Ringrust? Never

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Midday, the day of the event, there's a knock at the door. No one has answered it, not even Jay. I sit up and look at Adam, sound asleep, snoring, but asleep. I look around at the bedroom floor, searching for my thong and bra. I see my thong, but there's no sign of my bra anywhere. More knocking at the front door. If someone doesn't answer it soon, I'm going to get a fucking headache. A couple minutes later, I hear shouting coming from outside, and I somehow recognize the voices. Damn Jericho and I think Rhino. But I know that one of those voices is Chris Jericho. I'd recognize his voice anywhere.

"Adam, Jay, come on" he yells

Adam's mobile rings. He opens his eyes very slightly, picking up his mobile. He looks at the caller ID and presses the hang up button before falling back to sleep.

I laugh slightly to myself. I stand up and put my thong back on. I find the nearest top and put it on. It's Adam's top. I do a few buttons up and head out the room. If Adam or Jay aren't going to sort these two guys out, then I guess I'll have to. So I start heading for the front door. I pass Jay who is completely passed out.

"May I help you?" I answer

"Who the hell are you?" Chris asks, his tone showing clearly how angry he is.

I was right. Chris Jericho and Rhino, at the door... great. I spot Rhino looking at me with a cheeky grin. I see him look at my ass.

"How you doing?" he says. It reminds me of Joey from Friends. I laugh slightly.

"Well..." Chris says

"I know who she is, she's the chick from the treadmill yesterday" Rhino says, still with the grin on his face

"Wow, how'd you know?" I ask, knowing what the answer would be

"By your ass. You've got a really nice one" he answers

I smile trying to see it as a compliment. "Thanks, I'm Zoe"

"Terry" he replies

"Chris" Jericho says

We shake hands

"So why are you answering the door, when Jay and Adam should be?" Chris asks

"They're still asleep"

"So which one of those lucky bastards got to have you?" Terry asks

"That would be Adam"

"That lucky asshole" he says

I hear Jay yawn and I look back. "Looks like one of the sleepy heads is up" I say.

Jay gets up, grabs a gym bag and walks for the front door. "Let's go" he says and walks outside for the cars. He puts his bag in the trunk and looks back at the front door, at Chris and Terry.

"I'll go get Adam, as I guess you guys wanna get going ay" I say

"Yeah, thanks" Chris says

I turn around and hear them go "wow". I begin walking towards Adam's bedroom. "Stop looking at my ass" I yell out, followed by multiple disappointed groans.

Adam is still sound asleep. Part of me doesn't want to wake him, sleeping so soundly.

"Adam, sweetie,  you got to get up" I say softly and sit on the edge of the bed

"No, not yet, 5 more minutes" he says in the half asleep state

"Come on" I say softly and crawl towards him.

He rolls over, facing away from me.

I lay behind him and run my hand down his cheek, onto his arm. "Come on, you know I'm getting closer to it" I say softly. As I run my hand down his arm, my hand slowly gets closer and closer to his penis. I see him smile slightly and I then reach it. His smile gets bigger and it turns into his cheeky smile he does, which I now know very well. "Don't make me go down there"

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