Can I Come In?

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Friday is here. I've just woken up and made a large cup of tea when there's a bang at the door. Luckily Kim is a deep sleeper. Mug in my hand, I open the door, knowing full well I look like shit.

"Oh thank god it's the right one" a sweaty blonde man says before locking our lips with such force that I drop my mug of hot tea

"Jesus fuck. Adam!" I exclaim, trying to ignore the steaming hot tea I'm standing in, as I see the man in front of me

The lust in his eyes unmistakable, along with the tightness on his jeans. He kisses me again, pulling me closer by clutching my ass cheeks. His tongue slips between my lips, erection making itself known against my stomach. He moans slightly before picking me up, crotch to crotch, my legs wrapped tightly around his hips. It awakens the muscles I had forgotten I had, making me moan, ache for more. It's been too long since I've been touched, let alone kissed like this.

"Can I come in?" Adam asks, his dilated hazel eyes staring into mine

"Yes" I answer, head spinning. I'm not sure if he meant come in my apartment or come in me.

He smiles, laughing slightly, showing his perfect teeth. "I did mean the apartment" he clarifies although by looking in his eyes and feeling him against my pelvis, I know he wants both. Hell, I want both.

"So did I" I reply, sighing slightly, trying to catch my breath still.

Stepping over the broken china and tea, he strides us over towards the sofa, propping me up on the back. His large shoulders making me feel smaller than ever as he stares down at me with hunger. A feeling that will become our dynamic, the strength and control his hunger has over me.

"I wasn't expecting you until the weekend" I say with a deep sigh, lightly touching his face. He is here.

"Early flight. Needed to see you as soon as I could" he whispers, swallowing a lump in his throat as his jaw twitches

Smiling up at him, I bring his lips to mine again.

"Oh but your neighbours hate me. Every door looks the same in this complex" he laughs, quickly taking our lips apart

"They hate me anyway" I laugh with him, raking back his blonde hair, "you do owe me a new mug"

"I'll buy you a bigger mug"

I'm not sure if I had ever been more turned on than in that moment. "Promise?" I ask, a handful of his tshirt in my grasp

"If I could, I'd buy you all the mugs in the world"

Toppling over onto the sofa below, we kiss, trading saliva, our fingers tangled in each other's hair.

"I need you" Adam groans, his hands moving up my sleep shirt, his thumb flickering against the hard nipple

"I need to get ready for work" I reply, pushing his leather jacket off

"Then let's get you ready" he says with his devilish grin.

The light is just starting to come through the windows and is bouncing off his blonde hair, his face shadowed, teeth from the grin shining. Oh this man will take me to heaven, hell and back. And I will let him. All he needs to do is show me that grin and give me that tongue. Then I am his to take wherever.

Rolling out from underneath Adam, I rush towards the bathroom with him in pursuit.

The room is quickly filled with steam, our clothes in piles on the tiled floor. I haven't been naked intentionally in front of someone in a long time, the feeling is exposing, I feel like skin and bone, especially compared to what I used to be. Ribs and hip bones are still there for the world to be seen, the sight like a thin piece of fabric has been tightly pulled over the torso of a skeleton. I'm not me yet. Adam takes a moment to stare, scanning my body up and down.

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