The Transfer

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Lisa greets me that morning in the lobby with bagel and strong cuppa in hand. I am slightly late, but I've been working just to keep this place going for the past couple of days without my normal team. This is the first day the Tennessee office is back in action. "Good morning, Miss Barnes" Lisa smiles, handing me the goods. I've told her before I don't mind if she calls me by my first name, but she insists on the formal greeting.

"Good morning, Lisa" I reply, taking a bite out of the perfectly toasted bagel, spread with ripe avocado and pepper, "Damn this is good"

"They're in season now, thought it'll make a nice change" she explains with a shy shrug as we step into the elevator.

"Well, thank you" I smile as the elevator goes up and I hand her my things

We walk past Tiffany's empty desk, having called in sick that morning, and I take a quick glance. Only photos of her cats. None of any partner or family. A transfer could be easier than I thought. Our phones are ringing when we reach our desks. Lisa runs and answers hers, putting down my bag and coat on her desk to put away, while I set up my desk and computer for the day ahead, the computer finally and system finally working.

"Miss Barnes's office, Lisa speaking. Yes, she's just arrived. No, I don't know why, you can ask her that yourself once I put you through to her" Lisa rambles into the phone, to who I can only guess is Rebecca.

"I have Rebecca for you, Miss Barnes" she shouts out as my phone rings

"Rebecca, hi. How are you? How's Florida?" I answer, preparing for another lecture from her.

"Why are you late, again?" she shouts through the phone

"Burst my eardrums, much. There was a collision on Main. Also, we only just got this place going again late yesterday, which myself and the IT crew are the reason for, thank you very much. And the amount of times you were late in this role, Rebecca" I sigh, sipping on the mug of tea

"I need you to be on time, and to go on a business trip to the LA office. There's some meetings there that I am unable to attend"

"Are you sure that sending me to LA is the best business decision? I've just gotten out of rehab, and you are sending me back into the arms of the drug den, right?"

"You'll be fine"

"And why can't you go?"

"I'm still sorting stuff out here, training people. And I think someone will be leaving"


"Yes, it's just a feeling. I obviously hope they don't because finding people here is a nightmare" Rebecca groans, lighting a cigarette

"Well send me the details of the trip, and I'll let you know. Is it soon?"

"Yes, very soon"

"Cheers. Oh, I'm sending Tiffany to you" I mention quickly

"You can't just send someone to a different office"

"I can if I can convince them. And you just said you might have an opening" I smile, finishing my tea

"It's only a feeling, Zoe"

"Then I'll transfer her. I can't have her here much longer. As good of a worker she is, we clash too much. I'll fire her on a limb"

"And she'll sue"

"Which is why I need you to take her"

"I'll look into it" Rebecca smiles, taking a long drag of her cigarette

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