worry about is the reward factor." Izuku told them. He huffed at having to find more people, however he was also interested in them. Lidia Forman, Shioru mentioned that she would be a good fit for the Game Master role of "Rule" he doesn't know much on this one. Shioru didn't really bother mentioning much on Game Masters in general, so he only knew the bare minimum.

He huffed and went around. "Should we check out some of the buildings? We're not the police so we don't technically have to worry about getting a warrant." Izuku told them. Aizawa stayed quiet, opting to just follow along. Harumi brought her phone out once more.

"You know we should really look into getting more equipment for this. Make it look like we're professionals at least." Harumi told them.

"I can look into it, but that doesn't mean anything big will happen. Shiaru might have some suggestions though, it'd be nice if he could help us in this area instead of being stuck in business mode." Izuku responded.

Izuku placed a hand against one of the doors and simply pushed it open. "For an area like this to have people just leaving their doors open, it makes you wonder if they think they're invincible or something." Izuku spoke with a small chuckle.

"Now then Black, would you be so kind as to do some investigating?" Izuku asked her as he pointed into the building. Harumi nodded and disappeared into her shadows. As she did this Izuku looked around the streets.

"Well then, while she's investigating the buildings, we'll be looking along the streets. Let's see who's good enough to catch my eye this time." Izuku spoke as he walked down the dirty grounds.


There was nothing, the people in this area were either far cleaner then what he'd expected, or they knew how to hide things. Even Harumi who was completely undetectable couldn't find anything. 

"This area's giving me a bad feeling. I wonder if the heroes managed to get here before us?" Harumi questioned. Izuku nodded, he looked around and noticed something interesting. A smirk fell onto his face and an exciting feeling spread through his chest.

"Well now, I suppose that's not nothing." Izuku spoke as he pointed down at a man passed out and full of blood. "Victim or attacker I wonder." He spoke as he made his way closer.

"You shouldn't just walk up to someone like that, what if they were pretending and had a weapon." Aizawa told him. Izuku simply chuckled, in all honesty this isn't his main body, he changed them out and his original body is still at the Casino, he simply transferred his consciousness into this one for the time being.

"Well if something like that ends up happening, it'll at least be a tad more exciting then what we've found so far." Izuku told him. He kneeled down and checked the man over.

"Ah, looks like Victim was correct this time around." He spoke as he lifted the man's shirt and looked at the wound. "Quite the gruesome attacker as well, a knife wound like this one, it looks like he was stabbed multiple times in the same spot." Izuku told them. He stood up and cleaned himself off.

"Well then, I suppose now all we have to do is call this one in and find out who our little attacker is. Black would you mind looking from above, I'll go below, Silver I'll have you call this one in." Izuku told them.

The two disappeared and now Aizawa was left with the body. He huffed in annoyance. He looked the man over, it looked like rigor mortis was already setting in as well, which meant that the attacker was probably already long gone. He huffed and pulled out his phone, he used the LDC phone this time, not wanting his identity to be discovered as soon as he called. Though his voice might already give him away.

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