Dumping The Devil

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The alarm goes off and I realize I'm in my bed.

"How the fuck did that happen?" I ask myself, seeing that the clothes I'm wearing are also my pyjamas. This is up there with the weirdest endings to a blackout yet.

"Ow, fuck" Adam screams, landing squarely on his shoulder when coming off the top rope, whilst training.

"You ok man?" Shane, one of the other wrestlers, asks

"Yeah fine, just give me a moment" he replies, holding his shoulder which has clearly come out it's socket

"Jim, can you come over for a moment, Adam's injured"

Jim, the medic, rushes over and examines the shoulder. "Adam, we need to pop it back in, then we'll tape you up"

There was five psychiatrists in the phone book. Most of the receptionists for them were rude, and said they simply weren't taking on new clients at the moment, especially without a doctor's referral. Doctor Weasley is my last hope.

"Doctor Weasley's rooms" the receptionist says

"Yes, hi, I need an appointment"

"Doctor Weasley isn't taking appointments at the moment, not until after the holidays"

"Please, this is my last hope. Everywhere else has turned me down, I need this. Please"

"Let me see what I can do" she says and I hear hold music. "Thanks for holding, Doctor Weasley will see you today at 3pm"

"That is perfect, thank you" I smile and give my details for the appointment

'Hey, just letting you know Adam injured his shoulder doing a flying shoulder today. J'

I attempt to call Adam. "Come on, pick up" I say to myself, hearing the ringing tone. Then his voicemail message. "Hey, it's me, call me back" I say before hanging up and swearing to myself.

I ask Lisa to cancel anything I had around 3pm that day, and reschedule them to another day or different time.

2:30pm comes around and I head out towards Dr Weasley's rooms which is on the other side of town. It's located inside a little cottage-like building, which is supposed to make it feel cosy.

"Hi, I'm here for a 3pm appointment" I advise the receptionist

"No problem, just take a seat, Doctor Weasley is just finishing up with a patient at the moment"

The waiting room looks like it should from the outside. Plush sofas with frilly cushions. A few small tables with magazines, dated a couple years ago on them. Maybe this was a mistake.

3:01pm the receptionist pokes her head around the corner. "Doctor Weasley will see you now"

It was the first door on the left. Doctor F. Weasley. She was a short lady, with greying curled hair, that would remind you of a grandma.

"Zoe, I take it" she says, standing and motioning to the chair opposite herself for me to sit.

"Yes ma'am, and I hope not to take up too much of your time. I really just need to chat to someone"

"Well you have an hour of my time today, should you need it"

The chairs look like you could sink into them, then into a deep sleep. Hers was large and brown, made of leather, the one meant for me was long and black, also made of leather, but looking worn. Oh they look comfy. I sit.

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