Just A Day At The Mall With His Family | Chapter 14

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

As the three walked around, Shioru found just about every suit she could that would look good on his current form. Izuku was spending quite the amount of money, and he was starting to worry that it would all add up. 

"Shioru, don't you think I'm going to go bankrupt at this point?" Izuku asked the woman. Shioru simply laughed. 

"In exchange for quest rewards, I'll let you take money instead of spins. Since you've already got plenty of spins left, why not take it. You've already got plenty of quests finished simply by taking care of Kaoru. Wouldn't that be the best option?" Shioru told the boy. She knew full well what she was doing. As long as she's here, there's no way he's running out of money. She's in charge of rewards after all...

Izuku huffed and nodded. Shioru instantly accepted the rewards for him and the money was then placed into his account. On his phone he received the message of how much he'd gotten. He'd checked it before and they'd already gone through five grand. He was worried, but now..., it was kind of impossible to worry when he saw quite the amount of zeroes behind an eighty-seven...

"..., Isn't that a bit much..., how many quests did I complete...?" Izuku asked the woman. 

Shioru hummed in thought for a moment. "Well there are approximately five or so daily quests, but there are other quests that can be completed as well. Things like fathering Kaoru there." Shioru pointed towards the little girl staring off in the distance.

Izuku huffed and nodded. He really couldn't say much about this. Shioru isn't the best at explaining quests, but when it comes to the rewards, she never really holds back.

"Speaking of the rewards..., I'd like to talk after we leave. Probably at the Casino later." Izuku told the woman. Shioru nodded, she was a tad annoyed that she had to go back so soon, but Izuku was the host after all. Besides, he's making her a room at his place, so she'd be able to get out of there any way.

After that the two followed behind Pico who was roaming like it was her first time seeing anything there. Which it was, so they couldn't blame her, but she was getting distracted at everything. 

Then she suddenly stopped. Right in front of a toy store. Pico contemplated whether to go in or not. Izuku noticed this and sighed. He put a hand on the top of her head and slightly smiled at her. "You want to go in?" Izuku asked the girl. 

Pico looked up at him with small stars in her eyes and nodded quickly. "Then what are you waiting for?" He asked. Izuku turned towards Shioru and noticed that she wasn't all that pleased about going in there. He sighed and grabbed out his wallet. Inside he transferred a bunch of cash and decided to just give the woman his card since she loved shopping so much.

Shioru looked at him skeptically. "Don't go overboard, we've still gotta get some things for the apartment." Izuku told the woman. Shioru smiled brightly and threw her arms around the man.

"This is why you're the greatest husband!" She shouted. A bunch of onlookers looked their way and all Izuku could do was cough and shew her off. 

"Go get whatever you want, just be mindful of grabbing too much. Though it shouldn't be too hard to carry to the apartment..." Izuku said. He thought about that for a moment and simply huffed once again having the thought of getting a car. Traffic was always so bad around here though so it'd just slow them down if anything. But on the other hand it's better to carry things.

Shioru waved them goodbye and Izuku and Pico walked into the toy store. ~What do you think Momma's getting?~ Pico asked. She really started calling her momma...

Izuku hummed in thought for a moment, "Knowing her it'll probably be jewelry, clothes, and pretty much anything expensive." Izuku chuckled at the thought. Pico looked at him confused but nodded none the less. The two looked around for a while, only really finding things for young kids. Pico is technically five years old, but she's still more advanced then the rest.

~Papa..., why are all these games so weird?~ Pico asked, she was pointing over towards the board game section. 

"Hmm..., some of them are older, they're family games that people used to play before quirks came along. Not many people buy them though, so they've been losing a lot of profit on selling them." Izuku told the girl. Pico looked at her father then towards the games. They're family games from nearly five-hundred years ago, it's a surprise that their even being made still.

~Why don't we try it Papa!~ Pico told him. She decided to look through them. She didn't quite understand what some of them said or how they worked, but she could just rely on Izuku finding that out. Izuku simply chuckled and walked over with the girl. 

"I suppose we could force Shioru to play one with us." Izuku said.

~ Yay!~ Pico shouted with a giggle afterwards. Again..., all you could hear were chuckles from all around them. Why do they have to draw so much attention...

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