A New Day, A New Chapter

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It's the next day, the sun is up, I've been down for about 12 hours. I get up and close the curtains to get some more sleep.

3 hours later and my stomach rumbles. That means it's time to get up. I eat the breakfast that the room provides and get ready for the day, feeling like a tourist in the city I now live in.

7pm comes around and I'm watching a bit of Canadian television. Different to what I'm used to watching but still good.

I hear a knock on my hotel room door. Opening the door, I see Adam standing on the other side with a smile on his face.

"Hey" I say

"Hey" he replies

I smile and he looks at what I'm wearing. I'm wearing a long, greenish ruffled skirt and a black top.



He smiles more.

"I'll just grab my jacket"

"Sure" he says and waits

I grab my leather jacket and we get going.

He takes me to a restaurant and drives me back to the hotel. He comes up with me to my room. I begin to unlock my door.

"Hey, I had fun tonight" he says

"Me too" I turn and reply

"We should do it again, soon"

"Yeah, I'd like that"

He smiles which makes me smile. "I'll call you"

"Okay" I say and turn to open my door. My door opens and I begin to walk into my room.

"Hey, Zoe"


"You really do look beautiful tonight"

"Thanks" I say and smile.

I throw my jacket onto the bed. I look back at the door and Adam is just standing there, waiting. We both smile.

"Night" he says

"Night" I respond

He leans in for a kiss. We kiss and I find myself biting my lower lip. He just smiles a cheeky smile.

"See ya" he says

"Yeah, see ya" I say and close my door.

I slide down the door with a smile. As I sit on the floor against the door, I don't hear footsteps walking away. I just figure that he already went so I got up and started to get undressed. I look back at the door and see something different about the keyhole. I walk towards the door in my bra & skirt and lean down to the keyhole. Adam's looking in from the other side. I walk back and grab my jacket, hanging it over the door handle.

"Bye Adam"

"Fine, see ya soon"

I sit on the bed with the television on, flickering through the channels to find something good to watch. Unable to sleep. Maybe I'm homesick. No, I know that feeling, this is different.

My mobile's screen lights up and it's a message. It can only be one person, it makes me smile.

"Hey, you asleep yet? I can't sleep so I was wondering if you were still up. Adam"

I smile greatly. "Hey, nah not yet. I can't sleep either. I'm tired, just not sleepy if that makes sense. Zoe" I reply and send

A few minutes later I get a reply from him. "Don't worry, it makes sense to me. I've had that feeling before"

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