A Meeting With The Bosses Kid | Chapter 84

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Patrol was slow as ever, he moved swiftly through the air as he jumped across roofs. There was barely any noise lately, only the sounds of passing vehicles on busy highways. Honestly the city was too quiet, ever since it was heard that their vigilante trio had moved over here, crime rates in Musutafu had gone down..., well at night anyway. 

Normally there'd be tons of noise at night, drunks wandering the streets, drug dealers that they've still had a hard time putting away, all kinds of petty criminals. There was nothing out here, it was like they'd all just up and disappeared. 

He'd thought about moving to the outskirts of the city, but even then, he still had places to be. Leaving the area could cause him some severe issues. He wasn't going to stand up his "boss" after all.

The sound of crashing bottles caught his ear, he stopped hastily on a rooftop and peered down into a dark alley. The light from streetlights lit up each edge of the alley, allowing him to look properly. It was a kid..., a fairly young one at that. He narrowed his eyes at the sight, trying his best to get a closer look. However, all his eyes met was the familiar face of a child he's seen before. One he was entirely too hesitant to meet. It was Kaoru.

She looked up at him with a strange smile on her face. ~Ah! Eraser-san! Kaoru's been looking for you!~ Kaoru spoke up. She pranced around happily as she saw him. His stomach dropped at her words.

"Why are you out here kid?" He asked her, she looked at him in confusion.

~Kaoru just told you. She's been looking for you for quite some time now. Papa's not quite sure if you should meet with Midoriya-san tonight. He's in a bit of a foul mood. Of course he'll be in an even worse mood if he discovers that you won't be coming, but Kaoru thought it'd be best to give you a warning.~ Kaoru told him.

Kaoru's eyes were dark, a sickening black covering the entirety of it, suddenly a hole formed under her and she disappeared. He looked around and she appeared behind him.

~Kaoru's gained a lot of experience with Papa Hajime, it's kind of sad that Pico-chan can never get out much with Midoriya-san.~ She spoke as she looked at the man. Her eyes were back to normal, but he still felt hesitant to go near her. She smiled up at him.

~Eraser-san, or should Kaoru call you Silver now...?~ She asked him. His eyes narrowed and a glare formed in his eyes. She smirked and began to giggle.

~Midoriya-san sure has gotten you wrapped around his finger, it's kind of funny since Papa was the one that hired you to begin with. But to be fair, Papa's always looking for a way to take care of Midoriya-san, Mama's never all that nice to Midoriya-san, so someone has to be.~ Kaoru told him as she held a small patchy bear in her arms. She looked up at him for one moment, but something caught her eye and she lightly pouted.

~Kaoru has to go now. If you do go and meet Midoriya-san, just be careful with your words. Midoriya-san is especially mean when one speaks out of line.~ She told him as her eyes once again grew dark and she disappeared.

He huffed a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. For some reason, she was far more intimidating than a kid should be. She definitely knew her place in the world and uses it to her advantage, it's worrying how a kid can become like that. He shivered at the thought of what the Midoriya twins have gone through in the passed months, maybe it would have even been better for them to continue living with their parents... He shook his head at the thought, he heard about what his mother had done to him, no doubt his father was any better, which means the two were probably always getting abused in some way or another. He couldn't think such a thing, sending a kid back into a state like that..., he's definitely going to have to watch himself later.


His patrol had ended and finally it was time to meet up with Grey and Harumi, his body shook as the reminder of who he's going to meet played in his mind. His phone rang, signaling him that the two were around. He looked around and noticed the two on an opposite building. Their masks displayed brightly from the moonlight.

Figures that as soon as he's supposed to meet the boss, a full moon would appear. That was probably another reason why a lot of the usual crime disappeared tonight. He scowled as he looked their way. Grey chuckled as he hopped over towards him.

"Oh come now, the young master isn't that bad. I heard that a little birdie came to visit, I haven't seen her in quite some time, Hajime had sent her off to a private school after all." Grey told him. He stood calmly at his side.

"A private school? I heard that Midoriya was having Pico homeschooled, how come Kaoru's not being homeschooled as well?" Aizawa asked. Grey simply shrugged.

"Honestly, you never know what the bosses are thinking. Especially those two, Hajime and Shioru are a one of a kind duo, Hajime's nicer of course..., if only Shioru held even a glint of Hajime's manners..." Grey spoke as he shivered at the memory of the woman.

"Well, to be fair, Hajime grew up with good parents, so that could be a part of it." Harumi spoke up, an easy lie that covered for his unnaturally good nature.

 "Hajime had parents? Must of been nice." Grey spoke as he turned around. Harumi choked at his joke and went into an immediate coughing fit, all while Aizawa watched the two with a deadpanned stare.

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