Get Out

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Gate buzzes. It's 8am. The buzzing wakes me up.

"Fucking hell" I moan, rolling over and pressing the button to open the gate

"Nope, you are staying in bed" Adam demands, sleepily pulling me down

"Ok" I agree, revealing in his arms

Knock at the front door.

"Why is he here this early?" Adam groans

"How the hell do I know? I better go let him in though" I yawn and start to sit up again

He begins kissing my upper back to my neck. "You don't have to"

"He's at the door" I say starting to feel ticklish from his touch

"Fine, make sure you put something on though"

"Oh of course. But you know he doesn't see me that way, right?"

"Every guy that has met you has pictured you naked"

"Well then I might as well put him out of his misery" I joke standing up

"That's not what I meant"

"Don't worry, I'll put something on" I laugh with a roll my eyes and put on his shirt and a pair of underwear, hearing more knocks at the door

"Someone get the damn door!" Jay shouts from the guest room

I smile rolling my eyes. "Love you" I say to Adam, kissing him quickly then head downstairs, leaving Adam with a sheet covering his junk

"Joe, you realise the sun is just rising, right?" I answer the door

"Get dressed and ready" he greets

"What time is the gig?" I ask heading to the kitchen to put the kettle on, leaving the door open for him


"Plenty of time. Did you want one?"

"Coffee if you got it. We need to through the arrangement of Mean and go through the set"

"So we playing Mean?" I ask putting the coffee pot on, starting to feel stressed. Playing Mean was not part of my plan

"I think we could do it today" he nods, leaning on the counter having put his guitar down

"Why we on so early today?"

"I don't know. I'm a bit annoyed you didn't get my full message though"

"You can blame Jay for that"

"He said you were occupied with something else"

I laugh, pouring the hot drinks. "That I was"

"I'm surprised he's here"

"Because of what happened?"


"I'm trying to be better. Anyway, he's Adam's best friend"

"That shouldn't change it"

"I don't need one of your lectures this early on a Saturday morning, Joe. Thanks, but no thanks"

He sips the coffee. "You are going to get ready though right?"

"No, I'm going to perform wearing this. You're lucky I even put this on" I laugh with a sarcastic grin

"Please just go get dressed"

"Fine, I'll go upstairs and get dressed" I complain, defeated, making another cup of coffee to take up to Adam

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