Aizawa Finally Meets Grey | Chapter 58

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

As soon as he'd run further down the alley he could already hear unfamiliar voices. He looked around and noticed Harumi on the top of a building and looking down at the one's he's hearing. She held up a hand and pointed at her fingers.

"Damn it, there are five of them." Izuku spoke, Aizawa stopped right behind him and looked around and spotted the girl with her hand up. 

"What are the plans, are they heroes or villains." Aizawa asked him. Izuku looked at him and back towards Harumi. He held up his hands and motioned towards the voice. Finally using a form of sign language to question her on it.

She nodded and looked them over, afterwards answering him in the same manner. Izuku huffed in annoyance. "Heroes..., a total of five of them all together, the hell are they doing around here anyway." Izuku questioned as he looked back at Aizawa. He simply shrugged, he'd only learned about a gathering around the area since the young Todoroki kid mentioned that his father had a big event today.

Izuku huffed in annoyance and moved a tad closer, he listened into the conversation as best as he could.


"Hey did you hear about Endeavor's run in with the Magician?" One of them spoke. What were the chances of his vigilante tag being spoken as soon as he started listening in. He looked up towards Harumi and asked if they knew he was there. She shook her head and pointed down at them.

One was apparently on their phone talking to someone while the others were taking care of some very unlucky villain that just so happened to have found their way back here. He nodded and sighed in relief and continued listening.

"Yeah, apparently the man's literally like a ghost, he disappeared as soon as he used his quirk, Endeavor's been shouting and cussing at the man since his escape." One of them laughed. Izuku chuckled quietly at the words.

"Yeah well, I can believe that, I heard that his quirk is hella over powered, like what kind of quirk uses cards, did they just appear one day or were they made specifically for his quirk?" One of them asked. The others seemed to just laugh further at his question. 

"I don't know and I don't give a damn, I just hope I don't have a run in with him. I heard that Endeavor's got a mean ass bruise on his side because of a single kick. Now that's not something I'd like to go through, plus its Endeavor, a bruise on that guy would probably kill one of us." Another spoke. Izuku smiled as he listened, he didn't even realize he'd gotten the man that hard. Aizawa was also surprised at their words, he didn't realize that the man standing next to him was so strong. 

"Anyway, what was this guy so afraid of, it was like he'd seen a ghost earlier." One asked. The others looked towards him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" 

"The moment he started running he stopped dead in his tracks like he'd seen the scariest shit of his life, that's not normal you know, especially when you're being chased by heroes." 

"Eh who knows, if he's afraid of it I'm sure we would be too, I'm not interested in getting into any trouble right now, especially since Endeavor's agency is keeping us on a tight leash right now."

The others agreed and began dealing with the villain that they'd caught. Izuku had enough and looked up towards Harumi and gave her the move out signal. Izuku grabbed a hold of Aizawa and hoped that the heroes didn't hear the sound he'd let out. He launched them towards the roof and began running from roof to roof.

He met up with Harumi and they all ran with each other. "I'm guessing Endeavor's not the happiest about our little run in. Anyway aside from that I'm pretty sure that even the citizens already know about us with how scared that idiot was." Izuku told her.

Harumi nodded and looked around. "Its not a good idea to be moving around with a hero. Especially one that's well known by Endeavor, lets take a pit stop near by at the Green Rabbit." Harumi told him. Izuku nodded, a very needed branch out here, one that Endeavor was particularly annoyed about. 

The two stopped in an Alley close to the bar and looked at one another before finally looking at Aizawa. "So, are you truly trust worthy?" Harumi asked the man. He looked at her in confusion before sighing and nodding. The girl nodded back and brought her hands up to her mask. He took a step back in surprise as the two removed both of their masks. 

He looked at them in shock, White especially. He was a lot different from what he thought he'd be. His long hair matched his slim figure and sharp jaw line well. Black's face was another thing, her eyes were sharp and resembled her composure well, she always seemed to be stricter, more so around him, but he's heard her talking with White a few times and she was also fairly well behaved with him too.

After a moment Black disappeared and reappeared in different clothes, White however began to strip down right in front of them without any shame. He got down to his undershirt which was simply a white button up, one that looked a tad different from the one's he's seen before, no doubt made of a different material. He gave his uniform to Black and it simply disappeared in front of him. Aizawa felt unsettled, like he was being further dragged into the business and he wasn't sure how good he felt about it.

"So, you can call me Grey." Izuku told the man, an attractive smile on his face. Aizawa looked at him for a moment, he was unrecognizable even though his behavior was exactly the same. He held out a hand in greeting. Aizawa huffed and took it. 

"Call me Shouta, since I suppose I've already been dragged under further then I can go back." He told them. Grey smiled and he swore that it was a different man then the one he's seen thus far. It was strange. 

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