The One Who Started It All | Chapter 83

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

~Papa, how come the others came with you?~ Pico questioned as she looked at her father's clone and Harumi. 

"Things have been getting more and more complicated as of late, I trust that Izumi will be safe enough with these heroes, but I'm taking you out of this school and will have you homeschooled." Izuku told the girl. He began walking back towards the car, however his eyes finally met with Aizawa's. He was the teacher here, he should at least show a little bit of respect.

Izuku stopped right in front of the man. His eyes narrowed almost like he was looking at a bug. To Izuku this was normal, however to the hero in front of him it was probably insulting. "Aizawa Shouta right? You're my sister's teacher." Izuku questioned the man. He seemed to flinch at the use of his name before his body went stiff. Izuku lightly smirked at the man's posture.

"Relax, I know who you are, rest assured my sister has nothing to do with the family business, in fact she doesn't even know it's name. I'd appreciate it if it stayed that way." Izuku told the man. Aizawa gulped at his words before nodding slowly. Another small smirk made it onto the boy's face.

"Good. Now then, if you're free during the night, I believe Grey would like to have a conversation, later you'll be escorted back to our manner. The location will be kept secret from all others, do you understand." Izuku told the man. His eyes lightly widened at the boy's words, he once again nodded.

Izuku smiled and waved the school goodbye. "Well then, we'll be on our way. I hope Izumi does well in this school, god only knows what the American's have taught her..." Izuku spoke as he got into the car with his daughter and began to leave.

Izumi looked on between her brother and her teacher in confusion. However at the sight of her brother getting into the car, she hurriedly followed after so she could sit beside him. Grey and Harumi stood behind for a moment.

"So Eraserhead, finally making it into the big leagues, look's like the master's got some plans for you." Grey spoke as he leaned against Harumi's shoulder.

"Oh please, as if coming to the manner for the first time is considered big leagues, if that was the case, he wouldn't be a simple vigilante like the two of us." Harumi told him. Grey frowned at her words.

"I'll have you know, I'm one of the main guards for said young master." Grey spoke up. Harumi rolled her eyes at his words.

"Sorry to say this Grey, but we all know Ameonna could kick your ass in a heart beat." Harumi told him as she side stepped him and let him trip over his own feet. She chuckled as she walked off. Aizawa helped Grey up off the ground and bid them farewell, it was definitely going to be a long night, and he'd be lying if he said he was looking forward to it.


Aizawa watched as the car left through the gates. The gates swiftly closed behind them, leaving Aizawa to pretty much stare into space as he thought about what could happen tonight. Honestly he wasn't expecting an invitation, that's for sure. To be honest though, if his thoughts were anywhere, they were on Izumi. How was it possible that she didn't know anything about their family business. She was literally using a phone issued solely by the LDC.

There was another part to that though, she always came off as airheaded. Her brother was probably warry about that and decided to keep things to himself. It was better that way anyway, if he didn't have to worry about her all hours of the day, then he'd be able to focus more on teaching her than taking care of her on orders of his boss..., he can't help but hate the thought of someone far younger than him being his boss..., was that odd?

Forget that, another part was bothering him as well. Her brother had mentioned something happening to her in America. He'd have to check that out as well. Aizawa turned around after having stared at the gate for a tad too long. Standing in the doorway, was a face he wasn't all too pleased to see. All Might stood tall as ever in the doorway with a confused look on his face.

"That was the young Midoriya boy..., he looks far different than his sister." All Might spoke.

"Yes well..., he looked different a few months ago." Aizawa told him as he pushed passed to get back to the teacher's lounge. All Might followed after him.

"How could a change like that occur in only a few months. It just doesn't make sense." All Might spoke. He glanced back towards the entrance, before following after Aizawa to annoy him some more.


Night had finally began to fall, Aizawa was grateful to finally get away from the man. All Might had been pestering him all afternoon after seeing the Midoriya's. Honestly, he can't help but feel annoyed. The Midoriya's were a dangerous family yes, but he also works for them now. If All Might ends up looking into them more than he should, he might just end up discovering something about him.

Aizawa's brows knitted together at the thought. He wasn't interested in going to prison, especially since he's a hero, similar to a cop, once one of them are placed in prison, the result never ends well...

As he found himself on his nightly patrol, suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the number and there Grey's name was displayed. He huffed as he brought the phone to his ear.

"Hey Silver! You're not planning to skip out on the boss right? He's not as nice as he looks." Grey warned him. Aizawa shivered at the man's words. He could hear Harumi insulting Grey from the background before she stole the phone.

"Don't listen to that idiot, the boss has never harmed anyone himself, he's not interested in causing altercations either, he's got a business to take care of and he's not interested in any backlash. Just make sure that you're on your best behavior, he's become a tad strict as of late, the other bosses have been on his ass and he's exhausted..." Harumi told him. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at her words.

He huffed into the phone and grumbled intangible words. "I don't need to dress up or anything right? I'm not interested in wearing a suit to meet some kid." Aizawa told her.

Harumi sighed at his words. "Silver..., this isn't some kid you're meeting. There may be bosses above him, but he's the face of the company, he's also the reason behind your hiring and all of ours as well. Without him, this entire company would never have existed to begin with." Harumi warned him. Aizawa's eyes widened at her words. 

"So he's..., really behind all of it?" Aizawa questioned her.

"Enough of this, just finish with your hero patrol so you can come meet up with us. The boss is no doubt waiting for you." She told him. He wanted to say a bit more but she hung up the phone before he could get his voice across.

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