The Truth Behind Number 1 | Chapter 63

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' ~Pico~

Aizawa had the eyepatch on and was surprised that Grey and Harumi could recognize him so easily with it on. Even he couldn't tell that he was himself, yet they could tell just from a single glance. Though that could also be because they were the ones that gave the eyepatch to him to begin with.

"Well then, should we head out!" Izuku spoke, a smile on his face as if they weren't about to go find trouble. A smirk landed on Harumi's face as well, something Aizawa had yet to see.

"I look forward to seeing what the newbie can do." Harumi told him.

"Lest you forget, you were the first one to get injured Harumi." Izuku mentioned with a smirk as he walked over and put an arm around Aizawa's shoulder. The girl looked at him with a glare, a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Alright then, everything should be settled, lets get the hell out of here shall we!" Izuku spoke as he motioned towards a wall with a black portal on it. Now that he fully looked at it, there were multiple portals attached to the wall, more then likely attached to the bars that were used the most.

Izuku walked hastily towards the portal with an excited grin on his face, he was actually pretty excited for today, Rose had told him that Endeavor was pissed off and knew he was in his area as well. Not quite sure how he found that out, but at the same time he doesn't care, he's looking forward to it. The so called storm that they kept talking about, it was the fiery man himself.


The three walked out from the VIP area and held their phones out so the men knew not to mess with them or check them over. A checking process was done on those that left the Casino specifically because you never know if they took something they weren't supposed to, though at the moment there wasn't exactly anything they could really take unless they won it.

Aizawa was different now, the guards noticed simply because he was with them. He was still the same person, he just looked different. The eyepatch specifically hid him from others, but a pattern could still be seen. So no doubt his identity was seen through by them.

"I believe we should have those two replaced so they don't start questioning things." Izuku whispered to Harumi. Harumi nodded and pulled out her phone, she texted this to Hiromi so she could look into finding two new guards.

It wasn't even dark yet, they seemed to be in there for only a few minutes even though it felt like they'd been there for hours. Could the Casino be in a place with a different time frame, that wouldn't really make sense though, most of the people inside the Casino were speaking Japanese. He'd noticed a few of them speaking English though, so that meant that it wasn't entirely a Japanese business. (Angel and a few others know English and prefer to speak in it because a lot of the customers wouldn't understand it. Though at the same time Angel knows a few other languages as well which means that Izuku knows how to speak those other languages.)

"Well then, I suppose we should go back to that alley and get ourselves dressed properly. We'll refer to one another as our code names from now on. Oh yeah, welcome to the team Silver." Izuku spoke with a small snicker as he noticed the man grumble at the name.

They walked out of the bar and made their way back to the alley they'd changed in before. Izuku was given his costume from Harumi that had sent it pretty much into the shadow realm, and Harumi simply disappeared and reappeared with hers on.

They all placed their masks on and Izuku quite honestly couldn't be more happy. "Now then, I was told that getting caught on camera was the main goal for today's outing by Rose. That conversation didn't last long since it'd be dangerous, but she mentioned that we should try our best to be more..., known?" He finished.

Harumi groaned at his words, she had originally planned to be completely invisible, only being the one in the dark or whatever. Aizawa was simply an add on, but with him working along side them now, it was like they were now an organization instead of a simple vigilante duo. Which meant that they'd have far more attention then what they originally would have had.

"Well then, stay close to one another, we don't need anyone dying today." Harumi spoke. She disappeared into the shadows and Izuku looked around. 

"Well then, to the roofs we go!" He spoke cheerfully. Aizawa already knew that he wasn't getting any help from this point on, he was expected to only use the Rabbit Hole quirk he'd received as well. It'd be hard since he wasn't all that trained with it, that was also probably why Grey had told him to be careful and stay close.

He huffed and a hole formed in front of him. Another one appeared on the roof of the building that Izuku had climbed up effortlessly. Aizawa stepped into it and began to fall, it quite honestly felt like he was flying any time he'd fall into one, and as soon as that happened he was spit out into the air and the portal beneath him disappeared. He landed on his feet this time, having at least practiced how to land.

Harumi sat on the edge of the building and was on her phone. Izuku was looking around and listening into the conversations of those down below. "I wonder if getting in trouble with a hero would bring us any spotlight, though that could get us the wrong kind of attention..." Izuku spoke, a small pout forming under his mask. "Too bad, I'd love to have a fight with some of them, I heard that heroes these days were quite violent." 

"Where did you hear that from." Aizawa asked as he walked over to him and looked towards what he'd been looking at.

"Oh nothing much, some of the masters always talk about how mean some of the heroes can be, I believe even the Number 1 hero has a few skeletons of his own." He told him. It was true, All Might indeed had a number of cases that were discarded and hidden from public eye, most of them were accidents, however there were a few that could be seen as intentional.

"You're joking right? How the hell could an idiot like that manage to kill somebody?" Aizawa questioned him.

"That's exactly the reason, the man's an idiot, he doesn't understand that at times one needs to control their strength, he didn't get that message and took the life of someone quite important some time ago." Izuku told him. That part was partially a lie, the lives that he's taken have usually always been those of villains, however there was a case not long ago where a civilian was injured and later died because of the mess he'd created of the street after attacking a villain. The civilian was caught in the attack and once All Might was involved, it was already too late for them. The hospital was lucky they even got a corpse.

"Besides that, he's someone that the young Master dislikes with a passion." Izuku told him. That was the truth, he still couldn't look past what he'd been told, or how he'd been left. That day will forever remain in his mind as a fresh memory, it was far too late for a man like that to regain his trust, so the fact that he's letting his sister, even if she's a clone of him, get close to that man, it was honestly a sickening feeling.

Aizawa listened in confusion, how is it that the Symbol of Peace managed to get on the bad side of someone like their Master. No doubt, that wouldn't end up well for them in the future, especially since he works side by side with him as of now.

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